chapter 2

Currently looking at each other was Lincoln and Lori with Lori demanding to know everything about Lincoln's past.

Lincoln: I'm such an idiot I should have known someone could have overheard my conversation with Lucy

Lori: well I'm waiting.

Lori was tapping her foot waiting for her brother's say something that she noticed his back tattoo.

Lori: what are you some kind of Yakuza

Lincoln: first off back tattoos are extremely popular,II know I'm not I was part of a younger generation of something called bosozoku

Lori: bosozoku?

Lincoln: basically a young generation of troublemakers who defy everything, dress differently, and live life how they want to I was a part of a group called The Grey dragons

Lori: so you were some kind of gangster.

Lincoln: in a way yes but we didn't cause trouble for civilians we just Hangout, had barbecues, occasionally got into fights with rival gangs but that's it!

Lori: okay so what about Hank, he's the real reason you got all this money!

Lincoln: Hank was a skilled stockbroker but one day he lost his mind, he couldn't remember where he lived or even his own name sometimes it only got worse with the years until he ended up homeless

Lori: okay so how do you play me the picture.

Lincoln: Hank saved me when I was jumped by another homeless man with a knife, after that we sort of took care of each other


Lincoln: and for the next 3 years we were practically surviving with each other's help, one day Hank got real sick, and during one of the few times he was lucid he made me the beneficiary of his will, so when he passed I ended up with millions of dollars yay lucky me

Lincoln's sarcasm echo through the room

Lori: okay so what about josuke and ryuji?

Lincoln: we met in Japan, josuke was the head of the group and ryuji was the number two, we became friends somehow and then I ended up joining, I felt at home with them seeing as all we were all outsiders

Lori: and what about Sakura?

Lincoln: she was ryuji's little sister, we met by chance when I visited him, and we sort of clicked

Lori: so you were in love and had a perfect life what happened, did she leave you after finding out what a piece of garbage you are!

Lori: no, she practically didn't want to see me anymore after ryuji died!

Lori: what happened?!

Lincoln: I was only seventeen at the time but we ended up in a vicious gang war with a group called The only alliance led by their cruel leader Akira kaname, dude was absolutely vicious, even his own men were scared of him.

Lori could only swallow a huge lump in her throat, the fact that Lincoln seemed slightly scared of him tells a lot.

(What was he capable of)

Lincoln: it was a vicious war that lasted over a year, 98 people have to go to the hospital from both sides,two critical one of them was a close friend of ryuji

Lori: oh?

Lincoln: anyway Sakura made us promise to get out of the game before we got hurt, josuke promised us that he would make Akira pay

Lincoln calmed himself before continuing

Lincoln: I still remember it like it was yesterday and Sakura just got home from a date when we found out ryuji was missing, I still to this day don't know how he figured out where the fight was going to happen but he ended up there and got himself killed by Akira!

Lori: Lincoln!

Lincoln: I went after him but it was too late,I fought Akira into a vicious fight and I nearly killed him with my bare hands!

Lori was surprised that her brother was this close to killing someone, even if that person was a terrible person.

Lincoln: later the police arrived and we managed to convince them that it was all in self-defense most of Akira's top guys went to juvie and as for Akira, I made sure that he would spend the rest of his life in prison!

Lori: how do I know any of this is true

Lincoln stepped Out of The Shadow that show off a huge scar he had on his gut surprising Lori

Lincoln: Akira stabbed me from behind as I was getting ryuji out of there into a hospital, I was this close to death for a few days, doctors managed to patch me up saying that I was lucky that he didn't hit any major arteries

Lori was absolutely speechless

Lincoln: anyway after ryuji's funeral Sakura couldn't even look at me,so in shame I left Japan, with nowhere else to go I decided it was time to go home

Lori: and the real reason you left.

Lincoln: someone threatened my life and yours as well as the others,he made it clear if I didn't leave town he was coming after you that's why I left

Lori was close to tears after hearing her brother out but still couldn't forgive our believe him and ran out of the room

Lincoln: just great that's exactly why I didn't want to tell them cuz I had a feeling something like this was going to happen

Lincoln wanted to go after her but felt it would have just made everything worse so he decided to go to bed and try to get some sleep

Currently in his hotel room was Lincoln sitting on his bed watching TV, as he was watching his favorite show ARG, he couldn't shake the feeling he had earlier that day

Lincoln(I know someone was watching but from where?)

Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a knocking on the door

Lincoln: come in

The door opens to reveal Ronnie Anne, wearing a purple hoodie and jeans

Ronnie Anne: we need to talk

Lincoln: about?

