2. Love is in the air

"Ow! I give up, Neun!"

Colt, sighed at his helplessness and observed the window nearby. Once again, he made the run for it only to be stopped by the mercenary-like Neun and got held down.

It was a rather brutal sight. With the young master of a noble family being held down by the butler, the butler would have had his head fly out. But in today's rare occasion, the Count let Neun do everything in his power to stop Col from leaving.

And with Colt, no, Leo knowing the future, he was trying to do everything in his power to get away from there.

"Give it up young master, you know I cannot let you run away."

Although he was hurting Colt and his tone of voice sounded sorry, Neun had a jovial expression plastered on his face.

"What is this ruckus all about!?"

"The young master is trying to escape."

Explained Neun to the newly arrived lady. A fierce-looking lady, she had pale white skin, and blue hair, different from Colt's. This was Risa, the first daughter of the Edgeworth family. And unlike Colt, she was an exemplar person who was a master of the sword and good at supervising the land.

Although it had yet to be decided, everyone hoped she would be the one to inherit the position of the Count. Though she was a lady and this world was a male-centric society, Risa would eventually inherit the position.

After all, the youngest of the family was also a young lady and the Count chose not to have any more child after Colt's death.

"Older brother, it is the wishes of father that you stay here, if you don't care about anything, then at least honor his requests."

"I understand, but I am also leaving as not to disgrace his name. With the wastrel away, will father save face?"

Risa raised her brow after hearing his answer. It was not her as Neun also raised a brow. But he didn't notice it as he was too focused on finding a way of escape.

"Do not worry about it. Please, just listen to father's request."

Colt in the novel was said to be cowardly and a drunkard. The perfect recipe for trash.

He had an innate fear of the strong. With Risa's immense strength, it was natural for Colt to fear her. In the novel, Risa was announced as the Countess after Vol. 5.

Now that Leo was here, he has no intention of stealing her position. The concept of fighting a family for power is foreign to him. Although it may very well exist back earth and he just missed it, he can't help but shake his head.

"Let's just go, I won't try anything any longer."

"..Is that so?"

Risa and Neun could not believe seeing Colt act so obediently.

Colt stood up and from a sorry excuse of a slob noble, his demeanor took a massive change. He didn't notice the eyes of Risa as he was walking out of his room too fast.

He opened the door to the dining area and found the Edgeworth family already eating, Count Shickly raised his head and he smiled as he saw Colt.

"You decided to join us for breakfast? It seems like you are excited to meet the Young Lady of the Vera family, huh."

'No! I want to run away and get away from here as soon as possible! I do not want to meet with that psycho!' is what he wished to say, but Colt can't say that.

"Yes, I am pretty excited to meet Young Lady Mina." Is what he said was a genuine-looking smile.

Risa who was by Colt's side looked at him like he was some kind of wizard. The way he said those words were too heartfelt and if not for the fact she saw him trying to escape earlier she would have believed Colt was in love with the Mina Vera.

But in the end, she saw the smile of her father and did not say anything. If Shickly was satisfied then that is enough for her.

But it was not just her who was surprised by how Colt was acting. In fact, the youngest sibling looked at Colt for a moment with a surprised expression. His mother also flashed a smile, after hearing his way of speech.

The brother and sister pair sat to eat with the whole family and when they began eating, Colt — Leo who has no memory of ever being a man with noble-like etiquette began to eat like a slob. The goal was to stuff his face with food, so he did what he must do and ate the perfectly good breakfast.

The breakfast was a pasta dish he did not know the name of. And assuming that everything in the table is palatable and digestible, he began to eat the salad that had vegetables that has knock-off version of different greens.

'This is pretty good, better than cup ramen even, and that is my favorite food.'

He commented in his head. His way of eating lacked finesse, but that is not a problem, his free-willed way of living is one of Colt Edgeworth's characteristics and this is just one of those characteristics.

The family is already too used to such a sight. But seeing him eating his food with so much enjoyment and glee as if he had been deprived of food for two years is something new.

"You seem to like the food, Colt." It was Countess Faerith who commented.

"Yes, I have not eaten such delicious food before." Colt's response made the Countess show a mysterious smile. The others were the same, looking at Colt from the side with interested eyes.

Colt did not notice this as he was too focused on eating. After cleaning his plate, he stood up.

"I will be preparing myself for the arrival of Young Lady Mina."

He was ready to leave, but then, the voice of Countess Faerith entered her ears.

"Colt, will you join us for breakfast every morning?"

Colt was silent for a few moments but in the end he smiled and nodded his head, "I will, mother."

He then left the room through the door he entered. When Colt said the words of "mother", a chill run down his spine but some sort of familiar warmth also surfaced in his heart, it was a weird sensation he could not explain.

The rest of the Edgeworth family was left in the dining room. Countess Faerith scooped up a miscolored carrot and gave a comment that pierced the ears of Count Shickly.

"It seems like Colt has taken a liking to Young Lady Mina Vera. Do you think this might brought about change?"

Risa laughed to herself.

Colt felt his skin crawl as he began to change in a much more proper attire. He wore something similar to a double-breasted suit and a white undercoat, he wore all black attire that it made him look like a reaper.

'If not for the uselessness of Colt, this guy would have been a dashing general.'

In the Edgeworth family, only Count Shickly and Colt have Ink black hair. The rest of the family have blue hair they inherited from Countess Faerith.

The Edgeworth family they were known as fierce warriors of the darkness for their black hair, but, that line is supposedly cut off because Colt is only fierce inside a bar while he is drinking. But when it comes to a battlefield, a dog is much more helpful than he was.

A slight buzzed came from his breast pocket, he checked the pocketwatch Colt always had with him and confirmed that the time was already 12:00 pm.

It was finally time for Count Vera to arrive.

Colt sighed and head to the front garden. The whole family was present to greet the long time friend of the count.

"You must be excited, huh, son."

Colt responded with a smile.

Soon, a carriage that had a two-headed snake on its doors was pulled by magical beasts known as Dragon Horses stopped in front of Colt's group.

The doors of the carriage open and Marquis Liron stepped out. But, he is not the focus of Colt's attention because right after Liron, a beautiful woman who seemed to have an ethereal beauty stepped out of the carriage.

Perfectly proportioned body, well-endowed to all the right places, and she had a pink hair akin to that of the mythical Poisonous Rose Serpent.

Her beauty was something that is sung to every corner of the Kingdom. But that pink hair of hers only reminded Colt that this beauty before her is someone capable of killing her lover.

'Damn, it's always those the pink-haired ones.'

While Colt was worrying about his future, his parents were smiling.

'He's smitten.' Is what the Count and Countess thought.