no offence to any authors but it grinds reaaaaally bad on my nerves when a story is left unfinished it ruins it's beauty and the emotions felt from it feel fake and there is no accomplishment you see I can feel the emotions poured into a story feel the imagination used to describe and create it's a wonder.. if I'm gonna be honest I don't know how I do it either guess I'm just that sort of empath I can feel emotions or guess emotions certain emotions give me certain feelings it's a horrible thing to be honest when you know your being cheated on even before you learn about it and she's breaking up with you but anyway you all can probably understand I can pick out the nice people and the bad people but eh guess I'm in the gray area on that one it's mixed feelings but I'll be honest with you on one thing in this day and age what's art for?

what's it's purpose?

who is it for?

why was it made?

I can give you all an answer

art is simply used to remember someone and their mistakes or their accomplishments it is there to let us know what to strive for or what shouldn't happen again it teaches us reminders throughout our lives that some mistakes should not be made again and some accomplishments should be repeated time and time again in all the history teacher around the world humans are pretty evil and pretty good depending on your view and theirs broaden your horizons and allow yourselves to be put into others shoes instead of being greedy and selfish sure humans are all about chaos and order good and evil you all want to create the perfect world yet without some things we are simply machines the world is harsh and gets worse every year when your wondering when it will get better it won't it never will some will always be stuck as the bottom of the ladder for others to climb over at the top are those who are corrupt and don't care who they hurt in the process I personally will tell you society needs to change African Americans need to change from saying black lives matter because the world's not all about you everyone once upon a Time was a slave we still are we're slaves just not officially lol who do you think pays for the construction of cities and things ? the regular people who pay taxes yet all you say is black lives matter and then go burn towns to the ground and rob stores and hurt people the world doesn't need black lives matter it needs ALL LIVES MATTER no matter the color country or adult or child all matter yet you seem so angry over one person yet don't realize it's happened to many more before him native Americans we're slaves to the plantation owners before African Americans but it was the African tribes and stuff long before this was actually a country that were selling their own people and defeated tribes as slaves but the thing is it's the past? do you see native Americans going crazy and burning cities down ?no? niether do I it happened in the past because American troops were raping killing and torturing everyone do you folks understand? the native Americans have only very rarely in history shown a forocity that is deserved yet everyone wants to burn the world down over one man when hundreds before him haven't gotten justice? do you really think black lives are the only ones who matter?, I don't .... I believe all lives matter and all lives should be recognized instead of just black lives matter do you really want to divide the world further and make it so the corrupt leaders and officials start just putting devices in us that monitors and tracks us and controls every aspect of our lives ? just because you want to burn cities and divide each other more than they already do?

in my honest opinion divided we are weak but together humans can accomplish so much more than they can by themselves