Chapter 2

The blackness slowly fades and in its place blinding white, the type of white one can observe when the sun bounces off pure fields of snow. But its not winter I think as I glance around confused. Suddenly I realize I am unable smell anything, I take greater care in observing my surroundings since one of my senses are missing. Is this a result of the accident? Will I loose my sense of smell forever? I shake my head dispelling the though, calm down I voice in my head. My mind finally clear I repeat my last memory over and over trying to find a clue as to where I am and finally come up with the answer.

I am dead. There is no way I could escape that accident alive, I mean for goodness sake my lungs and ribs were crushed under the wheels of that car. Poor Mrs Huckleberry, she will have to finish cleaning out her garage by herself. I think some more and wonder when the director of the orphanage will find out that I am no longer there, maybe he will think I ran off. It will probably take a few days, no who are you kidding Lia its more than likely it will take him a few weeks with the amount of kids living there.

I feel a presence behind me and quickly turn around. A small girl stands there looking up at me in curiosity. I peer back down at her and smile. She takes that smile as a go ahead to start asking questions.

"Who are you?" she asks in a perplexed voice "No one should be able to enter this dimension without my permission and I definitely didn't give you my permission."

I start to apologize but realize that I have no idea what I was apologizing for. I meen I have no idea how I got here or where I am either. Instead I decide to introduce myself to this cute little girl with pigtails. "My name is Lia and I believe I am dead. And who might you be?"

Her eyes clear in understanding as I say the word dead. And her look of bewilderment turns into one of serenity. I almost burst out giggling to see such an expression on the face of someone as young as her.

She clears her throat and responds to my question "I am Shia, The Goddess of Creation ruling over Caravia. In addition I am the head of the seven other gods who watch over this world!" the last sentence is spoken with a slightly bragging tone and threatens to send me into another fit of giggles.

Questions race through my head and I decide to ask the most pressing one "What is Caravia?" as it was a word I had never heard before.

"Caravia is the world I created" she briefly looks over my right shoulder and adds "It is in a completely separate dimension than your home planet, Earth. And the main difference is that Caravia contains mana while Earth has none."

"Mana?" I ask, of course I had skimmed over the term while reading fantasy books but I was not sure if it meant the same thing as what Shia was referring to.

"Mana is the life force of Caravia, in a short explanation it is what gives Caravia its magic"

I process that statement and decide to ask another question "Do you know why I'm here?" She ponders my question for a moment before answering "Well as you have already figured out yourself you have died and as I have seen it was a pretty honorable act. I believe that the action of saving that boys life has forcefully taken you out of earths rebirth cycle. I'm not sure why. It could be because you were already an anomaly in the system."

"Anomaly?" I ask not understanding.

"Yes you already had more of a heightened sense of your surroundings than any other person on earth not only that but your agility stat is of the charts for a human" she says glancing over my right shoulder again.

"Stats?" I ask getting even more confused.

She sighs and starts to explain " Stats are pretty much the level of your abilities. You have five groups agility, strength, intelligence, defense, and dexterity. And your agility reaches the 50's which is unprecedented for a human from earth"

"What's the average stats of those from Caravia?"

"Well there are many more species that just humans but average stats for humans in Caravia start out like the average stats of those on Earth, around 10 points in each group. But it varies depending on body build and abilities you have. The main diferente is everyone living on Caravia holds a system even the demons and monsters. This system gives you skills that match your profession and abilities and also provides a level based system, you gain stat points after you level up that you can put in any of your five groups. The amount of stat points you gain each level varies depending on your race."

I can tell that Shia has not talked to anyone in a very long time because she has been providing me with long winded explanations about her world. She almost looks like a proud mother with the huge smile that lights up her face. It contrasts greatly with her appearance of a small girl.

"I see I say it's kind of like a game" I say she nods in response the smile still truck to her face. I ask another question "How did you know my stat points?"

She begins to think contemplating if it is okay to tell me and after a long pause finally says "Will you promise not to tell anyone?"

Who does she think I'm going to tell there is no one but her and I here in this bright white space. Hold on is she thinking of sending me into her world? "I promise not to tell anyone."

"My power as a god gives me many skills as I was the one who created the system and one of these skills is [assessment] when I look over your right shoulder I can see your status, skills, name and home land."

My mouth opens in surprise but I quickly close it. She is a god of course she would have OP skills.

"Oh pardon my rudeness I got so caught up in talking about Caravia that I lost track of time." She snaps her fingers and a table with two chairs appears a few feet away. She heads towards a chair and gesture for me to take a seat. A cup of hot chamomile tea appears in front of me and I blow on it. I still can't smell it, I wonder if I can taste it? I take a sip and sure enough the relaxing flavor of chamomile permeates my mouth. A stack of paper appears in front of Shia and she speaks.

"Now let's get down to business"