chapter 1

*It's another beautiful day in Royal Woods.*

*Or, it would have been for Lincoln Loud if things didn't go so wrong.*

*It's been 2 weeks since the Loud's trip to the beach. Lincoln though the bad luck lie he made would be all over when he went to Lynn's game, but he was SO wrong when his family made him keep the suit on for good luck.*

*In fact, Lincoln had to sleep outside cause they still though he was bad luck. He was cold, tired, and weak.*

Lincoln: Man... *sniffles* This stinks...

Ronnie Anne: *sees Lincoln looking upset in the backyard, goes up to him, concerned* Lame-O? What's wrong? Why are you outside?

Lincoln: Oh, hey, Ronnie Anne... *sniffles* My family kicked me out, all because I faked being bad luck.

Ronnie Anne: WHAT?! How long were you out here?!

Lincoln: 2 weeks now...


Lincoln: *nods*

Ronnie Anne: *feels Lincoln's forehead* Jeez, your forehead feels warm. I think you got a fever.

Lincoln: *moans* I think that's why my head feels so hot...

That's it, I'm taking you back to my house. You're in no condition to be staying out here any longer.

Lincoln: O-Okay.

*At the Santiago Household.*

*Ronnie Anne walks into the house with a sick Lincoln. Bobby notices them.*

Bobby: Hey, Nini. Hey, bro. *sees Lincoln's condition, concerned* Whoa, Lincoln, what happened to you?

Ronnie Anne: That so called "family" of his kicked him out of the house because he faked he was bad luck.

Bobby: *shocked* What?! How long has this been going on for?!

Lincoln: T-Two weeks...

Bobby: *now lividly shocked* WHAT?!!?

Lincoln: I only faked being bad luck to get some time to myself. In a family like mine, I hardly ever get that. But after being banned from activities with them, I realized it's not as fun as I thought. *sniffles*

*Ronnie Anne and Bobby felt really bad for Lincoln. Maria would've thought the same, but she was at the Casagrande's for the week.*

Bobby: Hang on. *grabs a blanket and puts it around Lincoln* Here, sit down, bro.

Lincoln: *sits on the couch*

Ronnie Anne: *grabs thermometer and checks Lincoln's temperature* Your temperature is 102.5 degrees!

Lincoln: This is what I get *sniffles* for faking bad luck.

Ronnie Anne: *angry* No, Lincoln! You didn't deserve this! Even though you lied like that, this is still an unacceptable punishment!

Lincoln: I wish... *sniffles again*

*Meanwhile, at the Loud House.*

*The family was off doing their own things.*

*Lori's phone soon goes off.*

Lori: *giggles* Ooh! Must be Bobby!

*She pulls out her phone and checks her messages. But once she sees the text, she gasps in shock.*

Lori: *shocked* WHAT?!!?

Leni: *walks over to Lori* What's wrong, Lori?

Lori: *beginning to cry* Look! *shows Leni a text from Bobby, which says: Lori, we are through!*

Leni: *shocked* Bobby broke up with you?!

Lori: *crying* YES!

*The other sisters gather over to Lori and Leni.*

Lola: What's going on here?

Leni: Bobby broke up with Lori.

Sisters: *shocked* HUH?!

Lori: *text Bobby, saying WHY?!!? WHY ARE YOU BREAKING UP WITH ME?!!?*

*Her phone goes off, with another text from Bobby that reads: Ronnie Anne found Lincoln outside of your house, and he told us everything. The kid had a fever of 102.5 degrees, from being locked outside of the house for TWO WEEKS STRAIGHT!!! That is unacceptable! Goodbye, you pathetic excuse of a big sister, Lori Loud!*

Leni: *concerned* So, where's Linky?

Luna: *concerned* I don't know...

*Lori's phone goes off again, with a new text from Bobby reading: Lincoln said he's staying with me and Ronnie until you all are done believing he's bad luck, so if you want him back, you better realize your mistake, especially Lynn. Also, if you're only gonna try and make him forgive you so we can get back together, that won't work. You have to actually be sorry for what you did to him, Lori. Because right now, he says he has no sisters or parents. Also, Lincoln wanted me to tell you the truth. He lied about being bad luck to get time to himself, but after being banned from the movies, he realized it was very boring. So, if you think all of this is his fault, it's not.*

*The girls all see the text and started getting teary-eyed for what they did to Lincoln.*

Lori: *crying* It's is our fault! Why did we kick Lincoln out of the house like that?!

Lana: *teary-eyed* We're monsters!

Lily: *crying* Winky!

*The girls, except Lynn, cry about their brother that now hates them.*

Leni: *sniffles* We gotta go find Linky!

Luna: *sniffles* Y-Yeah! I don't want to be a bad sister!

Lynn: *scoffs* Oh, puh-lease! We're better off without hi-.

Lori: *slaps Lynn across the face* Shut up, Lynn!

Lynn: OW! *glares at Lori* What the heck was that for?!

Lori: *angry* This whole thing is your fault!

Lynn: *growls* Is not! He's the one that lied about being bad luck!

Lola: *angry* Only cause you called him bad luck first!

Lily: *raspberries at Lynn* Poo-Poo, Wynn!


Luan: *sighs* Guys, let's stop fighting and find him, alright?

Sisters, sans Lynn: *nod* Agreed!

Lynn: *scoffs* Go without me.

Leni: *angry* Rude, Lynn.

Lori: *angry* Fine, we will. Let's go, guys.

*The sisters all leave the house while glaring at Lynn, but not before telling their parents what happened, to which horrified them a LOT.*

*Meanwhile, at the Santiago Household.*

Ronnie Anne: *brings Lincoln a bowl of soup* Here, Lincoln. I made this for you.

Lincoln: *takes the soup* Thanks, Ronnie. *tries the soup, then smiles* Wow, this is good! You made this yourself?

Ronnie Anne: Sure did.

Lincoln: *smiles* You're a good cook.

Ronnie Anne: *blushes* Th-Thanks. *takes a wet rag and places it on Lincoln's head* That'll help with your fever.

Lincoln: *smiles once more* Thanks.

*Meanwhile, the sisters, sans Lynn, are going around Royal Woods looking for Lincoln.*

Lori: *worried* Oh, where's Lincoln?! We've literally looked everywhere for him!

Luna: *calls out* Bro! Where are you?!

Luan: *sniffles as she calls out* Come on, Linc! This isn't funny!

Lana: *trying not to cry* Aw man! We've done it, big time!

Lola: *trying not to cry* Lincoln must really hate us now! He may never want to come home again because of us!

Lucy: *hisses a bit* Don't say that. We'll find a way for him to want to come home.

Leni: But how?! How could he forgive us for this?!

Luna: *very sad* Yeah... Out of all things we did, this is the worst thing we ever did to him...

Lily: *whimpers* Winky...

*At the Santiago's House.*

*Lincoln is on the phone with Clyde.*

Clyde: *on the phone, shocked* For two weeks?!!? Are you serious?!!?

Lincoln: *sighs* Yep.

Clyde: *on the phone* Why did you come to m- *realizes* Oh, right. I was out of town. Forget I almost asked that.

Lincoln: *nods* Done.

Clyde: *on the phone, shocked* I can't believe they did this to you!

Lincoln: I can't either. I don't call them my family anymore.

Clyde: *on the phone* So, where are you staying now?

Lincoln: Ronnie Anne's House.

Clyde: *on the phone, surprised* Ronnie Anne's?!!?

Lincoln: Clyde, there's a soft side in her. She was the one that brought me here.

Clyde: *on the phone, surprised* Really? That's nice of her.

Lincoln: *smiles* Yeah, I'm just glad she found me.

Clyde: I gotta go, buddy. My dads need me. Bye, Lincoln.

Lincoln: See ya, Clyde.

*Lincoln hangs up, and sees Ronnie Anne looking upset at the table.*

Lincoln: *concerned* Something wrong, Ronnie Anne?

Ronnie Anne: *sighs* Lincoln, I've been thinking.

