I glance at the pile of paper in front of Shia and briefly make out the title words "What will you become when you are reincarnated?"
{Is this like one of those Buzzfeed tests that almost always get the answers wrong. I've done my fair share of Buzzfeed tests but this one looks like it's going to be a long one due to the pile of papers that come up to Shia's chest}
"Umm Shia does this meen that you are going to reincarnate me into Caravia?" I ask after mulling over the craziness of seeing a buzzfeed-like test in the afterlife.
She nods in response then shakes her head slightly "Well im not exactly going to reincarnate you it's more of a mix between reincarnation and transmigration."
She notices my confused stare and goes on to further explain, "You see instead of starting of as a baby your new body will be created at an older age somewhere between five and seven years of age. This makes it so you don't have to go through the process of living as a baby, which would no doubt be very boring with your memories intact. And you won't have a body to old because then you would have missed years of experience for leveling up and understanding the culture of Carivia."
With her explanation finish she starts on the pile of papers and I take another sip of my tea.
"Alright first what is a name you wish to go by? This will be the start of your new life so choose something meaningful. Or at least a name that doesn't sound too dumb." She adds the last sentence on as an after thought muttering it under her breath, but I am still able to hear it because of my abnormal sense of hearing. "Oh, also unless you are a noble you will not receive a last name so I recommend just sticking with a first name."
I think for a moment before deciding. "I want my name to be Silver. It's one of my favorite colors and I used to be in charge of watering the silver ragwort in front of the orphanage every morning. The name might sound weird but it really was a beautiful flower."
"Alright, lets keep the answers brief we have a lot more questions to go over." Shia says and starts to ask more questions.
"What is your spirit animal?"
"A small bird, fast and nimble. I'm not sure what type though."
She jots something down before moving to the next question. "What category would you wish to be the most proficient in? Strength, agility, intelligence, dexterity, or defense."
"Well I think I would want to be intelligent as well as agile. But-" She halts the rest of my explanation putting one finger against my lips and moves on to the next question.
It takes almost an hour for her to finish asking questions and all the while I sit there drinking tea as the cup magically refills itself. Surprisingly I still have not felt the need to relieve myself and I suppose that it is not necessary in Shia's dimension.
Shia snaps her fingers and the pile of paper disappears from sight. Before I can ask her where it disappeared to she anticipates my question and briefly explains "I sent the files to my team for processing. Do you think I could manage a whole world with myself and the seven other God's? It takes a lot of people to run a nation how many spirits do you think it takes to run a world?"
She makes a valid point, in my past life it took a whole board of advisers to run the orphanage I can't imagine how many it would take to keep a whole world organized.
She leans back in her chair and puts her feet up on the table, somehow this little action makes her seem more humane and I start to feel a little more comfortable around this small pigtailed goddess.
"So..." my words trail off as I have no idea what to say in the pressing silence. She glances towards me waiting for me to finish what I am saying. I blurt out the first thing that comes to my head "You have a very clean home." I want to slap myself as soon as the words come out of my mouth. I sound like one of those yoga moms who feels out of place at a book club get together in the neighborhood.
That comment takes her by surprise and she starts to laugh, my cheeks turn bright red in embarrassment. After she stops clutching her stomach and the laughter subsides she says "Well thank you, I am a creation goddess so I do try as you can see" she gestures around the bright white space with nothing in site except ourselves and the table and chairs set up.
I can tell she is trying to be sarcastic but the sarcasm in her voice is kind of hard to spot. She seems to be trying really hard to get along with me, and I realize that she probably doesn't have very many people to talk to. Being a goddess does have its downsides for example being so high up on the chain of command that your subordinates are too afraid to talk to you.
Without thinking to much about the repercussions I ask "Would you like to be my friend Goddess?" I have never had a friend in all my years at the orphanage because many of the children thought me strange, to mature for my age and always staring into the distance observing my surroundings.
"That was random. Where did that idea come from?" Shia asks.
"To be honest I pity you because if I were in your situation I think I would feel lonely."
{Pity can be a powerful emotion. One that I know well. The pitying looks of people walking by while I play in the orphanage yard, and the looks on my classmates faces as they learn that I grew up without parents. These pitying moments are not so easily erased from one's memory.}
Shia looks at me for a while seeing through my words and understanding that I had been talking about myself as well as her. I had been lonely too. Finally she nods once and says "I would like that."