Ronnie Anne: The scars and tiger tattoo on your back

Lincoln clinches for a while before relenting knowing Ronnie and she would not give up so he took off his shirt showing off his many scars and the tiger tattoo on his back

Ronnie Anne was awestruck by his body for a while before coming back to her senses

Ronnie Anne: why didn't you tell me you were part of a gang

Lincoln: because that's part of my life I wish to forget when I was part of the grey dragons or "haiiro no doragon" in Japanese 2

Ronnie Anne: I'm guessing those scars have something to do with everything that you did in Japan

Lincoln just looks at Ronnie Anne with the cold stare before continuing

Lincoln:. When I was part of the dragons we were involved in a vicious gang war with a rival group called The oni alliance, led by a psychopath known as Akira kaname, almost every day I had to avoid ambushes from knives and bats, and I especially did not want to get kidnapped by the alliance

Ronnie Anne was reluctant but she decided to ask why

Lincoln: let's just say after they captured you and what they did do you would rather be dead than continue living

Ronnie Anne: and what about your friend that you have to bury?

Lincoln: his name was Ryuji, he was one of my bestest friends in the world, and he died in my arms from a knife attack courtesy of Akira!

Ronnie Anne: why didn't you talk to me about this Lincoln

Lincoln: there was nothing to talk about, what I did in Japan with my own business, and I did some pretty terrible stuff I was this close to killing Akira after what he did to Ryuji

Lincoln presses his fingers close to each other less than a centimeter away too indicate his point

Lincoln: I broke both of his arms and his jaw, and I shattered his leg so he wouldn't get away when the cops arrived, if my other friend Josuke wasn't there that day I probably would have been arrested for murder

Ronnie Anne is left speechless as she saw the pain in Lincoln's eyes, the eyes of someone who's had to suffer alone with no one to have their back

Without a moment of hesitation Ronnie Anne ran up to Lincoln and hugged him tightly

Ronnie Anne: you're not a monster Lincoln, that Akira guy was, even if the whole world judged you for what you did I wouldn't

Lincoln: Ronnie Anne!

Ronnie Anne: I love you lame-o, I even if you act like you're a hard criminal you're still the same lovable goofball I fell in love with all those years ago

Ronnie Anne let go of Lincoln in the two stared at each other for a few tense seconds before going in for a kiss French style

The two continue to make out until they broke off a kiss

Ronnie Anne: I'm staying with you the night and I'm not taking no for an answer

Lincoln pushes her down onto the bed as they begin kissing knowing that the night was still young

Unknown to them just a few miles away from the hotel where a bunch of Japanese men preparing bats and tasers

The leader was average in size with a shaved head

You think the oni alliance fell, think again once I take your head back to Japan we will rise again to our rightful place, just you wait Lincoln loud I will have my revenge

Lincoln was peacefully sleeping with Ronnie Anne by his side when he sensed a familiar bloodlust that he hasn't felt since Japan

Lincoln (Oni alliance! But how?!)

Lincoln immediately got out of bed and quickly got changed, waking Ronnie Anne

Ronnie Anne: Lincoln what's wrong?!!!

Lincoln: you still know how to hold your own in a fight, because we have company!

Ronnie Anne just nodded her head and quickly got changed as well.

As soon as she finished changing the door busted open and several men dressed in dark clothing with bandanas over their faces entered the room

Lincoln immediately lunge at one of them as the other tried to crack his skull with a baseball bat

Lincoln immediately duck and using fast movements roundhouse kick the man in the stomach sending him flying

Ronnie Anne meanwhile used her wrestling skills to throw around a few of her would-be assailants

One of them tried to pull out a pocket knife but Ronnie Anne immediately sideswiped his face with her boot, knocking him to the ground

Lincoln pick one of them up and noticed a distinctive oni tattoo on the back of their neck

Lincoln: they're oni alliance just as I suspected!

Ronnie Anne: Oni what?!

Lincoln: a rival biker crew from West Chiba! I don't know what they're doing here in Hawaii but I know one thing for sure they want my head literally!

Ronnie Anne: gosh Lincoln how did you make so many enemies

Lincoln: when it comes to bosozoku, loyalty is an important thing, since I'm the one who put their leader away they must want revenge!

Oni: ahhh!

One of the Oni used the little distraction try to crack Lincoln skull but Lincoln swung his foot around and intercepted the bat, bending it in two

Lincoln: Hah,I always wear steel-toed shoes you can run my foot over with a car and I still wouldn't feel it!

