you know for the world to be advanced as it is you would think they would realize everyone one on this planet is a human regardless of skin color or nationality but it just makes me wonder why humanity is smart I'm some ways dumb in others .....

I mean seriously? you literally spent so long saying white supremacists bull shit and blm all over the world ? so why just those two halves of humanity? why not everyone? like literally meaning all humans matter but in curiosity it makes me wonder .... what bullshit stupidity do you have to have to have divided the world's population so much against each other???? I mean we're all from pangea sooooooooo like are humans just morons? we only look different because we grew up and evolved in different regions of the planet but we're still human? are we not? I wonder how all of you think of me spouting all my weirdness like this? pretty weird huh? I don't mind the insults or the comments tbh go ahead so what's up with every one of you? you gotta be just as broken as me to read someone just about having a conversation with himself? so does anyone wanna give me ideas about what to put on here ? I know it's opinions and shit but some comments with suggestions would be nice