The Spring

Shit this tunnel is so old that it's falling apart on itself. Dammit why couldn't that old man come with me he should've left all the fighting and strategic planning to his generals that's what they are there for. He said that i had to come up about halfway into the tunnel because the rest was destroyed. That old man better come back alive I already lost my mother i can't lose him to.

(Mathias continues to travel down the tunnel for a quarter mile until he spots moonlight shining into the tunnel)

Finally the damn exit I was growing tired of being in here. Shit i wouldn't even have to take this route if could turn into a dragon but then again the entire point of taking this route was so i wouldn't get spotted by the enemy. Let my poke my head out a little too see if there is anybody around. The coast is clear do i still have the ring and grimoire? Yup i still do. Now that i'm looking at it more closely the ring seems to have the body of our ancestry dragon on it. I remember my father telling me stories about them how they can change an entire landscape including the weather conditions there just by unleashing one attack every race feared us and hailed us as gods. Look at us now though even humans dare to go against us. I've never seen a grimoire like this before either i can't even open it. It has no type of patterns on it or anything, just stitching on it and it has black dragon scales being used as the cover but that isn't anything out of ordinary it's common for dragons to use their old skin as material for when they shed out of it. Nothing else was out of the ordinary i don't understand why these two things holds so much value to that old man.

(BOOM!!! a loud explosion was heard in the distance rumbling the tunnel cracking the ceiling)

Fuck! what was that I need to get out of this tunnel before it really falls apart on me.

(Mathias jump to the ledge pulling himself up he checks his surroundings once again and then sprint straight towards the spring.)

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Hey Derek how much longer are we going to be here.

I don't know

Can i at least get in the spring


why not

Because our king has given us the very important task of guarding the outside perimeter keeping anybody from escaping.

I heard most Dragnars are very prideful why would they try to escape when somebody is attacking their kingdom or home.

Even if they are prideful creatures they still have women & children that they need to protect

Do you really think that they will come here and if they do would you mind letting me have some alone time with one of the woman if you get what i mean(he said with a lustful smirk)

You disgust me dick for brains

I didn't hear you say no though


please come on i'll let you have some fun with one of them come on support me Alex.

Fuck off, don't involve me in your petty squabble i'm just hear for the money.

oh yea i forgot your mercenary

Is that a problem with you kid

No and the name isn't kid it's justin

Okay kid

(Justin grumbles slightly before saying) Hey is it true that mercenaries will do anything if the pay is right?

Yes, but most do live by a code

Oh what kind

I don't know it depends on the person but i do know if a lot of mercenaries have the same code they will create a guild.

Are you in guild?


Why not?

Not much of a team player

But your on a team with us

Again i'm here for the pay and my client wanted me on your squad.

Speaking of squads where is our fourth person (justin)

She went on a bathroom break

Oh how do you know do you fancy her Derek

No she announced it before she left idiot


I'm back

Oh hey we was just talking about you

I know i heard you two talking

"Sniff sniff" get down the enemy's here(said the mercenary but he turned around to all 3 of his teammates on the floor with white foam appearing from their mouths)

I'm surprise you was able to detect my poison (said Mathias who was in the shadows)

I have a very strong nose

I can tell but it's already to late for you my poison has already enter your system (he said to the man already collapsed on the floor with white foam in his mouth)

(Mathias walks past the 4 bodies to the front of the spring pulling out the scroll his father gave him. Mathias takes the seal of the scroll and unrolls it and read the words on it with a deep powerful voice)

Take me in, whirl me in, bring me anywhere within the nine dimension of my universe, may my soul and body be with me for my journey into another world and may my age stay the same their and appearances be similar to that of the inhabitants of that world (as mathias was reciting the words he felt all the mana within him and all around him go into the spring after he said the last word it stopped and nothing happened he didn't even feel the tiniest of wind going against him and he didn't hear anything not even the noise of crickets in the distance it was as if time itself stopped to admire what he did then out of nowhere a bright bluish green color appeared from the spring creating a powerful vortex within the spring pulling in Mathias)

(Mathias was pulled into the vortex he couldn't tell down from up or left to right but then he saw countless sparkling galaxies in the distance. Mathias had no words for what he was seeing the scenery almost moved him to tears because of how beautiful it was. what was barely 5 seconds was 5 million years to him Then bright light shined in front of him over taking his entire body and mind)