(Yawns) I'm still tired and that dream last night didn't help either. What is it, the third time this week I had this dream.
(Lucas got up from his bed and walked to his closet he put on his navy blue jeans and a white T-shirt, he also grabbed and put on his gray hoodie. He then walked back to his bed lifted up and flip his bed again and combed over all his weapons. He picked up a automatic pistol and holster it underneath his clothes. Then he bent down rolled up his left pants leg and put an extra ammo clip into his left sock he did the same for his right leg but put a combat knife into his sock he then rolled down both pants legs and fixed his bed back to how it was)
(When Lucas stepped outside he put a mask on. It wasn't to hide his identity or anything like that it was because of how polluted the air was in his district. Lucas lived in the thirteen district which is also known as the worst district. Murders, kidnappers, rapist or even people who can't afford to live in the other districts live here. It wasn't uncommon for people to come here to do some dirty work or hire people from here to do it for them. The higher the district number the better and richer the district is and of course the more expensive it is to live there or buy stuff from there. Lucas isn't poor though actually far from it he has enough money to buy the first and second district with money to spare; it's just that lucas doesn't like living those rich and fancy lifestyles and he has seen and killed many people who live those type of lives)
"Good morning Lucas(said a elderly woman who lived across the street)
Good morning Miss Chester, how are you doing?
"Oh i'm doing just fine, thank you for asking darling"
No problem
"Where are you going sweetie"
Oh i'm going to the church first to make a donation and then to the agency to see if they have anything for me.
"Oh okay sweetie, but one word from one player to another get out while you are still ahead especially since you are so young"
I wish i can Miss Chester but i still have a goal that i need to complete.
"Is your goal that important to you that you are willing to risk your life just to achieve it?"
I won't be able to live with myself or much less call myself a man if I don't complete it and if i die completing my goal that's fine.
"If you say so sweetie, i'll be praying for you then"
Thank you for worrying about me Miss Chester.
"No problem sweetie"
alright then i'll be going Miss Chester
(Lucas walks away and heads down the street on the way to the church he makes multiple stops and have conversations with people. Lucas is very well known in the community and a lot of people like him and he isn't a very religious person either he just make donations to the church for the orphanage that he grew up in with his older sister. A few minutes later he arrives in front of a church)
(Knock, knock)
"Umm yes, who is it" (said a loud but frail voice coming from behind the door)
It's me Sister Lynn
"Oh hi Lucas have you come to make another donation" (she says while opening the door for him. She had a milky white skin complexion, her once bright yellow hair is almost completely gray now and she looked to be in her early 80's)
Yes I have
"Oh that's just great Mr. Pierce, your generous donations really help these kids. Just last week we was able to buy them a play set and brand new clothes for each of them."
Is something wrong Sister
(Lucas was able to see a hint of fear in her eyes and her hands were shaken a little.)
"w-well recently this gang moved in a couple blocks down from the old brewery building and they have been harassing me and the kids for a couple weeks now and they said that if we don't bring them 1,000 dollars for each person that lives here they will take the kids and sell them as slaves and burn down this church."(she said when she collapsed to ground and started crying uncontrollably)
(Lucas kneel down and rubbed her on the back)
Why didn't you tell me this sooner?
"Because I didn't want to concern you i tired calling the police but they didn't do anything about" (she said while trying to wipe away her tears but it's not working well since she is still crying)
(The cops are most likely on their payroll that's probably why lucas thought to himself)
Do you have their address?
"yes it's right here"(she pulled out a small piece of paper from her pocket and gave it to lucas)
"what are you going to do with it?"
Don't worry i'll just go over there and make sure they don't ever bother any of you again
"Thank you so much Mr. Pierce"
Oh and here (lucas pulls out a checkbook from his pocket wrote something on it and gave it to Sister Lynn and walked away)
(Sister Lynn looked at the piece of paper with shock and disbelief and then she started to cry again but this time tears of joy. He donated 5 million dollars to the church. More than he or anybody else for that matter has ever donated to the church before.)
(Lucas arrived in front of small green house)
(knock, knock)
"Who the fuck is it"(Grunt 1)
(knock, knock)
"If you keep knocking i'm going to rip that goddamn arm off okay""(Grunt 1)
"Dude just get it, there are still 3 more turns before yours" (Grunt 2)
"Fine, this better be worth breaking my concentration" (Grunt 1)
"Shut up you was losing anyway" (Grunt 2)
"I can still comeback" (Grunt 1)
"In your dreams now get the door" (Grunt 2)