Lincoln: *sits next to her* About what?

Ronnie Anne: *upset* About how I've been treating you. All the times I've been mean to you, those pranks I've pulled on you, and overall just being an absolute jerk. Now that your sisters did this to you, it made me realize how wrong all of that was. *beginning to cry* I'm sorry.

Lincoln: *puts his hand on her shoulder* It's okay, Ronnie Anne. I pretty much got used to it.

Ronnie Anne: *still crying* That still doesn't change how guilty I feel!

Lincoln: *hugs Ronnie Anne* Ronnie, it's okay. I forgive you.

Ronnie Anne: *sniffles and hugs Lincoln* Thank you.

*Lincoln and Ronnie Anne then heard the sisters outside.*

Lori: *extremely upset* Lincoln! Where are you?! Please come home!

Lincoln: *worried* Aw, no!

Ronnie Anne: *whispers* Hide in my room.

Lincoln: *nods quickly* Okay. *runs into Ronnie Anne's room and hides*

*The sisters are still looking for Lincoln, but they were losing hope.*

Luan: *sniffles* Are we ever gonna find him?!

Luna: *worried* Yes, we will. But maybe not today.

Leni: *crying* L-L-Linky...

*The other sisters begin crying.*

Ronnie Anne: *watches from the window* They should feel guilty.

Bobby: *watches from the window* They look REALLY guilty. They really want to earn Lincoln's trust back.

Ronnie Anne: *angry* How can we be sure that they'll just kick him out again?! If you did this to me, I would never trust you again!

Bobby: Hmm, I guess that makes sense. I can understand why Lincoln doesn't trust them anymore.

Ronnie Anne: Can you blame him?

Bobby: *shakes his head* Nope.

Ronnie Anne: Yeah, me neither.

*Meanwhile, back at The Loud House.*

*The sisters returns back to house with sad hearts, and without Lincoln in tow. After giving the news to their parents, Rita and Lynn Sr. were in heavy tears.*

Rita: *crying* How could we have let this happen?! We believe in one superstition and we lose our only son!

Lynn Sr.: *crying* I can't believe we thought that Lincoln was bad luck! Why did Jr. make us believe her superstition?!

Lynn: *angry* Because he IS bad luck! It's his fault that I lost that game!

*The family glares at Lynn furiously.*

Lori: *angry* No! It's YOUR fault!

Lana: *angry* Yeah, you're the reason we lost our only brother!

Luna: *angry* You selfish brat!

Lola: *angry* Not even I am that bratty!

Lynn: *growls* Oh, so you know you're a brat?!

Lola: *angry* Yeah, just not to YOUR level!

Lynn: *furious* Oh, you're gonna get it! *tries to attack Lola*

Luna: *hits Lynn in the head with a guitar*

Lynn: OW! *glares at Luna* WHAT THE HECK?!?

Lynn Sr.: *glares at Lynn* Junior, you are grounded for 2 months with no sports!

Lynn: *shocked* WHAT?!!? *gets furious* That's so not fair! What about Mick Swagger sucker over here?!

Lynn Sr.: *firmly* She's off the hook! She had the right to whack you with her guitar!

Lori: You literally tried to attack Lola! Luna was protecting her!

Rita: Go to your room, Jr., right this minute! And If I hear another peep or argument from you, I'll extend your grounding for 2 YEARS!!!

Lynn: *beyond furious* FINE! JUST DON'T BRING THAT JINX BACK INTO THIS HOUSE! *storms upstairs*

Luna: *sighs* You okay, Lols?

Lola: Feeling guilty, but other than that, I'm fine.

Lori: *sighs* All of us feel guilty...

Rita: First, we'll find him.

Lynn Sr.: We also need to get his furniture.

Luna: *shocked* Wait, you sold his furniture?!

Lynn Sr.: Y-Yes.

Lori: *angry* That is LITERALLY TOO FAR!

Luan: *angry* Does he know?!

Rita: N-No.

Lola: *angry* Then how are we gonna get it all back?! Huh?!

Lynn Sr. *sighs* We don't know.

Rita: We could try contacting the people that bought the stuff.

Lana: *glares* Do you know who?

Lisa: They must know, given they sold the furniture to them!

Rita and Lynn Sr.: *share nervous looks*

Lori: Hang on, *furious* YOU LITERALLY DON'T KNOW WHO?!

Rita: *nervously* N-No.

Leni: *furious* WHAT?!





Rita: W-We're sorry!

Lucy: *angry* I refuse to share a room with Lynn, and I insist you both go into YOUR ROOM!

Sisters: *glare at their parents* YEAH, SO GO!!!

*Rita flinches as Lynn Sr. shrieks and bolts into his and the former's room.*

Rita: *scared* O-Okay.

*Rita goes to her and Lynn Sr.'s room, scared, closing the door.*

*Now the girls felt like they just kicked a puppy.*

Lori: Jeez, what kind of family are we? We kick out our brother...

Luna: … I hit Lynn in the head with my guitar...

Lucy: … And now we're yelling at out parents?

Lola: We're monsters! *cries loudly*

*The sisters all start to cry loudly. Their hearts were filled with nothing but guilt.*

*In the parents bedroom.*

Lynn Sr.: *miserable* We're absolute monsters. We kick Lincoln out, sell his furniture, and we don't even know where it is.

Rita: *teary-eyed* We don't deserve to be his parents...

Lynn Sr.: *beginning to cry* How could we let this happen to our only son?!

Rita: *beginning to cry* We've always been against him, all because he's the only son!

*Rita and Lynn Sr. hug each other and start to cry loudly.*

*Lynn and Lucy's Room.*

Lynn: *punches punching bag with Lincoln's face on it* Stupid Lincoln! This whole thing is his fault!

*Lynn kicks the punching bag down.*

Lynn: It's his fault I lost the game... *realizes* that... I forced... him to... come to.

*Lynn begins to feel guilty about her actions to Lincoln.*

Lynn: Oh my gosh... This IS my fault! I forced Lincoln to come to my game, and when I lost, I told him that he was bad luck! And because of me... *voice breaking* He... he...

*Lynn starts to cry over what a horrible sister she's been to Lincoln.*

Lynn: *crying* I-I'm a horrible sister! I said that Lincoln was bad luck, and now, because of me, Lincoln ran away! He didn't deserve ANY OF THIS!

*Lynn starts to cry some more.*


*Lynn cries even harder, feeling nothing but guilt in her heart*

*The others, who manage to calm down a bit, overhear Lynn crying.*

Lori: *sniffles* I-Is that Lynn crying?

Luna: *sniffles* What's she crying about?

*They go upstairs to Lynn and Lucy's room, where they find Lynn sobbing on the floor.*

Lucy: *glares at Lynn* What are you crying about, you sports loving jerk?

Lynn: *crying loudly* About how I've been an idiot! You were right! This IS my fault! If anyone should have been kicked out of the house, IT'S ME!

*The sisters were surprised as Lynn hugged them tightly while crying.*

Lynn: *crying* I'M SORRY, GUYS! I'M SUCH A MONSTER!!!

*The others form more tears in their eyes as they pull Lynn close.*

*Later that night, at the Santiago Household.*

Lincoln: *getting ready to sleep on the couch*

Ronnie Anne: Lincoln, no. I'll let you sleep in my bed.

Lincoln: Really? Won't that be kinda awkward?

Ronnie Anne: I don't care. You're sick, and the couch isn't the best place to sleep if your sick. So come on.

Lincoln: *gets in Ronnie Anne's bed* Wow, thanks.

Ronnie Anne: *kisses Lincoln's cheek* You're welcome, Lame-O.

Lincoln: *face turns red as he smiles*

*Ronnie Anne then falls asleep, wrapping her arms around Lincoln.*

Lincoln: *in his head* Wow, I never knew Ronnie Anne had a soft side like this.

*He then falls asleep.*

*At the Loud House.*

*The family had a miserable time trying to go to sleep. All they could think about was Lincoln, especially Lynn.*

Lynn: *in her head, miserable* I'm such an idiot.

