ugh I feel like shit i can't wait till i get home(said a young man in a black trench coat carrying a long rectangular case. He was in his early twenties with a light brown skin complexion, his looks were above average and he was at least 182cm tall)
Hey Lucas
(Said an old man with a dark skin complexion in a wheelchair)
Hi Mr. Fred
Did you have a job today?
how was it?
You know if i told you i have to kill you
(The old man sat their laughing at his table in front of a bar and said) I'm already dying you just be doing me a favor.
Don't say that Mr. Fred you still have a couple of years ahead of you
(The old man laughed again but even louder and harder) Years?? Kid i barely have a couple months ahead of me. look at me kid i'm all skin and bones I can't even walk anymore for christ sakes old age was not kind to me at all.
How about this then Mr. Fred on your death bed i'll tell you every job I ever did.
It's a deal then sunny
Alright then Goodnight Mr. Fred see you tomorrow.
Goodnight sunny stay safe
I'll try Mr. Fred(Lucas said while walking off into the night)
(Lucas walks a couple more blocks before stopping in front of a house. The house wasn't bad and it even had a small backyard. Lucas pulls out his keys from his pockets and opens the door.)
Home sweet home(he says while entering his house)
(The inside of the house is empty it only has the bare necessities enough for a single person. there was no family photos on the wall or anything like that. There were two rooms one lead to the bathroom while the other lead to the bedroom. The living room was connected to the kitchen)
(Lucas closed his door and entered his bedroom. There was nothing inside the bedroom except a bed and a nightstand next to his bed; the nightstand had a picture of a young boy and girl on it. There was a closet and another door inside the bedroom that lead to the bathroom. He went towards his bed and put his arm underneath it and pulled a lever and then lifted his bed and flipped it upside. There were rows of guns and ammo clipped to the bottom of his bed. He picked up his suitcase and placed it on top of his bed and open the suitcase. In the suitcase was a high powered rifle with a silencer on it and a advanced thermal scope. He took the rifle out of his suitcase and disassembled it and cleaned every individual piece before putting it back together and clipping it on to his bed. He then placed his bed back to how it was and walked over to his closet and open the door, he took off his coat and hanged it on the rack then reached behind his lower back and pulled out two combat knifes and hanged them on his closet door.)
(He takes off the rest of his clothes and head inside his bathroom to take a shower. He washed all the dirt and gunk of his body and in his hair. As he closes his eyes he can see all his victims and their blood all over his hands. That's all he sees know every time he closes his eyes. Lucas turns off the shower put on a pair of boxers and shorts then collapse on his bed falling asleep)
"LUCAS!! Hide in this chest, hurry before they get here" (said a beautiful young woman in her teens with a chestnut skin complexion)
No! I won't leave you.(said a very young Lucas)
(They seem to be inside a bedroom that belonged to a child.)
"Don't worry, your big sis will be right behind you; Now go, I love you bobble head" (She said while hugging him with tears running down her face and a comforting smile)
(Lucas climbed inside the chest and hid in it. He looked through the keyhole but can only see a certain amount of space)
"Stay here, once i district the guards make a b-line to the exit run as far as possible from this place as fast as you can and don't look back no matter what"
(She walks out of the room into the hallway leaving the door open for her little brother)
"Hey you psychopaths I'm over here!!!"
"There She is" (Soldier 1)
"Wait you idiot it's most likely a trap" (Soldier 2)
"We have assault rifles what does she have a knife? last time I checked guns were more powerful than a fucking knife and our boss told us to corner her if we was to find her because he wants to deal with her himself, Okay genius. (soldier 1)
"I was just being careful asshole" (soldier 2)
"Okay then call it in and come on" (soldier 1)
"Boss can you hear me?" (soldier 2)
"What is it, you better not be wasting my time" (boss)
"U-umm" (soldier 2)
"SPEAK before I rip out your tongue" (boss)
"we spotted the girl you are looking for sir she was on the first floor of the east wing heading to the gymnasium" (soldier 2)
"Good, corner her but don't touch her, i'm on my way that bitch is mine" (boss)
"Okay got it sir" (soldier 2)
"Alright then we have our orders let's go" (solider 1)
(Not long after the 2 soldiers went to go chase the young woman a man carrying 2 gold dual pistols with dragon tattoos on both his arms wearing a black and gold vest and a trench coat on his shoulders walked into the building)
(For a moment He walked into the same room that Lucas was hiding in and looked around the room. Lucas was able to see the towering and imposing figure from keyhole)
"Boss!! she's over here we have her" (soldier 1)
"Okay, I'm coming just wait" (boss)
(Before the imposing figure left the room he glanced over it one more time and then finally walked away to where his soldiers called him to)
(After the man left Lucas waited a few minutes before hopping out and making a dash straight towards the exit but before he could reach the door he heard 2 gunshots ring throughout the complex)
(Lucas jumped up and out of his bed fully awake drenched in sweat with his heart beating at a fast pace)
(He picks up the picture on his nightstand ) Don't worry sis I'll avenge you soon. I'll make sure that bastard pays for what he did to you.