
chapter 6

[Main mission: The Fourth Fuyuki Holy grail War.

Description: Seven Magus summoned seven servants to fight to the death in order to obtain the Holy Grail, now all the masters have arrived to Fuyuki, and you are one of them.

Objective: As a master in this war, you must kill at least one of the servants or masters.

Reward: 10,000,000 exp.]

I have looked to notice the mission that appeared after I entered Ryoudou Temple, this must mean that Kiritsugu has arrived here, which means that Gilgamesh will kill one of the Assasins tonight, which means that irisviel and Saber will arrive tomorrow, by that time, hoping that no one May I discover my arrival here, or the fact that I am Mr. Custer, but I do not think they will suspect a ten-year-old, but I will not count on this, I must make backup plans.

In any case, currently I have been heading towards Media which took the building's storehouse as its workshop. I will never know why the Magus tend to build their workshops in warehouses and cellars or in dark places, can they not only build a beautiful workshop overlooking the sea? I don't think so, because it is the Magus's duty to keep the supernatural out of the public eye.

I knocked on the door and slipped a little, but the door didn't open, but Medea called me behind me, "I'm not there, Master."

"Uh, Medea, I just wanted to let you know that all the other masters have arrived at Fuyuki, I thought you might want to know this." I told her while I looked at her in the eyes in a neutral expression.

It was my servant's medea just 3 days ago, at this time I gave her a list of people who would be likely to participate in this war, but this time is not enough for me to treat her better than a pall, but she seems to have a different opinion.

Medea smiled towards me, and I noticed only now that she was wearing beautiful civilian clothes, she approached me and started to rub my soft, short hair "Thank you, Master, but I have already discovered every Magus enter the city"

I grabbed her hand that was rubbing my hair, for God's sake, I am 28 years old, I am an adult, and the fact that I am in the body of a child does not change the matter, and also, I am Victor von Doom, in some parallel universes only my name sows terror in others .

"Stop it, Caster, I don't like it," I told her while I sighed, but I left her hand.

"you are so cute!" She told me as she played with my hair again, I just realized that it was really hard to be a beautiful looking kid, but I did not prevent her this time, her physical strength is higher than me because she is a servant.

Also, she is Caster, and I'm Magus, as long as I have gained enough trust with her, she will be happy enough to teach me the magecraft of the age of the gods, and maybe some true magic, although the true magic of the age of the gods is less than the current true magic.

"I have a gift for you," she said to me as I took out an item from her jacket pocket, a heart-shaped necklace with a golden color, and she showed me a smile on her face.

"I thought you would be in danger if you encountered anyone who is strong so I made this for you, you can use it to save your life from danger, and its shape is very cute." She said to me while you gave the necklace to me in my hand, which I used observation on.

[Trogos necklace.

Type: mystic code.


Μαρδοξ: a protective spell that borrows the concept of the Argos.

Tροψα: When using this spell the owner is teleported to a random location at 10,000 meters.

Users: Medea, Victor von Doom.]

"Oh!" I looked at the necklace before looking at Caster, "Thank you, Medea."

"Oh, don't worry about it. Just be very careful. You're still a child. You have a great future ahead just for you."

"Do you think so?" I asked her while I lifted my eyebrow.

"Yes, you might get many wives and children! All you have to do is smile a little ..." she said to me while she made my lips smile.

Damn, my servant likes to control me.


"Well, this is all the information we collected about the five masters completely, I hope this is useful for you, kirei!" A well-dressed man clad in a white, long sleeve shirt with a crimson tuxedo over it that has black buttons, a blue ribbon, and brown shoes. He has elegant black hair, a goatee, and blue eyes, while talking to his student, kirei Kotomeni.

The young priest carried the files from the hand of the red-haired magus, and he looked among the files, the first file that belonged to the magus assassin, Kiritsugu Emiya, who is also one of the candidates, master of the Ainzbern family, the difference between this file and the file that he had previously connected is that this The file is longer and more accurate, Kiritsugu Emiya, in Kirei's opinion, he is an interesting person.

The second person who passed through his file was a waver velvet, a third-class magus who wanted to prove himself by winning the war, a stupid goal, especially as he risked his life.

Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald, a talented rookie magus of the Archibald family, was taking part for the sake of reputation and glory, and judging by his abilities, he might pose a later challenge.

Kariya Matou, the master of the Matou family, it was really stupid for Zouken Matou to choose his son who was never trained in his life to become a master, too, it seems that Kariya Matou's goal is to save tokiomi's daughter.

kirei passed the file quickly and looked at the fifth master, who was only discovered today, Victor von Doom, ten years, very little information about him, really expected for a child, but for some reason, whenever he thinks about the name, Victor von Doom, he feels Something like deja vu.