chapter 3

I went to my own workshop, it was given to me after I started learning the craft of magic a few years ago, it was not strange because all magus have to own their own workshop, my workshop contains a table and several chairs, a magic chemical laboratory, What appears to be a morgue with many medical tools, and there is room left for the owner to be able to do anything he wants.

It was not strange that these things existed here because my family, the von Dooms family, specializes in chemistry and conjuring spirits, I am still just a child so it is clear that I did not begin to learn such things, therefore, I did not start to kidnap the villagers and turn them into zombies Or, capture their souls to make a furious soul enslaved by me, but after reading things about magic chemistry, like how to make advanced toxins, I learned the magic of advanced healing, I am a genius, I will not deny it, but I will not start killing innocent people at nine age.

I made space in my workshop and I drew a summons on the ground, it is difficult to obtain information about the Holy Grail War, so I could not see any summons recently, fortunately I was visiting the fandom very much in my previous life, and with the help of my perfect recall of memories Of course, I can remember the summons.

According to my calculations, it was only a few weeks before Rionoski summons Gilles Dr raise, for now, maybe all the other servants were called in regardless of Caster.

I was 10 years old, I reached it several months ago. Unfortunately, my cruel family does not celebrate birthdays, or any religious festivals, whether Jewish, Christian, or Islamic, what a shame, because my family is a group of necromancers.

Initially, I was not planning to participate in the war, but I changed my mind because I am in desperate need of getting stronger, and participating in the war is a shortcut to this.

I also need to make sure that everything is going well. I do not want humanity to perish right now. Some people may think that my fear is unnecessary because I have never been involved in the story, but it seems that my existence is only different from the past.

Von Doom's noble bloodline had been around for nearly 180 years, now I am the fifth generation of the family, returning to the family root, von Doom the I, who appears to have been the son of a common Magus who participated in the building of the Holy Grail.

Of course the father of our family's founder, my great grandfather, died in the First Holy Grail War, and after several decades his youngest son changed his last name to von Doom after joining the Mage Association.

Of course, I may only have a paranoia, but this is justified, too. Maybe my presence in this world caused a change in the past of the timeline, which caused my new birth here.

This, it was amazing and terrifying at the same time, that the introduction of one number in the equation is a major cause of the result change, this looks like a very complex mathematical equation, this was the butterfly effect, as a small change in the past would cause a major change in the future, Some may think that the butterfly effect is nonsense, but in reality it is that destroying Ultron in the past caused the future to turn into a cold war between Medgard and the Tenth realm.

"Let silver and steel be the essence.

Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation.

Let the magic be our bond.

Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall.

Let the four cardinal gates close.

Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.

Let it be declared now; you shall serve under me, and my fate shall be with your destiny.

Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail.

Answer, if you would submit to this will and this truth.

An oath shall be sworn here.

I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven;

I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell "I have said the recall words that I remember, with a slight change.

A slight pain began rubbing in the back of my left hand, while the summons began to light up brightly, in less than one second my first and new servant was formed.

She was like a fairy tale witch, wearing a masked purple robe, enough to hide half of her upper face, but I can still see her blue purple hair and the ends of her non-human ears, I immediately recognized her, the witch of betrayal, medea, descendant of the gods who did not have divinity as a skill .

I stared at her for several seconds, waiting for her to take off her cloak or talk, and she looked at me from above, because she was a lot taller than me.

"Hey, kid, are you my master?"

I noticed that she was trying to say it in a gentle voice, but the fact that she wears the cloak of an wicked witch makes this a little difficult, and I noticed disappointment in her voice, maybe she thinks I'm an not worthy master because I am a child.

"No," I told her while I looked at her in the eyes. "Luke, I'm your Father!"

She looked at me momentarily, noticing that she had opened her mouth several times to speak and closed it.

"What was that ..." she said to me as she seemed confused.

"Luke's last fight against Darth Vader, Star Wars, you don't know him? I thought the Grail gave the servants information about the era in which they were summoned."

"No, Star Wars. Is this some kind of current war?" She asked me while she knelt to reach my level.

"It was not." I told her, while I did not hide the disappointment in my voice, how could she not know it?

"By judging your robe, I suppose you are a caster?" I quietly asked her while I kept the fact that I knew her hidden.

In my previous life I have read several fan fiction as medea is the main interest for love, and it is shown as gentle and loving, perhaps she really is if she really loves you, but the fact that her aligning is an neutral evil means that she will kill me immediately if I annoyed her Really, she is also mentally psychopath, which means she will often ignore any guilt she might feel afterward.

"Oh," she stood straight again, "I'm Caster, and my real name is Medea, witch of betrayal, I hope you don't mind it."

"Absolutely!" I told her while I used my ability as a master to see her states.

[true name: Medea.

Class: Caster.


Strength: E

endurance: D

agility: C

Mana: A +

Luck: B


Class skills:

Item construction (A)

territory creation (A)

personal skills:

High-Speed Divine Words (A)

golden fleece (EX)

Noble phantasms:

rule breaker (C)

argon coin (N/A)]