Lucy: *in her head, sad* Maybe Lincoln will be at school tomorrow. I'll have Lana and Lola help me look for him if he's there.

Leni: *in her head, teary-eyed* How can we ever fix this, Linky...?

*The next day*

*At Royal Woods Elementary, Lucy and the twins were looking for Lincoln, when they came across Clyde.*

Lucy: Clyde, have you seen Lincoln?

Clyde: No. But why does it concern you?

Lucy: Lincoln told you, didn't he?

Clyde: I'm his best friend. Of course he told me. How could be stupid enough to let this happen?! Locking him out of the house for TWO WEEKS?!

Lana: *very guilty* Yeah... All because of a stupid superstition...

Lola: *very guilty* We're idiots and monsters...

Clyde: Yes, you are. Seriously, when Ronnie Anne found Lincoln and brought him back to her house, he had a fever of 102.5!

Lucy: *guilty* That's a high temperature... and sickening for my heart...

Lola: *realizes* Wait, he's at Ronnie Anne's?

Clyde: Yeah, and Ronnie Anne is staying home to take care of him. Something you all haven't done since this whole superstition started!

Lana: *glares at Clyde* That's what we're trying to fix right now!

Lola: Yeah! He may never forgive us, but we'll try to show him how sorry we are!

Lucy: Agreed.

Clyde: Good luck with that. Literally. *walks off, annoyed*

Lana: *sighs* Well, there's one person who hates us...

Lola: I'm sure a lot of people will hate us if he tells them.

Lucy: We brought this on ourselves.

Lana: Yeah, so now we have to fix it.

*Royal Woods High School.*

*A very miserable Lori finds Bobby in the hallway.*

Lori: *sees Bobby, miserable* Hey, Bobby...

Bobby: *scoffs* Hello, Lori.

Lori: *groans* Bobby, I want you to know that I feel guilty for believing in that stupid superstition!

Bobby: *angry* You should! He was sleeping outside for two weeks, and got a fever of 102.5!

Lori: *shocked* He got a fever!

Bobby: *angry* YES! Nini is staying home taking care of him, which is why they're not at school!

*Lori hangs her head low.*

Lori: *voice breaking* W-We locked Lincoln outside because we thought he was bad luck, now he's got a fever because of us! I feel like a heartless monster! I JUST WANT MY LITTLE BROTHER TO LOVE US AGAIN!!! *breaks down and cries*

*Bobby feels bad for her, but walks away.*

*Later that day, with school over for the day. At the Santiago Household.*

*Lincoln is laying on the couch as Ronnie Anne checks his temperature*

Ronnie Anne: *checks thermometer* Well, looks like your fever is starting to go down. it's now at 101.8.

Lincoln: *sighs* Well, that's good, at least.

*Bobby comes into the house after walking back from school.*

Lincoln, Ronnie Anne: *notices Bobby* Hey, Bobby.

Bobby: Hey, Nini. *faces Lincoln* Hey, bro. How you holding up?

Ronnie Anne: His fever's starting to go down.

Bobby: That's great news. Hey, I saw Lori today.

Lincoln: *annoyed* Let me guess, you avoided her?

Bobby: Exactly. I did tell her about your fever, and then she broke down crying, saying that she felt like a heartless monster and that she wants you to love her and the others again.

*Lincoln looks at his feet in disbelief.*

Lincoln: Well, it's gonna take more than that to make me forgive them.

Bobby: I know, and she was serious too.

Ronnie Anne: *raises an eyebrow* Oh, really?

Bobby: *nods* Yeah. I could tell.

*There was a knock at the door.*

Bobby: I'll get it. *opens the door to find Clyde* Oh, hey, Clyde.

Clyde: Hey, Bobby. *sees Lincoln* Jeez, you look terrible, buddy.

Lincoln: *annoyed* Thanks for tellin' me what I already know.

Clyde: Sorry... Anyway, I saw Lucy, Lana, and Lola today.

Lincoln: *annoyed* And what did they say?

Clyde: They said that their trying to earn your trust back. They know that you may never forgive them, but they said they're going to fix it.

Lincoln: *scoffs* Well, it's gonna take a lot more than that to make me forgive them.

Bobby: You should at least give them a second chance, Lincoln.

Lincoln: *angry* Yeah, right! I tried asking for a second chance to prove I wasn't bad luck, but did they give it to me? NO!

Bobby: I know what they did was unforgivable, but they should at least get to redeem themselves. Just think about it, bro.

Lincoln: *groans* Fine. I'll give it some thought.

Clyde: You should. Your sisters were very honest.

Bobby: And Lori spoke the truth. I heard the pain and guilt in her voice.

Ronnie Anne: And I know that I'm made at them too, but I agree. Give them a chance, Lincoln.

Lincoln: *in his head* Where was all that two weeks ago?

*At the Loud House.*

*The sisters returned home from school, all miserable*

Lucy: *sad* At least we know where he is.

Sisters, sans Lynn: Yeah.../True...

*The parents rush over to their daughters after they said they know where he is.*

Rita: You know where he is?!

Lori: *nods* Yeah... Bobby's house. He told me when Ronnie Anne found him and brought him there, he had a fever of 102.5.

Rita, Lynn Sr.: *horrified* Fever?!

Lori: From sleeping outside for two weeks. *sniffles*

Rita: *horrified* Oh my god...

Lynn Sr.: How could we let this happen?! We locked him out, and now he has a fever of 102.5?!

Lana: WHY did we let it happen?!

Lucy: *sad and guilty* We're monsters.

*The family starts to cry again, feeling more guilty than they have ever felt. They all hugged each other as they cried hard.*




Lily: *crying* WINKY!!!

*The family cried even harder. Little do they know, Clyde, who was walking back to the Santiago's household after getting some soup for Lincoln at the supermarket, recorded their conversation and them crying from outside.*

Clyde: Yep, they're miserable alright. Wait till I show Lincoln. He'll surely give them another chance.

*Clyde begins walking away from the Loud House and over to the Santiago Household.*

*10 minutes later.*

*Clyde arrives at the Santiago Household and comes inside, where he finds Ronnie Anne in the living room.*

Ronnie Anne: *notices him* Clyde, you're back! Did you get any soup for Lincoln?

Clyde: Hey, Ronnie Anne. *pulls out the soup he bought* Yeah, I did. *sets the soup on the coffee table, then holds up camera* Can you get Lincoln? He needs to see this.

Ronnie Anne: Yeah, sure. *looks at the stairs and calls* Hey, Lincoln!

Lincoln: *from upstairs* Yeah?

Ronnie Anne: Clyde's back with soup from the store! He also wants to show you something!

Lincoln: *calls back* Alright! Be right down!

*Lincoln soon comes downstairs.*

Lincoln: Hey, Clyde. *takes the soup* Thanks for getting me soup.

Clyde: *smiles* Anything for you, buddy.

*Lincoln smiles as he starts eating his soup.*

Lincoln: So, what did you want to show me?

Clyde: Check this out.

*Clyde shows Lincoln what he recorded on the camera. It shows his miserable family crying about him.*

Clyde: See? That's how guilty they feel. They want to come back home and fix up everything!

*Lincoln begins to feel bad for his family.*

Lincoln: *feels bad* Wow, they do feel bad... And, and they look so miserable... *forms a small smile* They really DO care about me.

Ronnie Anne: So, what are you gonna do, Lincoln?

*After thinking for a few moments, Lincoln makes his decision.*

Lincoln: I'm going back, to MY family.

Clyde: *smiles* Good decision, buddy.

Ronnie Anne: Lincoln, you're currently in no condition to go home. I think it would be easier to have your family come here and then you tell them.

Lincoln: You're right. Can you ask Bobby to call Lori?

Ronnie Anne: *nods* I will, Lincoln.

*The family was in the living room, looking extremely miserable.*

Lily: *extremely miserable* W-Winky...

Lisa: *extremely miserable* Indeed, youngest sister unit... We do miss Lincoln so much...