Ronnie Anne meanwhile had another Oni alliance member in a headlock, and put him in a quick sleeper hold, forcing them to pass out a few seconds later.

Lincoln: I see you haven't let up on your training

Ronnie Anne: are you kidding me when you're a nurse in the big city,knowing how to defend yourself is a must especially with idiot thugs like these guys right here

After making work of the remaining thug those who were left quickly grab their comrades and ran out of the room as fast as they could

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne gave Chase but as soon as they got outside they saw that the members of the only alliance gone into several vans and drove off.

Lincoln: dang it! I thought they were done when most of their leadership at members went to prison

Ronnie Anne: if there's one thing I know is that idiots like these love to hold a grudge. Wait they probably went after our families

Lincoln: not likely we were here on the bottom floor and our families are on the top floor. Even if they got up there my sisters can hold their own. Still we got to check on them cuz I know these guys and they're dangerous

Without wasting a moment that you ran towards the staircase and quickly made their way to the top floor

As they reach the top floor they saw Ronnie Ann's abuela fighting off several oni alliance members using only a wooden spoon 5

Rosa: Hah! Take that you no good thugs, you think you can mess with my family just because I'm an old lady think again!

Rosa using her shoe and wooden ladle quickly incapacitated several oni alliance thugs

Ronnie Anne: I guess I know where I get my fighting skills from

Meanwhile Lincoln saw several of his sisters holding their own against the oni alliance

Lola was biting the leg of one of them well Lynn I was using her own bat to fight off one of the thugs in a makeshift wooden sword fight

Luna was using her speakers As weapons while Luan I was using her boxing glove to fight off the thugs

Lynn Sr meanwhile was fighting a losing battle masked thug as Rita was easily taken down several of her would-be attackers 1

Rita: if you think I'm going down easily you haven't met read aloud my father taught me how to fight a black belt level

Lincoln: I guess that's where I get my fighting skills from

The two decided to join in the fight as Lana was commanding her pets to attack one of the thugs while Lucy appeared out of nowhere commanding a group of vampire bats to fight off the enemy

Meanwhile de casas grandes we're trying their best to hold their own

Freda was being the most aggressive easily holding her own against the larger enemy

A particularly large only alliance member tried to wrestle her to the ground only to find himself quickly overpowered

Frida: if you think I'm going to let you hurt my babies think again!

Frida then looked over at Ronnie Anne's mom and the two decide to form a tag team against their attackers

The Oni alliance not expecting this kind of resistance quickly played as they heard the sound of sirens coming to the distance.

Lincoln: is everyone okay?!

Luna: dude who were those guys?!!!

Lincoln:... People I'd hoped I would never see again

Lynn: wait where's Lori!

Leni: she said she needed some fresh air

Lincoln: we got to find her fast those thugs might go after her cuz she's alone

Without wasting a moment and deciding to ask questions for later everyone in the room ran out to search for Lori not knowing she was already captured by the oni alliance

????: Soon you will pay for what you did to Akira! Because of you Taiga we lost face, once I have your head we will have our honor restored

Lori meanwhile fearfully feared for her life as the van holding her with the mysterious leader of the Oni alliance drove off into the night

currently the Loud family Casagrande and guests were scrambling all over the hotel and nearby area to find Lori, who Lincoln fears has been taken by his old enemy from Japan the oni alliance.

Lincoln was currently in the security room of the hotel only to find that it was right to pieces most likely by the Oni alliance as a countermeasure to not having their identities revealed.

Lincoln just gritted his teeth and rage as he was wondering if Akira had ordered a revenge killing and kidnapping from behind bars.

Lincoln (Is this Akira's doing?! No! he may have been the son of a powerful Japanese businessman from a good family but from what I heard Akira was disowned at a young age for violent behavior. So if it's not him who is currently leading the Oni alliance!)

A few minutes later everyone regroup to see if they had found any trace of Lori anywhere in the hotel.

Lincoln: Anything?!

Maria: No we check the basement and the parking lot neither Lori or those thugs are anywhere!

Rosa: I check every room in the upstairs including the vacant rooms and nothing!

Lynn Sr: we check the beach too and nothing out of the ordinary.

Leni: Oh my gosh does that mean those bad men have Lori!

Rita: My baby girl!!!!

at that moment Bobby ran up to Lincoln and grab them by his collar.

Bobby: you know who those guys are don't you!

Lincoln in response just throws Bobby off of him before looking at it his family and associates before letting out sigh.

