Trouble Pt 1

Thud!!(As soon as the thug opens the door Lucas stabs him in his temple with his combat knife then pulls the knife out and turns him around and use him as a human shield. He shot the other 3 grunts in the head and left the fourth one alive. In under 10 seconds he managed to kill 4 people)

"Please don't kill me"(He says while dropping to the floor in a pleading manner)

I have questions for you(He says in a cold tone that can send shivers down anybody's spine)

"Yes Yes anything please as long as you don't kill me I can get you anything you want booze, drugs, girls anything you need"

Good so we don't have a problem than

"No sir"

Alright then answer these in the order i give them to you and don't lie to me either because if you do I will slowly break your fingers and toes then cut them off and feed them to you and i will know if you are lying. 1st question is there anybody else here? 2nd question what is this place and what do you use it for? and for the 3rd and final question who and where is your boss?

"No there isn't, it was just us and this place is one of the places where we hold our guns and drugs. My Boss's name is gouger."

Are you fucking with me right now, what kinda name is gouger

"I don't know his real name but I do know he got that name from gouging out his enemies eyeballs with his barehands and I don't know his location either"

What do you know then?

"I know that there are 4 other locations including our own which makes 5 and I do know the addresses to all of them and you may be able to find out where the boss is at the 2nd location"

What location is this?

"This is the 5th location. Here i can draw you a map of all the locations"

I don't need all of that just give me the location to the 2nd house

"Yes sir"

Hey if you had to estimate how much money do you think this all is the ammo, guns, and drugs?

"Umm if i had to estimate I guess it would be around 1.2 million"

and the other places?

"Roughly the same amount"

Actually now that i'm thinking about it give me the locations of the other places to.

"Yes sir here are all the locations"

Oh and one more thing are there any explosives in your armory?

[Later that day in the afternoon]

(Lucas is at the 2nd location he already scouted the area. The 2nd location was far different from the first instead of it being a small house it was a warehouse that took up half a block.)

Okay so there are 2 armed hostile's at the front door and 8 more inside the building. I see 3 entrances I can go through. The 1st entrance is through the door obviously the 2nd is through the window and the third is through the vents. I don't know who knows there boss location so I can't go in and just kill everybody and leave one person alive like I did last time. That type of plan is ineffective for this situation but what i can do is throw enough sleeping gas into the air vents to knock them out and after there all sleep I can easily tie them up and torture them for the information I want.)

(Lucas climbed to the top of the warehouse and threw the sleeping gas into the vents, a few minutes later you can hear people falling down on to the floor inside the warehouse. The guards in the front went inside the warehouse to go checkout the noises but they fell asleep as soon as they entered the warehouse.)

Alright now let's do this

(Lucas put on a gas mask then repealed down the side of the warehouse. He entered the warehouse to find everybody asleep on the ground he can even tell that some of them were having nice dreams because they had stupid looking grins on their faces. Before tying them up he decided to look around the warehouse and see what they have)

*Phwwwwwhht* They have way more stuff here than the other place, they are even more organized with their drugs and weapons giving them special categories and shit. If you think about it it's actually kinda impressive especially for some third rate thugs. Well let's get to work these thugs aren't going to tie themselves up sadly.

(Lucas tied down all the thugs to chairs and put them in a row in front of him by the time he was finished it was pitch black outside)

Alright now who should i interrogate first

"ugh what happened, I feel like i just had the worst hangover ever"

Oh perfect you made the difficult chose for me

"Who are you why are we tied up" (he said while trying to analyze the situation and check on the safety of his comrades)

Oh no reason in particular i just want to know the location of your boss anything less and i'll break your fingers one by one

"Hahahaha you fucked up kid your messing with the wrong group" (Thug 1)

Now that i think about it i never asked what your band of thugs are called

"hahaha then you going to shit your pants when you hear it we are the Five Cloves" (Thug 1)

Are y'all a band?

"NO!!, we aren't a band"(he said while moving his chair and causing a lot of noise waking up the other thugs)

Really y'all name make it sound like you guys are punk rock or heavy metal band.

"Hey what happened!!" (Thug 2)

"Why are we tied up!!" (Thug 3)

"Who the fuck are you did you do this" (Thug 4)

Are you guys done asking these pointless questions?

What do you want??(said a man who looked the most mature and had a few grey hairs in his beard, he was tall and his body was ripped with muscles. Lucas looks like a flea compared to him)

Oh that's a good question what's your name?

"They call me hammer"

Why do they call you that?

"hey are you just ignoring us" (Thug 5, said while his veins were popping out of his neck and face)

"They call me that because my punches are equal to that of getting hit with a sledge hammer"

Oh so you just aren't that big for show.

"Now that you answered my question I would like you to answer mine" (Hammer)

Oh right the reason i have you all here is because i want to see your big bad boss.

"Oh is that so, for what reason do you have business with him" (hammer)

That's on a need to know bases.

"I see then i'll tell you where he is" (hammer)

"Hammer you bastard" (Thug 6)

"How can you sellout the boss like that" (Thug 7)

"You fucking traitor" (Thug 1)

"you idiots look at the table he is sitting on"(hammer)

"There's just some hardware tools spread out on it what's the big deal" (Thug 8)

"You idiots do i have to spell it out for you he was planning on torturing us if we didn't give him what he wanted"

"How you know he wasn't just bluffing" (Thug 9)

Oh no I was fully intending to torture I'm actually kinda disappointed he cooperated with me. You see i was planning on breaking your fingers with this hammer and then slowly cut them of with this hacksaw you see here and probably some more gruesome stuff after. Your friend here actually saved you from a fate far worse than death.

"You fucking psychopath" (Thug 3)

Give me the address and i'll be on my way.


(Hammer tells Lucas the location their boss)

Alright thank you for your services.

"So you letting us go now" (Thug 5)

Who said that?

"Wait i thought that if we tell you the location you let us go"

Oh no the plan was to kill you guys the only deference was that you was suppose to die from me torturing you but now you all get quick deaths.

"You sick fuck"

(Lucas then pressies to pull out his gun and shoot them all in the head except hammer"

"If i may ask why are you letting me live"

Simply really the world needs more smart people like you and i'm not freeing you from those ropes you going to have to do that yourself.

"Oh I see and I've figured that much"

Alright then adios and if we meet on the opposing sides again i won't be as nice as I am now

"That's fine i was planning on retiring anyway i'm getting to old for this shit"

Oh and one more thing before I go by any chance do you know your boss's real name?

"No i don't"

I see farewell then.