Lynn: *extremely miserable* This whole mess is my fault... *slinks down* Ugh, I'm a horrible sister...

*Lori's phone rings, she pulls it out and sees that Bobby is calling her.*

Rita: *miserable* Who's there, sweetheart...?

Lori: *miserable sigh* It's Bobby... *answers it, miserably* Hello...?

Bobby: *on the phone* Lori, can you and your family come over here?

Lori: *miserable* Why? Linc's there, and I'm sure he doesn't want to see us.

Bobby: *on the phone* Actually, he does want to see you.

Lori: *surprised, nearly drops her phone* He does?!

Others: *also surprised* What?!

Bobby: *on the phone* Yeah, he does.

*Small smiles slowly form on the family's faces.*

Lori: *small smile* Okay! We'll be right there!

Bobby: *on the phone* Great. See you later. *hangs up*

*Big smiles form on the twins' faces.*

Lana: *big smile* Wow! I can't believe it! Lincoln really wants to see us!

Lola: *big smile* Yeah! Maybe he's giving us a second chance!

Lily; *happy* Winky! Wiwy see Winky!

Lynn Sr.: *smiles* Well, wait are we waiting for? Let's go, everyone!

*The family excitedly rushes out of the house, and over to Vanzilla.*

*Meanwhile, at the Santiago Household.*

Bobby: *gets off the phone* They're on their way, Lincoln.

Lincoln: *smiles* Thanks, Bobby. Also, thanks for letting me stay here.

Ronnie Anne: Don't mention it. I hate seeing stuff like this happen to you. *kisses his cheek*

Lincoln: *blushes and smiles*

*10 minutes later.*

*The Loud Family arrives at the Santiago Household.*

Rita: Everyone, we're here!

*The family steps out of Vanzilla and walk up to the front door, where Lori knocks on it.*

Bobby: *opens the door* Great, you're all here.

Lori: Hey, Bobby. So, um, where's Lincoln?

Lincoln: *from Ronnie Anne's room* In Ronnie Anne's room! Upstairs!

*The family and Bobby head upstairs to Lincoln's room, where they see Ronnie Anne, and none other than Lincoln Loud, much to their joy.*

Lincoln: *waves* Hey, guys.

Family: *teary-eyed and overjoyed* LINCOLN!!!

*The family rush up to Lincoln and hug him tightly.*

Leni: *teary-eyed, joyful* Oh, Linky! We're so, so sorry that we locked you outside for two weeks!

Lincoln: *gagging* Well, thanks for the apology, Leni. But, uh, can you guys stop hugging me?! I can barely breathe!

Family: *let go of Lincoln* Sorry!/My bad!/Oops!

Lincoln: *regains his breath* It's fine...

Lynn: *rubs her arm* Lincoln, I wanted you to know that I'm sorry for what I did. It was wrong of me to call you bad luck, and to let you get kicked out of the house. I was just so upset about losing that game, I guess I let it get to my head. *begins to cry* I'm sorry.

Lori: *sad* We're all sorry, Lincoln. We never should have believed that you were bad luck.

Luna: *sad* And locked you out of the house for two weeks.

Lola: *sad* We feel really guilty for this, and for giving you your fever.

Luan: *sad* We hope you find it in your heart to forgive us, but we probably don't deserve it.

Lucy: *sad* We'll feel guilty about this probably forever.

Lisa: *sad* I never should have let my mind believe that you were bad luck from you purposefully breaking our eldest sisters golf clubs.

Lily: *teary-eyed* Sowwy, Winky. *hugs Lincoln*

Rita: We're sorry that we've been against you, sweetie.

Lynn Sr.: Yes, son. We'll never do something that horrible ever again.

Lana: We'll try and get your furniture back, or buy you new furniture.

*The family hang their heads down in guilt.*

*Lincoln begins to feel bad for his family.*

Lincoln: Guys? *the family looks at Lincoln, he makes a sweet smile* I forgive all of you.

Family: *shocked* You do?!

Lincoln: *nods* Yeah. This entire ordeal may of started when Lynn said I was bad luck, but I made it worse by faking to be bad luck so I could get some time for myself. While living in a large family, I hardly ever get that. But after being banned from your activities, I realized that it's not as fun as I thought. *sniffles* I'm sorry, guys...

*The family now feels bad for Lincoln.*

Lori: Lincoln? *Lincoln looks up at her* If you just wanted time to yourself, why didn't you just ask?

Lincoln: Well, you all had stuff planned that day, like Lori's golf tournament, Leni's fashion show, Lola's pageant, and all that other stuff. I didn't want to seem like I didn't support you guys by saying no.

Luan: Linc, you don't have to go to every one of our events.

Luna: Yeah, bro. We would've understand.

Lori: It's okay to say no sometimes.

Lincoln: That's what I thought, until Lynn threatened me to go to her game when I said no. I became afraid of what the rest of you would do if I said no. Which is why I chose the lying route.

*Lynn feels guilty again.*

Lynn: Sorry, little bro... I never should've been stupid enough to do that. I just really wanted you there to support me. I guess I'm more of a control freak than Lori.

Lori: *snaps* Hey!

Leni: You know she's right.

Lori: *forgets it* Yeah.

Lincoln: It's okay, Lynn. *holds his hands out for a hug* Hug?

*Lynn smiles and hugs Lincoln.*

Lynn: *happy* Thanks, Lincoln.

Lincoln: *smiles, returns the hug to Lynn* You're welcome, Lynn.

*The family joins the hug.*

*Bobby, Ronnie Anne, and Clyde smile at the sweet scene.*

Lori: *smiles at Bobby* Thanks for taking care of him, Bobby.

Bobby: Thank Ronnie. If she hadn't found Lincoln, he wouldn't be here.

Lori: *smiles at Ronnie Anne* Thank you, Ronnie Anne.

Ronnie Anne: *thumbs-up* No prob!

Bobby: Oh, and Lori? Since you and your family made up with Lincoln, we're together again.

*Lori gasps in happiness.*

Lori: *happy* Really?!

Bobby: However, don't let this happen again, or else our relationship will be over for good. Understand?

Lori: *hugs Bobby happily* I understand, Boo-Boo Bear.

Bobby: *hugs Lori with a smile* I know you do, babe.

*The Loud Family break off from their warm hug.*

Ronnie Anne: Guys, I hope you don't mind, but is it okay if Lincoln stays here a couple days? I mean, he's still got a bit of a fever, plus you guys have to get his furniture back.

Rita: Oh, of course.

Luna: Of course, R.A.!

Lola: At least he's not mad at us anymore.

Lynn Sr.: And when you get better, we're taking you to see that movie you missed.

Lincoln: *smiles* Thanks, guys.

Lynn: *smiles, playfully punches his arm* You're welcome, Lincoln.

*Luan then places her hand on Lincoln's forehead, she felt how hot Lincoln's head was.*

Luan: Jeez, he wasn't kidding about the fever. You're almost as warm as a steaming pipe.

Luna: *feels his forehead* Yeesh, you're right.

*The twins and Lisa feel his forehead as well.*

Lisa: Goodness, you would think he had a fire in his head.

Lana: My hand is burning up just touching your head, Lincoln!

Lola: Same here, and I'm wearing a glove.

Ronnie Anne: Yeah, his temperature went down earlier, now it's gone back up.

Lincoln: Dang it.

Rita: Alright, it's best you stay here until you're full health, sweetie.

Lincoln: *nods* Okay, Mom.

Lynn Sr.: We'll check on you later, kiddo. Okay?

Lincoln: Okay, Dad.

Leni: Also, look what I brought. *pulls out Bun-Bun*

Lincoln: Bun-Bun?!

Leni: *gives him Bun-Bun, smiles* We saved him for you.

*Lincoln hugs Bun-Bun tightly and snuggles with him.*

Lincoln: Omigosh! I can't believe you guys still have Bun-Bun! I thought you sold him along with my furniture!

Lynn Sr.: *smiles* Oh, kiddo. We would never sell Bun-Bun.