Lincoln: Those thugs that attacked us earlier part of a bosozoku or biker gang crew from Tokyo known as the Oni alliance. While I was living in Tokyo I was part of a rival crew known as the grey dragons

Luna: bro you were in a gang!

Lynn: why didn't you tell us

Lincoln: pop pop didn't think it was appropriate to bring up at this time until I got to know you guys better and better reconnect.

Rita: dad knew about this the whole time!

Ronnie Anne: guys focus we need to Lincoln to tell us anything about this crew that way we have a better chance of finding Lori

Carlos: we should just call the police.

Lincoln: Not a good idea knowing this crew they most likely have Police radios at the ready and the moment they hear of a kidnapping in progress they'll get rid of Lori

This caused everyone to go silent.

Lola: then we should take them on ourselves they don't seem that tough

Lincoln: those guys were only low-level thugs of the flying column, if you had faced any of the leadership or the special forces squad you guys would have probably been in the hospital or worse

Lola didn't know what he was saying until she realized that from his prison movies she realized that those were just grunts that the real threat was the guy who is most likely pulling the strings

Ronnie Anne: okay why don't you tell us everything you know about this Oni alliance.

Lincoln: The Oni alliance was created several years ago when several biker crews joined up together under the flag of Akira Kaname, a psychopath and sociopaths wouldn't care who got in his way he would eliminate them, he was a man so dangerous that they are the kind that don't live very long

Everyone just let out a huge goal before continuing to hear Lincoln's explanation.

Lincoln: Exactly one year today Akira and the leadership went to prison for long sentences courtesy of me and several of my friends. But not before Akira killed a close friend of mine in cold blood while I watched

Rita: Lincoln....

Lincoln: Anyway from what I know the Oni alliance is made up of several squads, special forces, vice, guard, flying column, and the detachment squad. Those guys that attacked us earlier were part of the flying column I could tell from one of those thug's tattoo.

Ronnie Anne: There is something you're not telling us is there?

Lincoln: I can never get anything past you. No that's not the only thing I also remember for the longest time wondering how a psychopath like Akira manage to get so many people under him. It was only a rumor but many said that Akira wasn't the true leader of the Oni alliance that he was the face of the organization.

Luan: if that psychopath was only the face I wonder who was the guy pulling the strings.

Lincoln: like I said it was only a rumor now let's focus on how we're going to find Lori.

Carl: and how exactly are we going to do that!

Lincoln: The Oni alliance only had power in Tokyo and there's no way they could find a space to hide that many people so most likely they're using a Yakuza connection here on the island to hide them.

Carlotta: Yakuza?

Lincoln: Japanese Mafia. Most likely one of the members of the alliance has a family member who's a high-ranking member of the Yakuza family. If I discover who that family member is Lisa can do a property search and find any property large enough that the person owns that could hide that many people.

Lisa: brilliant elder male sibling.

Lincoln: okay I know I have a lot of explaining to do but let's do that after we find and save Lori agreed.

Everyone just nodded their head and moved out

Lincoln was currently on his phone calling every contacting you on the island.

Lincoln knew that the three most powerful crime families and all of Hawaii were the Triads, Hawaiian mafia, and the Yakuza.

Lincoln what's currently on the phone waiting for an Oyabun that he had met long ago to answer.

Lincoln knew that asking this Yakuza boss for a favor was extremely dangerous but the Oyabun old him a favor for saving his daughter from a kidnapping back when he was in the Tokyo grey dragons.

?????: Moshi Moshi?

Lincoln: Oyabun it's me Taiga.

Oyabun: Ah it has been a long time tiger of komoe? I have a feeling you're going to call in the favor I owe you for saving my precious daughter.

Lincoln: Yes sir..... Do you remember the Oni alliance?

Oyabun: Yes.....that group of no-good delinquents that were led by that psychopath..... I am super glad you managed to put them away as I a great fear what would have happened if Akira Kaname had managed to join a Yakuza organization.

Lincoln: Yes I'm afraid they have not learned their lesson Oyabun since that kidnapped a member of my family who is a civilian.

Oyabun:....I disgraceful they make a mockery of the ethics of the Japanese underworld! What do you need of me?

Lincoln: I need to know if anyone you know who owns a large enough facility here on the Hawaiian island of Honolulu that can hold a small army.

Oyabun:.....there is one individual but he was excommunicated long ago for his less than.... Honorable actions during his time as a Yakuza.

Lincoln: Who?

