New Life

In an unknown location, beside the crystal clear river, Faijay's body was lying on the ground with full of scattering blood. Suddenly, the blood seems to come to life. In the middle of Faijay's chest was a blue light that keeps on glittering.

The scattered blood around Faijay's lifeless body fused again inside him and began reconstructing his body fully. The changes in his body were miraculous it was a big change to be exact. The body structure, height, and facial features. Everything has changed.

Faijay is barely conscious. He didn't know how much time has passed but he wished that this time he would surely go back to where he was. His head felt sluggish and he could only vaguely perceive his surroundings.

He felt like he was lying on hard ground, as he tried to move, sharp pangs of pain and soreness punctured his body which is unwilling to move. His head was still heavy as if many kilograms are added to it. He couldn't open his eyes either. All he could do is to hear voices whispering around him.

"Unbelievable. You just had to cause trouble on our last day, didn't you? I bet you did this on purpose. Wait, what are you doing with the philosopher stone?"

"I'll just have to bring him back to life."

"Do we have to do this? What if the higher up knows what we did to him?"

"It's my fault in the first place anyway. He was not supposed to die this time. Let's just give him a little compensation, okay?"

"Are you a saint or something? Tsk, hurry up before they will call us." The woman said in an irritated manner.

"Right. Wait... Since we don't know what this disk could possibly do, why not try it? The seller said that this thing was like a mystery box. That parallel world sure has many incredible things. We even bought this scrap due to our ignorance so I'll just use it on him."

Suddenly a hologram shot out from a mysterious disk from the man's hand.

The man only glanced at the first few pages as there were 20 pages with terms and conditions. He was too lazy to read the entire thing so he scrolled to the bottom and clicked on the 'accept' button.

The screen changed again, there was a spinner of 50 columns on the screen. Each column was the same size and there was a golden box on each of them with a pointer pointing in the 12 o'clock direction. There were two buttons at the bottom of the spinner, one was 'start' while the other was 'stop'.

The mysterious man pressed 'start' and the spinner started spinning fast. A few moments, he pressed the 'stop' button. After gliding for a while, the pointer stopped at one of the golden boxes.

The golden box then finally opened and became mysterious black blood and the spinner disappeared as well as the golden box. The blood had an eerie aura in it coupled with its golden pattern.

The two due made a gasp as they look at the black blood and sigh in relief thinking 'The blood sure is eerie but it was stable and didn't contain malicious intent' with a flick of the man's hand, blood shoot directly at Faijay's direction. Faijay's body trembled even his slightly conscious state began to blackout. After a few minutes, his trembled body began to die down and a gasp coming from the mouth vibrated out.

The visible wounds healed on its own and a couple of black liquid gushed out from his body. It was a black substance. A waste from his body.

Looking at the due in front of him he couldn't help but shocked as his vision turned to normal. He cannot see their faces but he could tell that they are both handsome and beautiful. They are unparalleled.

"I'm alive? Who are you, people?" Faijay asks questionably.

Falling from the top of that building he was sure that even his bones on his body would turn to dust. He couldn't survive that high. But looking at it now, not only he was alive but he was sure that there are changes going on with his body.

"Ahm... Have you come to your senses, Faijay? You're not supposed to die today but because of us, well, you died so as compensation we brought you back to life." The mysterious man said as he flicks his hands from left to right in front of him.

"Wait... Are you two the Grim Reapers? Am I in heaven? But this place looks like not heaven though."

Seeing Faijay looked like an idiot they sigh and the mysterious woman said, "You died just like he said. And grim reapers? Well, maybe?"

"Then... What is all this? How did my body change? Wait, is this even my body?" Faijay said as he looks at his face at the river at the same time frowned thinking there was something wrong but he could not figure out what it was.

"Let me explain it so that it's easier for you to understand." The man in black said while looking at Faijay.

"What I said to you was true. We brought you back to life. In fact, you were transmigrated with a face that'll make the rest of your life easier." The man said as he looked at the woman beside him.

"He's right."


Faijay couldn't help but look at the due in black nodded back to back each other.

"So you mean, my soul transmigrated and possessed a person with the same name, Faijay, which is myself?" Faijay said unbelievably.

"Yes." The mysterious girl said and shortly the man nodded as a response.

"Human, we brought you back in life albeit in a different method. Don't ever get mad at us. The body you possessed already died an hour ago so there's no use getting remorse. Bye bye!"

Faijay could only stare at the due floating when they saw a star falling while saying, "It's the millennium star."

And in a blink of an eye, they turned into a ball of light one was yellow and the other was white.

After he heard the woman's voice afar, he sigh and said loudly, "Why should I? When I look like this now?"

"Tsk. He's a nutjob." The man said.

"No, a lunatic to be exact."


The due couldn't help but sigh as they look at the human before them. They could see him do a pose from afar. They even hear him say for the last time, "They say good looks are all that matters. Even when I'm covered by this black smelly substance, I still look fashionable."

"Tsk, look at him most humans would be surprised or in denial. That's the usual response. Him? Not so much." The man in a white shining ball said as they flew away.

"Crazy, we brought back a crazy idiot to life."

"By the way what did the disc reward you?" The woman questioned as they soared in the sky.

"I also don't know..."

At the side of the pond Faijay still doing a pose when he suddenly stops and trembled. As if he found the answer he was looking for, he shouted in horror.

"... Wait. Fuck! Where the heck is this place! Hey! You two! Stop!"


He was not dreaming. Faijay finally accepted the truth.

He calmed himself down and started to think about the whole situation he was in.

This place was definitely not the place he was living the moment ago. Obviously a different planet or universe.

Faijay was a single bachelor. He grew up in a small family. He was in a hopeless situation because his dad had incurred a lot of debt to pay in order to sustain the family but couldn't pay it off. After thinking about it, Faijay concluded that maybe living in another universe was not a bad thing. He could only hope that his mother and father live peacefully.

He started to plan his situation and the possible outcome.

"Looks like I died saving a small girl at the train station and somehow due to an unexpected event, the grim reapers brought my soul on a different world and finally possessed a different body. Because it was accidental they pick a person with charming features suitable to let me live peacefully in this unknown world?"

Faijay pieced every detail he could get but there was a lot of question remained as to how is he going to live in this damnable place. He didn't even know where is this or why did the place look primitive.

Faijay squinted. What's the use of my charming face now?

Thankfully it was in the middle of the afternoon and Faijay got his bearing. He looked around he even walk from north to south and south to east. Lastly east to west.

He was baffled as to why he can't go out from the forest and didn't even realize that because of his fearful attitude that made him unable to go forward. Hours after hours, Faijay still didn't know what to do.

To think that he only walk 15 meters away from the river and made a decision to walk back. Word cowardice, gutless, and pusillanimous should be the exact word that describes his current action.

"This is not good. What should I do?"

He could hear his stomach grumble from time to time. Although there are fishes in the river, his proficiency when catching a fish is close to zero. He can't also produce fire since there is no starter. He also thought about using wood to combust a fire but he didn't know the method. In any case, he didn't know any survival technique.

Suddenly, he felt like his entire body was really heavy and his vision went blurry. He fell unconscious.