Rita: *smiles* Agreed. You've always had him for comfort.

Lincoln: Why's that, Mom?

Rita: Well, you've had Bun-Bun ever since you were a baby. You've always felt so secure with him, that even when you were by yourself, you never truly felt lonely or scared as long as you had him. Whenever you lost him, you would always panic, fearing that you've lost your most important friend, then were so relieved whenever one of your sisters or I managed to find him for you. On that fateful day we gave you Bun-Bun. You instantly bonded with him. There were times we would worry if you were sick or something, but when we would check on you, we were so happy to see a smile on your face as you tightly held onto him as you slept.

*Lincoln smiles with tearful eyes, knowing that his mother was right.*

Rita: *smiles* It always warmed our hearts whenever you cuddled with Bun-Bun.

*Tears trickle down Lincoln's cheeks as he hugs Rita tightly.*

Lincoln: *teary-eyed, happily* Thank you so much, Mom...

*Rita just smiles as she hugs her only son back.*

Ronnie Anne: *sniffles, smiles* That was so sweet...

*Lincoln realizes that Ronnie Anne saw the whole thing. He faces her and lets out an embarrassed groan.*

Lincoln: Are you gonna laugh at me, Ronnie?

Ronnie Anne: Nah, I can't really. Since I do the same thing. *pulls out a stuffed dog*

Lincoln: *surprised* You have a stuffed animal too?

Ronnie Anne: Yep. *gestures her stuffed dog* This is Tesla. I've had him ever since I was 1 year old.

Leni: Hey, That's just like when we gave Bun-Bun to Lincoln was he was 1 year old!

Older Sisters: Yeah!/That's right!/I remember!

Rita: *smiles* I could never forget that day.

Lynn Sr.: *smiles* Me neither, hon.

Lola: Seems these two have more in common than they think.

Lana: Kinda like what twins have in common.

Lisa: *chuckles* Unlike you two.

Lana & Lola: *offended* HEY!

Lori: You two know it's true.

Ronnie Anne: One's a tomboy, the other is a princess.

Lincoln: You two have nothing in common, you both know that.

*Lana and Lola growl and cross their arms.*

Luna: Actually, there is one thing. They share a room.

Lana and Lola: *annoyed* We get it, okay?!

Luan: *laughs* Relax, guys! We were joking with you!

Lana and Lola: *annoyed, neutral look* Seriously?

Lynn: Yeah, we only joke like that because we love you.

Lisa: It's not to insult you, it's just to make a joke.

*Lana and Lola look at each other and smile.*

Lana: I guess they're right. I mean, I haven't seen you rolling around in mud.

Lola: I only saw you participating in one pageant, and you hated it.

Lana: Yeah, but you still don't stop me from rolling around in the mud, and I still go to your pageants.

Lola: But I do tell you to stay off my stuff when you're muddy.

Lana: That I understand.

*The twins smile and hug each other.*

Rita: Well, I say we head home and start dinner.

Lynn Sr.: Good idea. We'll get outta your hair, Lincoln.

Lori: We'll check on you after dinner, Lincoln.

Lincoln: *smiles* Thanks, guys.

Clyde: I'm gonna take off, too. See ya, Lincoln.

Lincoln: See ya, buddy.

*The best friends share a hi-five, then Clyde takes his leave.*

*Bobby gives Lori another hug.*

Lori: *smiles, hugs Bobby back* Bye, Boo-Boo Bear. *looks at Ronnie Anne* Bye, Ronnie Anne.

Bobby: *smiling* Bye, babe.

Ronnie Anne: Bye, Lori.

Leni: *kisses Lincoln's cheek, smiles* Bye, Linky.

Lincoln: *smiles* Goodbye, Leni.

*The family leaves Ronnie Anne's room, then leaves the house. Lincoln has a big smile on his face*

Ronnie Anne: *smiles* I'm glad you made up with your family, Lincoln.

Lincoln: *big smile* Thanks, Ronnie.

Bobby: Yep, things will soon be normal as always.

Lincoln: *smiles* Yeah. I'll be glad to never go through that ordeal again.

Ronnie Anne: *feels Lincoln's forehead* Hey, it's going down.

Lincoln: Really?

Bobby: What's his temperature?

Ronnie Anne: *takes Lincoln's temperature* 101.9.

Bobby: *smiles* Would you look at that? You're slowly getting better!

Ronnie Anne: Yeah, that's a good thing. *kisses Lincoln's cheek*

*Lincoln blushes and smiles.*

*Meanwhile, the family was heading back to the Loud House in Vanzilla. They were so happy that Lincoln finally forgave all of them and that their family trust was restored.*

Lana: *happy* I'm glad Lincoln isn't mad at us anymore.

Lori: *smiles* I'm sure we all are.

Leni: *happy* Yeah! Linky finally trusts us again!

Lola: *happy* And he forgave us after what we put him through!

Lynn: *smiles* Yeah, I'm glad we won't have to go through that again.

*10 minutes later.*

*It was now evening in Royal Woods. Vanzilla soon arrives at the Loud House.*

Lynn Sr.: Well, I'll get started on dinner.

Rita: And I'll go online and order Lincoln some new furniture, since we can't get the old furniture back.

Leni: We'll help out too!

*The family get out of Vanzilla and head into the house. As Lynn Sr. heads into the kitchen to get started on dinner, Rita and the girls go to the computer and go online to look for new furniture.*

Rita: See anything that Lincoln likes, girls?

Lori: *points at some Ace Savvy posters* I'm sure he'll like those Ace Savvy posters.

Leni: *points at a Ace Savvy styled bed* Yeah, and that Ace Savvy bed.

Lola: *points at some Ace Savvy figures* What about the Ace Savvy action figures?

Lana: *points at some Ace Savvy comics* And those comics?

Rita: *smiles* Great choices, girls. Lincoln will love it.

Lisa: *smiles* Affirmative. We know how much Lincoln loves Ace Savvy.

Sisters: *smile* That's right!/Uh-huh!/We sure do!

Lily: *giggles* Poo-Poo.

*A few days later.*

*Bobby places his hand Lincoln's forehead and felt that his fever was gone.*

Bobby: *smiles* Good news, bro. I think your fever is gone!

*Lincoln touches his head. Sure enough, it didn't feel warm. He grins.*

Lincoln: *happy* Yes! My fever is gone! *takes a deep breath* Ah, I've never felt better!

Ronnie Anne: *smiles* Glad you're back to normal, Lincoln.

Lincoln: *smiles* Thanks, Ronnie Anne.

*There was a knock on the front door.*

Bobby: Who is it?

Sisters: *outside* It's us!

Ronnie Anne: Come in!

*The sisters come inside the Santiago's house.*

Lincoln: *grins* Hey, guys!

Lori: *smiles* Hey, Lincoln! You look better!

Lincoln: *smiles* I am, Lori! My fever's gone!

Lynn: *grins* That's great, little bro!

Leni: Yay, Linky's better!

Lily: *happy* Winky!

*Leni and Lily happily hug Lincoln.*

Lincoln: *smiles* I'm glad to be better! Also, I think Leni and Lily made it even better with their hugs.

Leni and Lily: Awww.

*Leni and Lily both kiss Lincoln's cheeks, making him blush and smile.*

Luna: Ready to go home, bro?

Lana: Yeah, you need to see the new furniture we got for you.

Lincoln: I sure am! *turns to Ronnie Anne and Bobby* Bobby, Ronnie Anne, thanks for taking care of me until I got better.

Bobby: *smiles* Don't mention it, bro. Glad we could help.

Lincoln: Well, lets go. *turns and begins walking away*

Ronnie Anne: Hold on there, Lame-O! *grabs Lincoln and kisses him on the lips*

Sisters: Awwwwwwww!

*Lincoln's face is completely red.*

Ronnie Anne: *smiles* You're welcome, Lame-O.

*Lincoln, still red in the face, smiles.*

Lori: *giggles* Are you sure she's still not your girlfriend, Lincoln?

Lincoln: *smiles bigger* Eh, no point hiding it anymore.

