chapter 4

After speaking a little with Medea in my workshop, she went back to the shape of spirit After we heard the slight knocking sound in the door, I immediately covered the summoning circle with a cloth cover and went to see the visitor. Mostly, none of my family disturbs others when they are in their workshop. For magus, the workshop is a very important thing, and for maids, they don't bother bothering any of us because they know that we barely have any grain of humanity, and we might turn them into lab rats.

Of course, this does not apply to me, I will not just kill or torture someone because he started making some noise, maybe I will do so if I really hate someone, or because that will return to me with a great return, but in normal situations I tend to earn the loyalty of others And their friendship via the principle of mutual gain, of course I know that some people will want to become friends without acquiring anything, but this kind of people is very rare.

However, I slowly went to the door and opened it, only to discover that my eight-year-old brother was standing behind the door and it seemed he was waiting for me, my brother was a little different from me, I had green eyes, black hair and healthy white skin Similar to my biological father, while my brother, Siles, had black hair, brown eyes, and tanned skin, he clearly inherited our mother's genes, I fear that he might be feminized in the future, but I think these are just fears.

"Do you want something, Siles?" I told him while I maintained a neutral attitude, I did not show any hostility or friendliness, not that I do not like my brother, but he is actually a wolf in sheep's clothes, by my long observation of him, I saw that he is smarter than he looks and is more subtle than any child Ordinary, and he did not have weak talents, he had about 27 magic circuit and each one accommodates about 18 units of magical energy, and I think he is jealous a little from me because I am the person who will receive the magic Crest after a few months and not him.

He looked at me while trying to hide the cunning in him or his desire to laugh sarcastically, but he did not know that I had already discovered his acting. "I was passing through this hallway and I heard you by mistake talking to someone, but now it seems that your room is empty, are you okay brother? Great?"

"I'm fine, you have to go back to your room this is night already, you know that the mother and father do not like when you wander in the palace at night, and they don't like when you came here in the basement" I said to him seriously while I sighed internally, really, why for heaven I will have a demonic brother like him, he must have been spying on me, Hope he didn't hear anything that Caster said.

"Well, brother, you are so boring," he said as he sighed with disappointment and left.

"Siles!" called him and I waited until he turned towards me and said I had what seemed to be a hidden threat. "Please, stay out of trouble."

He looked at me for a moment, maybe he thinks I am really worried about him, maybe I am because his current behavior will only earn him enemies, and no one likes getting enemies, in the end he left silently and left me in the dark hallway of the palace of the vast palace, on the other hand I wiped The summoning circle from the floor of my workshop before closing it and heading to my room, where I threw myself on the comfortable bed and relaxed a little, it is really comfortable to be the heir of a noble family, the only downside is that you must train hard in order to meet the expectations of your family towards you.

I opened my state.

[Name: Victor von Doom.

Level: 9.

title: None.

strength: 1.5.

Body: 1.6.

agility: 1.8.

Mind: 1.1.

Spirit: 1.4.

Statistical points: 18.

Number of circuits: 20.

circuit quality: B.

Capacity: 20 x 30 = 600.

Composition: dynamic.

Origin: Determination.

Elements: fire, ether, time, space.

treat: None.

Skills: Observation, magecraft C, Rapid Reflexes D+, mystic eyes of death perception A, Psychology B, Marksmanship D.

perks: Fourth wall, EIdetic memory.

NF: Kaziki Bey.]

Compared to a few months ago, I have made some progress, agiliy is still the most dominant because I was focusing on training my mystic eyes, and despite this, judging that 1.0 is the average statistic of a healthy adult male, my current physical strength is relatively high for a child in Ten years of age, according to the mind, by the judgment that the average human being has 110 in the IQ, I must have I am about 120, but the IQ test that I conducted several months ago says that my intelligence is close to 130, perhaps because of my eidetic memory, I still I don't know the exact effects of spirit statistic.

The Holy Grail War was a serious thing, not a game, with my current strength I may not be considered the weakest master, in fact I may only be weaker than Kiritsugo and kirei because they do not rely on ordinary magecraft, they rely mainly on advanced martial arts skills or technological weapons of Modern era, and for caster, it may be ranked only 5, the two weaker ones will be assassin and Lancer, after all, Saber, Rider, Berserker and Archer are stronger than them.

After thinking a little, I added four points in both strength, body and agility, and I added only two points in the mind, and I added the remaining four points in spirit.

[Name: Victor von Doom.

Level: 9.

title: None.

strength: 5.5.

Body: 5.6.

agility: 5.8.

Mind: 3.1.

spirit: 5.4.

statistical points: 0.

Number of circuits: 20.

circuit quality: B+.

Capacity: 20 x 50 = 1000.

Composition: dynamic.

Origin: Determination.

Elements: fire, ether, time, space.

Feature: None.

Skills: Observation, magecraft C, Rapid Reflexes D+, mystic eyes of death perception A, Psychology B, Marksmanship D.

perks: Fourth wall, eidetic memory.

NF: Kaziki Bey.]