
It was in the middle of the night. At the train station, there's a teenager with an average appearance. A square face, bunny looking tooth, and an average build with 174 cm height. Holding a liquor in his hand.

What was different about him is that he wears expensive clothes. A white long-sleeve at the background and a red suit coupled with a black necktie.

Faijay twenty years old, and a well-off owning a company.

Living in this world might be easy for him since he was rich. He can buy anything he wanted. Having a charity, buying presents to the orphan kids, helping the grannies, and share blessings to his family. But the main problem is that although money is important there is still one thing that money cannot do or buy.

A person's worth. A person's love.

[I may not have the prettiest face or the sexiest body, but I can assure you that I have the biggest heart that will love for who you are.]

This was Faijay's belief on love but today it was broken and it's likely hard to heal.

Looking at the view inside the train station, Faijay can't help but sigh. As much as he wanted to live happily ever after there is one thing that will hinder it. His soon to be wife escaped on their wedding day. Looking at his cellphone, a picture that seems to be him and a very beautiful woman smiling while taking a selfie. It was as if they were a couple of the century.

Tears flow from his eyes and flow towards his cheeks as he looks at the picture for the last time. How can she leave me like this? He wanted to ask this question from her but it was no use. She was gone. He can't find her.

The last message she sent to him broke the last bit of hope he had on her.

"I'm sorry. Let's call off the wedding, Faijay."

"I just don't think I can share a bed and eat a meal with your ugly face for the rest of my life. I'm sorry I don't have the courage to do it."

When he finished reading the message he momentarily went blank while standing at the edge of the train station. It seems like he made up his mind to just jump down and kill himself right on the spot when the train arrives. Since he was drunk he couldn't think properly and his thought was disturbed by Sofia's betrayal.

Ring~ Ring~ Ring~

One last call. One last call not for his ex-fiance but for his first love.

He had called for so many times but she did not answer him. So he made his last call. If she answered then he could probably say his goodbye and if she didn't then he can only hope that she will live happily whoever the guy she married.

The call reaches which made Faijay happy.

"Hello? Hey, Faijay?"

A soft melodic voice reaches his ear. He smiled but the loneliness he had right now made the atmosphere turn cold.

"Hi, Claire."

"What's the matter?"

"It's nothing special. I'll just wanna ask how are you doing. Doing good investigating?" Faijay said. As usual, this 'friend-first love' friend he had a conversation is a prosecutor.

"My time is tight that's why I didn't know you've made a call. Fortunately, this time I'm on my way to the crime scene so I manage to answer your call. By the way, why did you call so many times? The fact that you called could only mean that you're still depressed by the sudden betrayal of Sofia. Why don't you just moved on? Why would you cling onto her?"

Hearing her angry voice made him sigh and bewildered. In the first place, she was the one who introduced Sofia to him. Rusef's emotion right now is mixed feelings. He can't bear to just let the past go just like that. The fact that Sofia showed care for him and slept with him one time made him couldn't forget about her. Who can bare his ugly face just like that? The fact that Sofia still remains by his side that long made him believe that she also loved him and that maybe there's something wrong and maybe there was really a problem. Or maybe... because of his money.

"How can you say that?" Faijay said as his emotions swelled bringing him to the past when he was still admiring his first love Claire Emperial.

"Tsk, let's not talk about that okay? I'm in a crucial moment right now we can talk again later, okay?"

Claire was the Daughter of General Saji Emperial.

Such a beauty that seems to be an angel that falls from the sky. She had a lot of admirers and don't know where it ends.

"This is all because of you, Claire. If you only hadn't introduced me to Sofia... If only you had accepted my feelings for you, I wouldn't have come this far." Faijay's emotion swelled up. Because of this unfortunate event, the emotion he keeps burst out all of a sudden.

Suddenly a sigh came from his phone's speaker vibrated.

"You always lash out at me when you're dumped. If that's why you called me, I'm going to hang up."


"Hello? Faijay?"