*The girls gasp.*

Lola: Wait. You mean it's official?!

*Lincoln and Ronnie Anne look at each other, smile, and nod.*

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne: Yep.

*The sisters all squeal happily, while Lincoln and Ronnie Anne blush.*

*Bobby grins and makes a thumbs up.*

Lori: You two aren't gonna hide it at school, are you?

Ronnie Anne: Nah, I'm not afraid of being insulted by people for it.

Lincoln: Plus, I'm sure you'll be able to shut them up easily.

Ronnie Anne: *smirks* You know it!

Luna: Well, we better get going.

Lincoln: Yeah, let's go. I can't wait to get home.

Ronnie Anne: See you tomorrow, Lincoln.

Lincoln: See ya, Ronnie.

*Lincoln picks up Bun-Bun, and the siblings leave the Santiago's house.*

Lynn: Just wait till you see your new room, Linc.

Lana: Yeah, you're gonna love the new furniture we bought for you!

Lincoln: Really? Wow, I can't wait to see it!

*They arrive back at the house and head inside.*

Lincoln: *calls* Mom, Dad! I'm back!

*The parents come into the living room, overjoyed to see their only son back home.*

Rita: *happy* Lincoln... your finally home!

Lynn Sr.: *smiles* Welcome back, kiddo!

Lincoln: *smiles* Hey, Mom and Dad!

*Lincoln happily hugs his parents, and they happily return the hug to their only son.*

Rita: *smiles* It's so good to have you home, Lincoln!

Lynn Sr.: *smiles* And look at you! Your fever's gone!

Lincoln: *nods* Sure is, Dad.

*As they break off from the hug, Charles, Cliff, Walt, and Geo run into the living room and happily jump onto Lincoln, making him fall onto his back.*

Lincoln: *laughing* Hey, guys.

*Charles begins whimpering, because he feels bad about growling at Lincoln.*

Lincoln: *smiles, pets Charles' head* Charles, it's okay. I'm not mad at you anymore.

*Charles barks happily and licks Lincoln's face, making him laugh.*

Lincoln: *laughing* H-Hey! That tickles, Charles!

*The family laughs at this as Cliff purrs and nuzzles Lincoln.*

Lincoln: *smiles* Hey, Cliff. *pets him*

*Walt chirps and lands on Lincoln's shoulder, while Geo rolls up to Lincoln's leg in his ball.*

Lincoln: *smiles* Hey, Walt and Geo. *scratches Walt's chin and lets Geo out of his ball*

*Geo climbs up Lincoln's pant leg and Lincoln scratches his head.*

Lynn Sr.: Looks like the pets missed you too, son.

*The pets all respond happily to Lynn Sr..*

Lincoln: *smiles* Guess they did, Dad.

*Fangs flies over and lands on Lincoln's head. He lets out a happy squeak.*

Lincoln: *surprised* Even Fangs missed me?

Lucy: He didn't eat at all when he found out you ran away.

Lincoln: *surprised* Wow. *scratches Fangs' chin while smiling* Great to see you, Fangs.

*Fangs squeaks happily as Izzy crawls up Lincoln's leg, Hops jumps onto his head, and El Diablo slithers up his head.*

Lana: *smiles* Jeez, everyone missed you, Linc!

Lincoln: *laughs* You think? *pets Izzy, Hops, and El Diablo, making them let out happy cries*

*Even Gary was happy to see Lincoln. He hopped onto his shoulder.*

Luan: Gary!

*Gary nuzzles against Lincoln's cheek.*

Lincoln: Wow, even Gary missed me!

Luan: Well, that's good. Hopefully, he won't eat your comics anymore.

Lincoln: He better not. *realizes* Wait, what?

*Gary's ears drop in embarrassment as he blushes.*

Lincoln: Eh, I can't really stay mad at him.

*Gary's ears perk back up, and he nuzzles Lincoln, making him laugh.*

Leni: *smiles* Come on, Linky! Come see your new room!

Lincoln: Alright. *to the pets* Can I get up now?

*The pets get off of Lincoln and he stands up.*

Lincoln: *smiles at them* Thanks.

*The family walks upstairs to Lincoln's room.*

Lori: Okay, Lincoln. Go take a look!

Lincoln: Alright.

*Lincoln opens the door to his room, and when he saw it, he was amazed!*

Lincoln: *amazed* Whoa! My room! It... looks... *makes a huge smile* AMAZING!

*Lincoln's room now had Ace Savvy posters, an Ace Savvy bed, Ace Savvy comics, and Ace Savvy action figures.*

Luna: You like it, bro?

*Lincoln had tears in his eyes. He turns and hugs his family.*

Lincoln: *teary-eyed, happy* I love it! Thank you so much, guys!

*The family smiles and hugs Lincoln back.*

Family: You're welcome, Lincoln!

Leni: *smiling* We glad you love it, Linky!

Luan: *smiling* Go on and enjoy your new room, Linc. We'll leave ya in peace to enjoy it.

Lincoln: *smiles* Thanks, Luan.

*Lincoln goes into his new room, grabs one of his new Ace Savvy comics, hops onto his new Ace Savvy bed, sets Bun-Bun on it, and then starts to read his comic.*

*Leni closes the door to Lincoln's room, and the family heads downstairs.*

Lola: *smiles* It's so good to have Linky back.

Lynn: *smiles* It sure is, Lola.

Leni: Totes! And Lori and Bobby are together again!

Luna: And now, our bro and R.A. Anne are officially a couple.

Rita: Lincoln and Ronnie Anne are a couple now?

Lori: Yeah. She even kissed him before we left!

Rita: *smiles* Awwww.

Lynn Sr.: *smiles* Well, what do you know, hon? Our son has a girlfriend.

Rita: *smiles* I'm so proud of him.

Lynn Sr.: *smiles* Me too, hon.

*The next day.*

*Lincoln, Lucy, Lana, and Lola are walking to school. Ronnie Anne surprises Lincoln by holding his hand. He turns to her and smiles.*

Ronnie Anne: Hey, Lincoln. *kisses his cheek*

Lincoln: *blushes* Hey, Ronnie.

Lana, Lola: *smiles* Awww.

Lucy: *small smile*

*They arrive at school and head inside. As they walk through the hallway, the classmate noticed Lincoln and Ronnie Anne holding hands.*

Classmate 1: *laughs* Hey, look! Ronnie Anne and Lincoln are holding hands!

*Other students starts laughing, causing Lincoln to feel embarrassed. Ronnie Anne growls as she storms up to the classmate out and slams her fist into his face, causing him to get knocked out. The classmates go silent after seeing what Ronnie Anne did.*

Ronnie Anne: *glares at them* Anyone else? *The classmates are silent* Then don't be laughing at me and my boyfriend, or I'll sock you all out!

*The classmates gulp in fright and walk away, not wanting piss Ronnie Anne off more.*

Lola: Man Lincoln, you got a crazy girlfriend.

Lincoln: Eh, that's why I love her.

*Ronnie Anne smiles and kisses Lincoln's cheek.*

Lucy: Such a beautiful love they have. It touches my black heart.

Lana: You're going to be together for a long time.

Ronnie Anne: *smiles* No denying that.

*Clyde walks into the scene.*

Clyde: Hey, guys. *sees Lincoln and Ronnie Anne holding hands, smiles* Not hiding it anymore?

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne: *nod*

Clyde: *smiles* That's awesome. I'm happy for you, buddy.

Lincoln: *smiles* Thanks, Clyde.

*Meanwhile, at Royal Woods High School*

*Lori and Bobby walk into school while holding hands. When the classmates noticed them holding hands, they all gasp.*

Girl 1: *excited* Hey, look! Bobby and Lori are back together!

*The students all chatter in excitement.*

Girl 2: I'm glad they're back together.

Boy 1: It wasn't normal when they broke up.

Boy 2: Yeah, I prefer them being a couple.

Girl 3: They're the school's best couple.

*Lori and Bobby blush.*

Lori: *smiles* Well, everybody knows that we're back together.