Oyabun: An old friend name Iwami Toga..... If I remember correctly he owns a warehouse on the outskirts of the island that has enough space to hide a small army.

Lincoln: thank you Oyabun.... I'm sorry I was such an inconvenience to you.

Oyabun: think nothing of it Lincoln. Just make sure you end the legacy of Akira Kaname once and for all!

Lincoln: believe me I plan to.

The Oyabun then hung up the phone as Lincoln's group returned to the lobby.

Bobby: did you find anything?

Lincoln: Lisa I need you to print me on map for a warehouse owned by a man named Iwami Toga

Lisa: I assume he's the Yakuza connection that is hiding the Oni alliance

Lincoln: Yes

Carlos: I still believe we should call the police.

Lincoln: and I told you the moment they smell cops they won't hesitate to kill Lori! I know these guys and trust me when I tell you if they won't hesitate to kill her if she becomes a nuisance to them!

Carlos just fell silent as he knew this what is most likely true as he has done many research on the criminal underworld.

Carl: okay but even if we do find that warehouse how exactly are we going to get Lori back? If what you said is true then there is a literal Army that will be in our way!

Lincoln said nothing until a mysterious voice decided to give his two cents.

????: I believe that's where we come in

The group turned around and saw that the room of the main lobby was filled with a group of Asian men about Lincoln's age.... But there was one person who stood out from the rest

Lincoln: Clyde?

Lincoln notice that among the group of people he recognized as his friends from his generation of the Tokyo gray dragons was his childhood friend Clyde McBride.

Clyde: it's good to see you buddy....these guys came to Royal Woods saying that they needed to warn you about something when they told me all about your situation

Lincoln: Clyde.....

Clyde: don't worry we can always catch up later for now we got to save Lori. And now you have an army to do it

It was then that a large Asian man with a pompadour stepped out from the crowd.

Lincoln: Josuke!

Josuke: I'm sorry Lincoln I tried to warn you that the Oni alliance was back and wanted revenge. But I had a hard time finding you.

Lincoln: then how did you?

Josuke: Sakura helped us find you

Lincoln didn't say nothing as the mention of the name was extremely painful

Josuke: but right now. Doesn't matter it's time we finish what we should have finished one year ago.

It was then that Josuke tossed Lincoln a jacket and Lincoln realized it was the jacket he wore when he was part of the grey dragons

without saying anything Lincoln put on the jacket and started to walk out with a group.

Rita: Lincoln where are you guys going?!

Lincoln: I'm going with him to finish what we started. Don't bother following us, you will just get in the way!

Soon Lincoln and his group left the lobby and when the vacationers chased after them they saw that outside they were riding away on motorcycles.

Lynn Sr: we have to go after them I don't care how strong they are they'll need our help if we want to save my baby girl!

With no word spoken among the one another they it immediately when for the rental cars so that they could catch up with the Tokyo grey dragons, Who are preparing to finish what they started a year ago.

Finishing the Oni alliance for good!

The people of Hawaii whether they were citizens or simply tourists were surprised when they saw a large group of motorcycles passing through the streets making noise as a flag of a gray Dragon was flown highly in the air.

The group in question was none other than the 5th generation of the Tokyo gray dragons,who have banded together once more after retiring to finish off an enemy they should have finished off a year ago this day.

Among the group was the former captain of the special forces unit of the gray dragons, Lincoln Loud or known as Taiga to the Tokyo Police department and his enemies alike when he was in Tokyo.

The special forces were basically the main attack unit of any bosozoku team that were the first ones into a fight and the last ones to leave. The Creed of the special forces which then never show the enemy their backs until only leaving when ordered by a leader, who in there case was Josuke!

Josuke: Lincoln I'm sorry your sister got wrapped up in this mess!

Lincoln: don't be this is all my fault I should have known that they wouldn't be satisfied with us getting away with taking down their leaders!

Clyde: so what's the plan we know where they are so what are we going to do!

Lincoln: Clyde I have to ask why are you here you're not exactly a fighter.

Clyde: I'll have you know I have been doing some karate lessons but you're right about one thing I'm not as vicious as you guys so I probably can only knock people out. Besides I have been watching over your sisters ever since you disappeared so they're like my little sisters too so I'll help Lori even if it means death!

Lincoln: now that's the kind of conviction one has to have when they join a bosozoku gang. Now we will be in the compound within 20 minutes, there we have to take on anyone who's in our way until we find Lori and the bastard who is pulling the strings!