Faijay couldn't continue answering Claire since there was a small girl who's toy jump off the railing below. Due to this, Faijay dragged hurriedly his tipsy body towards the small girl before it jumps towards the railing of the train. He was a hero that was his last thought when his left shoulder with a little left out smashed at the side of the incoming train.


A face full of unwillingness pasted on him while his whole body thrown away several meters.


Adeah Continent, Country of the Celestia, Blackmurr City, De Duncourt Clan.

Faijay sat at the top of a big rock in the backyard of the De Duncourt clan. It was a bright day with a clear sky, but his mood was extremely bad, and he was feeling very depressed. Who could have thought he will be living here for good?

Faijay had woken up for the second time. He didn't know how much time has passed but he wished that this time he would surely go back to where he was. This is the second time he wished it was true. That he was just dreaming. That everything was going to be fine. But it wasn't and reality was harsh. His head felt sluggish and he could only vaguely perceive his surroundings.

He felt like he was lying on soft cotton which makes you feel like you were in floating, but as he tried to move, sharp pangs of pain and soreness punctured his body which is unwilling to move. His head was still heavy as if many kilograms are added to it.

After he collected his bearings, this time, Faijay finally accepted the truth that he was not dreaming. He is in a different world.

"You are awake!?" Suddenly a black haired girl bent over. Suddenly, as if she realized something she immediately tried to cover her face. It was not that because their face is close together that's why the girl quickly covered her face. It was because there was a huge scar that made her embarrass to face someone. Although Her expression quickly became one of surprise and happiness. There was also an expression of shy and afraid included, "L-lord Faijay, how are you feeling? The doctor said that you have to rest properly…"

"This... What happened?" Although Faijay pretended not to show any expressions, he couldn't help but wonder why there was a huge scar on her face. If not for that huge scar how beautiful would she be? Faijay didn't know what to say. There was something else that worried him.

A million thoughts started to race through his mind. Where was he? What was going on? How did he end up being here?

Right after he said it, he was shocked!

He discovered something unbelievable this girl was using the same language he had in the Philippines. Faijay was a student who graduated from a university that specialized in Computer codings. He's a Computer Science major which is not really helpful towards the current situation. But because he specializes in coding which is language codings he immediately discovered the similarities of the language that this world uses and the language that his world is using.

"Eh? Y-young lord, you are better now? You're not an idiot anymore? This is a miracle! The lord above truly bless our lord! He's better now!"

Faijay threw a questioning look. The current situation was out of his expectation. 'What better? I'm good as ever. Why did she shout so exaggeratedly? Did she think I'm an idiot as birdbrain?'

The girl held on tight to the edge of the bed, her mind anxiously racing as worry filled her widened eyes. She sounded as if someone was about to cry. Then, her cold hand was placed on his forehead.

"Young lord, I hope that the fall didn't add damage to your brain. Although you're not very bright before, at least now you could talk."

Faijay's mind was messed up.

'What the. So she means to say that in the past, Faijay, which is the past Faijay, is an idiot? With a little bit of intelligence? The heck is this! Then most likely a circumstance like this, shit! Is this hereditary? This kind of syndrome...'

Faijay gloomily sighs saying, "I'm okay now. By the way, where am I? Who are you? Because of the accident my head is messed up."

"W-hat? This... I'm one of your servant young lord. Shayne. And this is your courtyard. Maybe your head hit something during your fall in the river which resulted in this problem. Thankfully we found you immediately. Your grandfather used all his resources while gifting this courtyard to you my lord. We are now at the territory of the De Duncourt clan... Your clan."

Faijay silently looks at the girl named Shayne. He then observed his surroundings and found that he was in an unusual decorated room. The room was an old wood with bamboo made, with magnificent decors, royal bamboo furniture, and a smooth cool menthol scent; as if he was in a dream.

He was shocked. He started observing his surroundings after he felt that he had control of his neck.

The place was not like a medieval luxury room but bamboo and wood combined to build the big house including the magnificent design. Not totally grand but the view looks peaceful and refreshing since it was full of green environment.

"This is unbelievable. I was inside someone's body. Taking as a new host and becoming a young lord all of a sudden with a servant." Faijay muttered in a daze.