Bobby: *smiles* Yeah, word travels fast when in sight.

Lori: *giggles* Yep. *casts a loving glance at Bobby* And I'll make sure it stays that way. *kisses Bobby on the cheek*

Bobby: *smiles, blushes* Thanks, babe.

Lori: I'm glad we're together again, Boo-Boo-Bear.

Bobby: Me too, babe. Me too.

*Lori and Bobby gaze lovingly at each other as the classmates take pictures of them.*

Boy 1 : They really are the school's best couple.

*More pictures are taken as Lori and Bobby share a passionate kiss on the lips.*

Classmates: *smiling* Awwwwww!

*In the afternoon, after school.*

*Lincoln and Ronnie Anne reach the Loud House.*

Lincoln: Today was pretty swell.

Ronnie Anne: Yeah, it was. *glances to the window* Uh, Lincoln?

Lincoln: They're watching, aren't they?

*Ronnie Anne nods and Lincoln looks to the window, where his sisters, who got home from school first, are pressing their faces against the window in excitement.*

Lincoln: *looks back to Ronnie Anne* Eh, what can you do?

Ronnie Anne: *shrugs* Beats me. Better give them what they want.

*Lincoln and Ronnie Anne share a sweet kiss on the lips. The sisters squeal excitedly.*

Leni: Totes adorable!

Lori: *takes a picture* Boo Boo Bear has to see this!

*Lori sends the picture to Bobby, and soon gets a text from him.*

*Bobby's Response: That's adorable.*

*Lori's Response: I know, Boo-Boo Bear*

*Lincoln and Ronnie Anne break from the kiss.*

Ronnie Anne: See you tomorrow, Lame-O.

Lincoln: Bye, Ronnie.

*Ronnie Anne walks away from the Loud House, while Lincoln walks inside. He sees his sisters smiling at him*

Lincoln: I know you saw that. I saw your faces pressed against the window.

Lola: *smiling* Of course you did!

Luan: *smiling* You'd think we'd miss a kissing scene?

Lincoln: *rolls his eyes* Knowing the ten of you, I guess not.

*The girls giggle.*

Lincoln: Also, during that time when I didn't know who Ronnie Anne was when she started bullying me, you all did say that she was in love with me.

Girls: And?

Lincoln: *sighs* I guess you all were right.

Leni: But wait, didn't she punch you?

Lincoln: Yeah, but that was when she got embarrassed from being kissed in public. That's why she punched me.

Sisters: Ohhhhh...

Lincoln: *sighs* I have to apologize, guys. It was wrong of me to tell you all no more meddling. I was just so angry at what happened.

*The sisters begin to feel guilty.*

Leni: We're sorry too, Linky.

Luna: We were just so excited about her possibly liking you, we kinda let it get to our heads.

Lola: We shouldn't have suggested you kissing her like that.

Luan: Honestly, we don't know why you listened to us.

Lincoln: Well, when you all turned into the Sisternado, I thought you all wouldn't let up unless I did it.

Sisters: True... *all sigh* We're really sorry, Lincoln.

Lincoln: Girls, don't be. Just look at where Ronnie and I are now. Who knows what would've happened if I didn't listen to you?

Sisters: Yeah...

Lori: But, still. We do feel bad for that, since you had a black eye for days.

Lincoln: Yeah, but it's better now.

Lori: And I can't believe I said that only we get to bully you. I literally had no idea what I was thinking.

Lincoln: Yeah, that was kinda messed up. Not letting anyone else bully me, but you are off the hook?

*Lori now feels really guilty.*

Lori: I'm really sorry, Lincoln...

Lincoln: *smiles* It's okay, Lori. You know I can't hold a grudge.

*Lori smiles and hugs Lincoln, and her returns the hug to her*

*The other sisters smile at the sweet sight, then they join the hug, making it into a sibling group hug.*

Luna: From now on, NO ONE bullies you, Lincoln.

Lincoln: Thanks, guys.

Lana: We'll keep an eye on Lynn.

Lynn: And I'll try and dial it down, okay?

Lincoln: *smiles* You guys are the best sisters ever. You know that, right?

Sisters: *smile happily* Awwwwwwww!

*The sisters all hug Lincoln warmly for his tender comment. He grins happily.*

Sisters: *happily* We love you, Lincoln!

Lincoln: *happily* I love you all, too!

*The girls and Lincoln all hug each other happily and tenderly. Rita and Lynn Sr. see everything from their room.*

Rita: *whispers* Tell me you got that on camera, honey.

Lynn Sr.: *whispers* Got it.

Rita: *whispers* Great. *look at the touching scene again, smiles* We raised some amazing children, didn't we, Lynn?

Lynn Sr.: *whispers, smiles* We really have, honey.

*Rita and Lynn Sr. smile as they continue to watch their kids have their touching moment.*


Ronnie Anne is walking around. When she sees Lincoln outside his house.

Ronnie: *Shocked* Lincoln!?

Lincoln: *looks over to her, depressed* Hey, Ronnie...

Ronnie: *Shocked* Babe, what happened!?

Lincoln: *depressed* My family kicked me out... because... they think...

Ronnie: *Shocked* They kicked you out!?

Lincoln: *depressed* Because I faked that I was bad luck...

Ronnie: *Sympathetic* Oh babe...

She hugs Lincoln as he begins crying.*

Ronnie: *Sympathetic* It's ok babe...

Lori, Luna, Laney, Lucy & Leni watches the whole scene, sad*

Luna: *sad* Guys, was what we did really the right thing?

Lucy: *sad* No it wasn't.

Leni: *sad* I don't think so...

Lori: *sad* Did you hear him say he "faked" being bad luck?

Laney: Guys this has gone on long enough. Lets go help him.


Ronnie Anne: *sympathetic* Here, come back to my house. You can stay with me until your family realizes they were wrong.

Lincoln: *Smiles* Thanks Ronnie. *Kisses her in the cheek*

Lori, Leni, Lucy, Laney & Luna: *Sad* Lincoln, wait!

Lincoln angrily glares at them.*

Lincoln: *angry* Leave me alone, you morons. I thought I could trust the four of you, especially you two, Leni and , I guess when push comes to shove, you're just as bad as everyone else. Lucy too. Laney I can never stay mad at you because I had a feeling you weren't involed in any way.

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne walk away from the four sisters.*


Lincoln: *angry yells* CUT THE CRUD!

Leni: *Upset & begins to cry* IT'S TRUE LINKY!

Lincoln: *furiously yells* I SAID CUT THE CRUD! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT LIARS!




Laney: Lincoln, let them try to talk.

Lori: *Grabs Lincoln's hand, upset* Lincoln, listen to me, we didn't want to go through with this, really, we didn't! We knew you faked being bad luck because you didn't want to go with Lynn to the game. We wanted to protect you!

Leni: *Upset* Lori's right, Lincoln. We chastised Lynn for what she did to you, but then she threatened us to join our side!

Lucy: *Upset* It's true. I was against Lynn from the beginning and she threatened me.

Laney: I wanted no involvement in all this but I was trying to help you.

Lincoln: *Realizes what his sisters are saying now*

Ronnie: *Same with Lincoln*

Luna: *Upset* So you see Lincoln, we didn't want to go along with it. We care about you because ur our brother. But ur more than our brother, ur our son! And u always will be!

Before Lincoln could say anything, Lynn stepped out of the house.*

Lynn: *sees this, angry* Hey! Get away from that jinx!

Luna: *angry* I have a better idea, Lynn. WHY DON'T YOU SHUT THE CRUD UP?!

Lucy: *angry* And go jump in a lake.

Lincoln: *Realizing that Laney, Lucy, Luna, Leni & Lori are telling the truth and wants to help them, storms up to Lynn and punches her*

Lynn: *falls to the ground* OW! Why you!

Lincoln: *grabs Lynn by the throat, choking her*

Lincoln: *Furious* Leave, my 3 mother figures and 2 loving sisters, and my future wife, ALONE! *furiously punches Lynn multiple times*

Lynn: *Terrified* Lincoln, take it easy. Please.