Josuke: Kai and Kenji said from a source they "persuaded"to cooperate that Akira was never the true leader, but the face of the organization.

Lincoln: I should have known! Akira may have been a very powerful fighter but he doesn't have the brains or charisma to convince that many people to join him! I knew something was off when he somehow managed to convince several smaller crews to join the Oni Alliance, so any idea who's the real brains behind the operation?! until we found a photo of what look like Akira next to someone who had his face. It took a favor from a Yakuza informant to tell us that the individual who was most likely the real leader of the Oni Alliance was none other than Akira's brother, Aoi Kaname!

Lincoln gripped his motorcycle handles tightly as he should have someone as paranoid as Akira would only trust someone extremely close to him like his brother.

Lincoln: smug bastard must have been laughing his butt off when he got away! But not this time I don't care how many Kaname brothers sisters cousins are out there! I'm going to track them all down and eliminate them so they can never go after my family again!

Kai: man Lincoln has not changed, not even when we fought over who would lead the special forces and I ended up losing forcing me to take leadership of the guard squad!

Kenji: stop complaining your body is like steel so being a bodyguard is appropriate for you. I on the other hand have to work extra hard since I used to lead the flying column squad!

The two fellow members of the fifth generation leadership just began laughing as they continue to drive towards what was surely to be their final Battle before permanent retirement from the life.

[About twenty minutes later]

Just outside a large Warehouse like area with a large fence was the fifth generation with Clyde and tow.

Lincoln had gone into the woods to change and when he came back he was wearing the traditional garbs of the Tokyo gray dragons along with the jacket that he was so proud of wearing when he was a member that declared him as a member as well as a leader of the 5th generation.

Josuke was combing his pompadour as the other members were preparing everything they would need from bats, to pepper spray, and one of them even was carrying a wooden samurai sword.

Clyde: I thought you guys would have guns or something not things that you would have to get up close and personal to use

Kenji: Baka! If you grew up in Japan you would know that guns are considered dishonorable to bossesoku as a real man fights with his fists and is never afraid to get up close and personal!

Kenji: Yeah and don't let the quiet guy over there fool you he's a real battle Maniac when he gets to use his wooden sword....Right Haruto?

Haruto said nothing as he continued looking at his wooden sword and smiled at the thought of how many people would break at his hands.

Lincoln: all right Josuke time to get the team riled up.

Josuke began to fake cough getting everyone's attention.

Josuke: all right man tonight we finish what we should have finished a year ago this very night! Let's not forget that those bastards inside killed some of our friends in their war with us! not only that they went after our family's friends who had nothing to do with our lives which is a complete dishonor to the bosozoku culture! They are not real men like us so let's teach him a lesson they will never forget!

This got the man riled up but they did not cheer as they did not want to get the enemy's attention.

Lincoln (Aoi or whatever when I find you I'm going to crush you so badly that any fighting Spirit you have will be completely burned out, making you unable to go after my family again!)

Clyde just swallow the largest lump in his throat as he and the Tokyo grey dragons began to set forth towards what was surely to be a vicious battle.

The Grey dragon's fight to finish what they started!

Clyde fights to try to save Lori!

Lincoln fights to make sure that no one will ever go after his family again and that they will be safe, even if it costs him his life! Lincoln said I well take care of the leader and you guys take care of the rest and Clyde you get Lori and leave with her he did the family's showed up Clyde and Lori got in an told they Lincoln said to leave they did Lincoln kill the leader he went back to the hotel and told the family that he was going to be gone for a few years to finish off the rest of the Oni alliance leaders family members and Clyde I won't you to look after them for me and Josuke if it ain't any trouble can I have you and two other people to look after The Casagrandes they were going to say no but Lincoln said no buts I have to go to Tokyo to kill the rest of the Oni alliance they said ok he left and found them and took and put his motorcycle on the plane and went back home he got motorcycles for his sister's and told them to follow me to my house and did he got home his younger sister saw him and said Lincoln is back and ran out of the house and hugged him and saw all the motorcycles he said I got one for every one of you guys and told Clyde to not call Josuke I won't to surprise them he said ok he gave all of them their motorcycles and left to go to the Casagrande and went ot the hospital and said can I talk to Ronnie anne they said yes you can and did he said get on she did he said put your arms around me and she did they were off and got to her house and Josuke saw him and asked is it done he said yes it is can you get the Casagrande and he did and he gave them some motorcycles and said it is all done with you guys are safe because I killed all of the Oni alliance family members who were left except the kids and I brainwashed them to not remember there family