
chapter 5

Waver Velvet was hiding behind a bush while he was watching the garage of the shop at close range. Suddenly, punches appeared in the garage door with a strong sound, after several seconds the door was controlled and a shape appeared on the other side of the door, a giant man with a length of more than two meters with Big muscles and A9 hairs, the most unusual thing was that he was wearing an ancient Greek leather shield and a thick red cloak over his shoulders.

Waver stared in this person with confusion for a moment before he showed signs of anger on his face, he immediately went out of his hiding place and headed towards the huge person, Rider.

"Baka! What were you thinking about breaking the door like this? !!" Waver said with irritation, "And why are you not in a spiritual form just as you entered ?!"

"Because in that case I wouldn't be able to hold this," Rider said as he waved a bunch of books in his right hand.

"Don't panic like this! You make me look like a thief ..."

"If you are not a thief, what would you be?" While wavering, waver said of the fact that his servant is a giant stupid.

Rider looked at waver for a few moments silently, apparently thinking about an excuse "something else altogether, the thief fleeing cheese under the cover of night" he then extended his left hand to the side "As for the conqueror king, he sings victorious when he leaves with his spoils!"

"its enough!" While his annoyance reached waver and took the books out of Rider's hand, waver said, "Now go ... leave now!"

"Well, you can take booty!" Rider said with a smile of joy on his face before he disappeared.

Seeing this, waver scratched his hair and shouted to the sky, "Why is this happening to me!"


"Well, I'm not going to lose today!" illyasviel von Einsbern said happily as she walked in front of her father, Kiritsugu Emiya.

Kiritsugu smiled softly while his daughter followed the furrow, suddenly he stopped and said, "I found one."

"Really ?! Where? Sure I didn't miss anyone!" illya said surprisingly, and she went beside Kiritsugu who pointed to a tall tree."There, that's the bud of the first nut for the day,"

Kiritsugu laughed, "I won a point."

illya grabbed her hands and jumped to run away "I'm not going to lose!"

Seeing this, Kiritsogo smiled gently again and followed his daughter.


There was a fiery red-haired young man writing blood on the ground, "Now I write it five times ... Hey, was it smashed five times?"

The young man, URYUU Ryuunosuke, pondered for a moment and looked at the book in his hand, but he soon turned about his look at the child bound in the corner of the room.

RYUUNOSUKE smiled and was about to say something but a voice from the corner of the other room interrupted him, "You sure were causing a lot of mess, ryuunosuke ~"

ryuunosuke looked behind the person who spoke, and saw what appeared to be a foreign child with black hair, perhaps of European origin, judging his features and his nakn.

"who are you?" ryuunosuke said while he did not seem to be really afraid, in fact, there was an amusing tone in his voice.

The child smiled in a strange way, "Come on, you already know who I am!"

ryuunosuke thought for a moment, and soon he reached a revelation of perception. He looked at the child with wide eyes. "Are you ... are you ... Satan-dono?"

The child stood up and approached the mentally ill red-haired, the child smiled again and placed his left hand over ryuunosuke's right shoulder.

"Actually ..." The child started talking slowly, but ryuunosuke felt something that penetrated his chest and held his heart with a cold fist. He ignored the pain and looked down to see that the child's arm had penetrated both his lung and his chest cage, and he could only think How a child's hand can have this power.

The child pulled ryuunosuke's heart out of his chest and threw it away, in the next few seconds Ryonowski couldn't say anything for some reason and before his consciousness faded, he heard the boy's words "I am doom, your doom!"


I looked coldly at ryuunosuke's corpse, as he was the first human to kill him in this life, and as expected, apart from some slight fear and a little capricious feeling, I hardly feel guilty, after all, I know this person is rubbish, and he barely give me a 1.000 exp.

I looked at my blood-stained hands and ignored the attempts of the bound child to scream and run away, I took a handkerchief out of my pocket and wiped the blood covering my hands, then, I carried the grimory of ryuunosuke's ancestors and inserted it into my inventory because it might be beneficial in the future.

I and my caster, Medea, arrived at Fuyuki just a few hours ago. I didn't inform my family that I would participate in the Holy Grail War, but I left a message saying that I must do something personal.

It is not as if they will take care of my absence for a week or so as long as they know that I am not in great danger, after all they have thrown me in the woods and said that failure is death.

Also, I possess a mystic code that has been inherited in the family, a ring made of mithril, as long as I wear this ring I can steal the power of life of others by touching them I can treat myself, a beautiful weapon in fact, if it were not for the fact that the energy that the ring can absorb Very slim.

Fortunately, in the past days, when I summoned my best witch in the world, I told her to make me a similar but better ring, in the end, she made me a ring with similar effects, the only difference is that Medea Ring is 10 times better than the family ring.

Now, Medea and I invaded Ryoudou Temple, and we used hypnosis to control students and teachers there, Ryoudou Temple was located above one of Lay Lines, and it is also one of the four locations that can be used to summon the Greater Grail, and Medea can also absorb a quantity Large world mana, so we decided to use it as our temporary base.

As for me, I went to kill a certain rubbish, I don't really hate ordinary serial killers, but ryuunosuke was a child killer, and I hate a number of people, traitors, murderers of innocents, and very perverted.

I looked around the room and found what seemed to be a clock. I carried it and went toward the bound child, "Focus on the sound!"

He struggled a little, but he followed my instructions, and at that moment I did a simple hypnosis spell to make him forget.