Lincoln: *furious* SHUT THE CRUD UP, YOU MONSTER! *throws her against the tree*

Lincoln broke Lynn's leg and she screamed in pain. Lincoln then picked her up by her ponytail.

Lynn: *Terrified* No, no, nooooo!

Lincoln ripped her ponytail out of her head!

Lynn: *Terrified* No, my ponytail!

Lori: *Angry, to Lynn* You deserved it!

Lucy: *Angry, to Lynn* This is all your fault Lynn.

Laney: *Angry, to Lynn* You brought all this on yourself.

Luna: *Angry, to Lynn* For what you did to our son figure, your dead to us, Lynn junior!

Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Lucy, Laney and Ronnie Anne: *walk into the house*

Everyone else: *in the kitchen*

Lana: What's that noise?

Lola: *sees Lincoln, screams* GET HIM OUT OF HERE!

Lori: *angry* Why don't you SHUT UP, Lola?!

Luna: *Angry* Yeah! *Raises her fist* Unless you want to be the next!

Lola: *hides behind Lana in fear*

Leni: *angry* That's what we thought.

Ronnie Anne: *Walks up to everyone, angry* What gave you the right to kick out my boyfriend/future husband!?

Everyone flinched from her rage.

Ronnie: *Angry* Oh, no answer? Alright, suit yourself. I'm gonna help Lincoln, Lori,... *To Leni, & Luna, whispering* I didn't get both of your names.

Leni: *whispers* Leni.

Luna: *whispers* Luna.

Ronnie: *Whispers* Thanks! *To everyone, angry* I'm gonna help Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Lucy, and Laney pack their stuff and move out. And if any of you, and I MEAN every one of you tries to stop us, *Draws a finger over her neck in a threatening way*

Everyone Flinched.

Ronnie, Lincoln, Lucy, Laney, Luna, Leni & Lori: *Leaves to pack their stuff & move out*

Luan: *guilty* What have we done?

In the hallway*

Lincoln: *To Leni, Lori, Luna, Laney and Lucy, guilty* Girls, I'm so sorry for not believing you 5. I should've believed you. I understand you don't want to forgive me. *Begins to cry*

Lori: *hugs Lincoln* Of course we forgive you.

Leni: *hugs Lincoln* We understand why you reacted like that.

Laney: *hugs Lincoln* I forgive you too.

Lucy: *hugsLincoln* Me too.

Lincoln: You do?

Luna: *smiles, hugs Lincoln* We do. You didn't know the truth until it was too late.

Lincoln: *Smiles tearfully* Thanks girls. And I'm proud to call you 3 my moms and my sisters. If it's ok with you.

Lori: *smiles* Whatever makes you happy.

Lincoln: *Smiles tearfully* Thanks moms and sisters

Ronnie: *Smiles at the scene*

Soon, Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Lucy and Laney were all packed and ready to move out*

Luna: So, where are we going to move?

Ronnie Anne: *smiles* I'd be happy to let you live with me and Bobby.

Lincoln: *Smiles* Thanks babe. You really are my hero. *Gives her a kiss on the cheek for her gratitude*

Ronnie Anne: *blushes from what her boyfriend said*

Lori, Leni, Luna, Lucy and Laney: *smile at the sweet scene*

Ronnie: *Blushes* Thanks Lincoln. *Nuzzles him*

Luan, Lana, Lola, Lisa, Lily: *watch in guilt*

Lincoln: *To Ronnie, Leni, Lucy, Laney Lori & Luna* Hold on guys, there's something I need to get. *Walks over and picks up Lily* *Smiles at Lily* Lily, I know you didn't take part in any of this, that is why we've packed your stuff because we're taking you with us.

Lily: *smiles* Yay! Wiwy with Winky!

Laney: Lily has no involvement too.

Lincoln: I know.

Ronnie, Leni, Lucy, Laney, Luna & Lori: *Smiles at the scene*

Lori: *smiles* Come on lily, let's go!

Lincoln: *Smiles* And I've got Mr teddy with your name on it. *Bops her nose*

Lily giggled.

Lincoln: *Smiles* Let's go guys.

The eight of them are about to leave, but the other four sisters, except Lynn, stop them.*

Lincoln: *Annoyed & Angry with six "Mean" sisters* What do you abusers want!?

Ronnie Anne: *cracks knuckles* Didn't you hear my warning?!

The 4 sisters flinch and step back*

Luan: *guilty* Lincoln, I know what we did was wrong, and we're sorry. But doing this isn't right!

Lincoln: *crosses arms* You weren't saying that when you locked me out the stupid house!

Luan: *Guilty*

Luna: *To Luan, angry* And guess what Luan!? We are not roommates any more! Me, Lori, Leni, Luna, Lucy, Laney, Lily & Ronnie are now Lincoln's roommates!

Lucy: Tell Lynn Jr. that we're not roommates anymore either.

Laney: Same here.

Luan shed some tears.

Lincoln: *To the 4 sisters, angry* Well, goodbye, jerks & abusers, we'll never see you again!

They start crying.

At the Santiago household* Lincoln, Lori, Leni, Luna, Lucy, Laney, Lily, Ronnie are inside the house*

Lincoln: *smiles at Ronnie* Thanks for letting us stay here, sweetie.

Lily: *reaches for Ronnie* Thwank you, Wonnie.

Ronnie: *Smiles* Anything for my boyfriend/future husband & future sister in law. *Kisses Lily in the cheek & Kisses Lincoln in the lips*

Laney: We owe you one Ronnie Anne.

Lori: *takes a picture of the kiss*

Thinks quickly went downhill fast for the rest of the Loud's at 1216 Franklin Avenue. Lynn Sr. and Rita were arrested and put on probation for neglect. The friends of all the other siblings now hate them and they became the most hated outcasts in Royal Woods. Because of Lynn Jr.'s stupid Superstition, it ended up tearing her 

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne's Baby-Sitting Routine

"Hey, check out the time, we're gonna miss the beginning of the entire performance!" Lori exclaimed to Bobby in alarm. "Come on, Lori, let's get outta here!" With that, Lori and Bobby went right out the door.

"Alright, everybody!" said Lincoln, looking right at Lola, Lana, Leni, Lisa, Lucy, Lynn, Luan, Luna, Lily, Clyde and Zach. "What do you guys wanna do 1st?"

"Well, how 'bout we-" Lola began as Lily broke out crying and wailing real loud.

"Oh no, not again." Lincoln groaned to himself while rubbing his temples. "Do you think she's got gas, Leni?"

"I don't know, Lincoln, maybe." Replied Leni with a shrug.

Lincoln patted Lily on her back and tried to get her to burp, but it got no effect.

Lincoln patted her lighter and harder.

Burping was apparently the last thing on her mind.

"Is she tired? wet? hungry? teething? thirsty? when was her last nap?" Ronnie Anne asked them.

"I don't think so, Ronnie Anne, we don't usually eat our dinner meals or get ready for bed around this time, anyhow." Lynn said to her as Ronnie Anne had an idea.

"Hmmm, hey, Lincoln, give her to me, I know exactly what to do with her." Ronnie Anne gently placed Lily on the sofa.

"Ronnie Anne, what are you doing?" Lisa asked her.

"Where's Lily?" she asked in a little singsong voice and lifted up the corner of the quilt.

"There she is!" Lily's crying lessened, and she looked right up at her with wide open eyes. Ronnie Anne let the quilt fall right back over her, right before repeating what she did before.

"Where's the baby girl? peekaboo, there she is!"

Lily sniffed then smiled a bit. Ronnie Anne took the quilt and draped it over her own head.

"Where's Ronnie Anne?" Lily giggled and watched cheerfully.

"Here I am!"

"Ronnie Anne, what did you do back there?" Lincoln asked her.

"Well, Lincoln, I figured if Lily wasn't tired, wet, hungry, teething or thirsty, she just needed my attention."

"Oh yeah, we get it." Lola said to herself.