1. Did Truck-sama send me?

"Yep, this is not my face."

Lying down on an unfamiliar bed, Leo observed himself with squinted eyes trying to make out what the hell is happening.

While lying down, he observed his visage, body, and overall self through the mirror placed on the canopy of the bed and finally confirmed that all of it did not belong to him.

He pinched himself earlier only to get hurt. He tried again, trying to see if it was not enough and ended up with a wound on his left thigh.

"It is real!" He thought of this situation as nothing but a dream, but it appears that this is real. He was pretty sure that he fell asleep after a long night of drinking his sorrows away, but interestingly enough, he found himself in an odd and mysterious position.

"Did a flying truck came rushing to my flat when I was sleeping."

After reading a lot of books in his life, Leo came across the myth that is Truck-sama.

Having the ability to send anyone to another world with but a single hit, it is a myth spread to everyone who surfs the vast internet. You may die in that life, but you will become some kind of God-like protagonist who attracts women left and right in the next.

"If the Mythical Truck-sama is real, then it may be possible. I don't know; however, anything is possible if it is that guy. But I-"

While thinking this way, he realized something, and from his abdomen, he gathered his strength and spoke the magical word.


Nothing happened.


Still nothing.

"System! My cheat! Blessing of the almighty Truck!"

Goddammit, still nothing!

"Young Master Colt, is something the matter? Why are you waving your hands like a baby?"

While he was busily summoning the almighty system meant to grant him unlimited power, a voice sounded out from the opened, luxurious-looking wooden door to his right.

It was a middle-aged man with white hair, a burly build, and a strong jaw.

'Those eyes of his are terrifying.'

This middle-aged man was a mercenary, or so he had thought. The black suit and tie gave his identity away, and from how he referred to Colt, he should be a butler of some sort.

'Young Master Colt? The name sounds familiar somehow.'

And upon learning of the truth that he was not someone about to kill him, Leo turned back to the mirror above and observed his current face.

A generally well-built body, olive skin tone, obsidian black eyes, low arch eyebrows, and a medium-length ink-black straight, thick hair; such is his current characteristics.

Piecing together everything he had gathered, he had a hunch where this place was.

He got up from the bed and turned to the middle-aged butler and asked.

"Are you Neun? One of the butlers of the Edgeworth Family?"

"That is correct."

"Then am I Colt Edgeworth?"

"Yes, Young Master is Colt Edgeworth the oldest child of Count Edgeworth, and the wast... ehem, the whimsical and free Young Master of Wing City, also..." he paused for a bit before finishing his sentence, "...also the most beautiful man in the Edgeworth County."

Without commenting on the fact that he was almost called a wastrel, Leo shuddered, after having been called the most beautiful man, Leo felt a chill running down his spine as he looked at Neun. The words "most beautiful" is too much for him.

"Neun, you don't have to call me that anymore."

"Really, Young Master!?"

The joy in his voice was too apparent for Leo to ignore.

"Yes, and spread it to the other staff as well. If you could, please have them spread it around town when they go out."

Upon hearing his words, the Neun's expression glowed, and he almost burst out crying for the endless stream and thankfulness he was feeling. The cringe-worthy days are over; he was finally free; no, everyone was finally free.

Try as he might, the quivering in his voice was still present. Leo noticed this but didn't say anything. It was understandable.

"I–I shall inform everyone of your instruction."

"Thank you; it would be for the best. Also, prepare some drinking water, I have a rather painful headache."

Neun nodded his head and left with a jovial expression. He was practically skipping when he left. It was creepy and scary at the same time.

Having been left alone, Colt looked around his room decorated with furniture reminiscent of the middle ages. The room had three mirrors, not including the one on the canopy.

"The narcissistic Colt Edgeworth, the son of the wealthy Count Shickly; he is the wastrel of the family. A background story type mob in the novel, [Sword of Heaven]. A mob character mentioned in three sentences."

The Hero didn't even kill him; instead, the third major villain of the story, Mina, killed him.

Mina was the daughter of a Marquise, who happened to fall in love with Colt. She was the perfect lady, excellent looks, good status, and a lovable personality. The only problem is that she had a few screws loose.

She learned of Colt's infidelity and then killed him with some stabby-stabby action. She got him in the heart multiple times, thereby killing him.

Only after Mina was killed did everyone discover she was the one who killed Colt and masked it as an accident. Colt's spine tingled at the thought of dying in such a manner.

Later in the novel, the Hero would ironically slay mina with a sword piercing her heart.

"I have to avoid that ending, at least."

He thought to himself. It was hard, being a no-named backstory mob was too hard. In a sense, his fate was already determined, and he was already inching towards that end.

Neun returned with a glass of cold drinking water. Colt, had him draw a bath. As he spent his time on the bathtub, Colt began contemplating his situation.

In a world of a novel, where he would eventually die is where his position stands. He doesn't even know what year it was so he can prepare.

"According to the novel Sword of Heaven, a reincarnated person from another universe would arrive and become the Hero. Though that Hero is somewhat of a lunatic as he had been tortured until he was seven years old, he still became a Hero nonetheless."

It was a tragic story, but who cares? It's not his life. In the end, Colt only cared about himself.

"Now, where would the hero appear?"

He did not know where the Hero came from, as he did not know about his younger years. The Hero would appear as a mysterious character, and by the time the truth got revealed at around Vol. 6 or so...Leo got tired of justice and righteousness, so he stopped reading.

"I must first avoid any contact with Mina. Then I will live a lavish life. This wastrel here had already been snuffed out of the succession race, so I am free to do whatever I want, right? I just want to live a free life."

He was accepting of his fate. He is now in this world, so why would he change that? His goal now is to live a good, boring, but still fulfilling life.

Stepping out of the bath, he begrudgingly accepted being dressed by Neun.

"Neun, I will be staying in my room for the day. Inform my father that I am feeling sick."

He was expecting the obedient Neun to oblige, but this butler showed a stiff expression.

"I cannot do that, young master. The Count will punish you if you try to sneak away. I know you do not wish to be tied down, but try to go with it for the Count's sake."

"Why, is there something going on today?"

Neun opened and closed his mouth before making a sigh. The young master had forgotten about it. Why was he not surprise? In the end, he had to refresh his mind.

"Marquis Liron Vera will be coming with his family here today."

Colt's face stiffened at the familiar name. Marquis Liron Vera was an upright person, but he was the father of Mina Vera, and if he's coming here with his family, then, Mina will be here as well.


He cursed as he tried to jump out the closest window.