
chapter 39

I sent several intense mana shots toward him, but before it collided with him his entire body was surrounded by a purple cocoon that completely covered him and isolated him from the outside world.

I wondered what his skill was, every servant of the beast type possesses a skill called a nega, like that Gotea possesses immunity from magecraft, or that Kama Mara can make the entire universe love her sexually, and from beast to another the effects of this skill vary with the difference in her name.

Since Mephisto was surrounded in a cocoon, I would expect that in a transformation of some kind, this was not strange because most servants like tiamat possessed multiple phases, with each transformation increasing their strength dramatically.

Previously, Mephisto had an air advantage, and since he was much stronger than me he was about to kill me many times, and if his strength increased again and kept his ability to fly, I would be destroyed.

There is a possibility that he will lose his flying ability, but I do not think my luck statistic is high enough to rely on that, and in fact, I prefer to rely on myself.

I quickly created a small summon circle in the ground and took out the golden fleece from my inventory and put it in the circle and started repeating the summons words while infusing a huge amount of magical energy into the wool, unlike Media that did not possess the knowledge required to summon the Guardian spirit, The Colchis dragon, located inside the wool, spent a lot of time making a very simple summoning ritual for this.

Even I do not have the knowledge required to summon a dragon, the ritual that I use is that I send my magic energy to annoy the dragon and force him out, of course he can ignore the matter but at that time the golden fleece will be destroyed because of the mana I use, and since the Colchis dragon was a guardian spirit, a mixture of a human soul and a dragon spirit, must maintain the presence of the golden fleece or his soul will be absorbed in Akasha.

Mephisto cocoon slowly began to peel off, but fortunately a 20-meter dragon was formed in front of me, with golden wool covering his back, and a gray-skinned chest, he had a small horn in the middle of his forehead as well, but his eyes showed an intelligence different from wrath.

"Who dares disturb me ?!" He said with an angry and upset voice and focused his eyes on me.

Time was raging on me, I looked at him with more annoyance, this dragon was just a Guardian spirit that can be considered a low-level dragon, it did not even develop into a holy spirit, in front of Mephisto it is almost useless and if it was not because of his wings behind his back I would not have thought of it even as an option Spare.

"Listen, we don't have time to chat, if you don't help me now it is not only you who will die, but even me, and I do not want death now, the fate of the world depends on your wings."

"You're not from Colchis, how did you get me out?" He said while he looked at me.

"Look over there! Do you think this time is right for your dragon pride ?!" I was pointing towards the Mephisto cocoon, which was full of cracks, until it started to slowly fall apart.

"This ... a creature like this should not be in this world," he said with surprise and wide eyes when he felt the enormous magical energy coming from Mephisto.

I shrugged his expression and quickly jumped on his back without paying attention to his or her disagreement, "Well, we must survive so we can argue later!"

Colchis's dragon was upset and angry, but it seemed to understand that we were not in a position to be in disagreement. He said before he started flying with me in the back, "You can call me Arjun!"

At this moment the cocoon exploded, revealing the new shape of Mephisto, its size increased and its frame became similar to Hercules, while its lower half became transparent and seemed to be made of ether, still wearing a long black robe, but now it has taken a different shape showing its chest, and there is a blue glow In the middle of his chest, two horns became clearly larger and had sharp fangs, so that the features of his face changed slightly, he also have now wings without feather that glow with violet.

I activated mystic eyes of death perception in order to find out if the effect of my law of nature is still effective, fortunately it is still that despite the death lines only present in the chest, then I used an opponent strength to know the differences between his previous self And now.

[REAL NAME: Mephisto.

TYPE: GOD, Evil of men.

SOURCE: Christianity.

REGION: heaven.

ALIGNMENT: chaotic evil.









Class skills:

Authority of beasts (EX)

independent manifestation (EX)

Self-modification (EX)

Personal skills:

Item construction (EX)

territory construction (A +++)

clairvoyant (A +++)

magecraft (A)

high-speed divine words (A)

magic resistance (A+)

the eye of the mind (false) (A +++)

memory correction (A +++)

self-replenishment (A +++)

against mother nature (A +++)

nega-pride (EX)

Global Language (EX)

battle continuation (EX)

conceptual resistance (C)

god's immunity (A+)

illusionism (A +++)

Divinity (EX)

monstrous strength (EX)

angel core (EX)


Hell (A)

Gluttony (EX)

Lust (EX)

sloth (EX)

Greed (EX)

Envy (EX)

wrath (EX).]

I looked at his condition while noting that, regardless of the reinforcement he got most of his skills, and regardless of the brutal power and essence of the angel, he did not get anything else, but I should not rely on this, his strength was greatly enhanced, and Do not forget that he took the next step in the path of divinity, he somehow became a god, a creature that should not exist at this era.

Argus released a golden dragon breath toward Mephisto, but the latter pointed his hand toward us and a magic wall appeared in front of him blocking the attack.

"* Roar *" Mephisto suddenly cried out sharply, his screaming seemed to be strong enough to freeze both Argus and me, even that the world seemed to be shaking.

I controlled Argus by pulling his golden wool and forcing him to turn back, he easily obeyed me, but at this moment Mephisto formed a white spear and launched it toward us quickly.

Through the eye of the mind and instinct I could predict the path of the spears, and by speeding up the thought I could compute the best way to avoid them, and by rapid reflexes I could drive Argos perfectly despite not having the skill to drive.

I led Argus towards Mephisto while tightening my hand around the rhongomyniad handle, Mephisto created the sword of envy in his right hand and waved against my spear, again, a shock wave was created that pushed my back slightly, but we continued to exchange blows by our weapon while we were flying in Please.

With each collision, I was the most affected person, even thanks to the strong reinforcement that doom armor and runes provide him, and I was barely at the same level of strength as Mephisto.

On some occasions, I used to create intense purple mana balls and sent them to Mephisto, sometimes he was injured, and on occasion he sent his mana attacks towards me.

After some time in this case, Mephisto moved away from me several tens of meters before looking at me, opened his mouth and a ball of pure mana gathered in front of him and in less than a second the mana ball turned into a ray that I could not completely avoid.

While I was able to save me and argus, the beam crossed through my left arm and destroyed it before colliding with the sea several kilometers behind me and the latest explosion equivalent to a nuclear bomb threw Argus and I forward.

I ignored the pain from losing my left arm and used my right hand to make Argus regain balance and I made him lead me toward Mephisto again, in the next seconds my arm was replenished by Avalon, although the high-speed regeneration process was very painful, and But I assume this is better than staying disabled.

I used projection magecraft to recreate the doom armor and used my new hand to make a lightning shaft.

Lightning Magecraft was not a common thing among Magus, not only that learning it is very difficult, but that it is easy to hurt yourself when using it, as it does not obey the user easily, so although it is present, most Thaumaturgical schools do not recognize it as something really, the side The only good is his high offensive strength.

I shot a lightning shaft toward Mephisto, but he simply ignored him because of his magical resistance.

"Argus, I want you to disperse it for 10 seconds." I said I am the dragon I fly over.

"No! I will die in 6 seconds!" He said.

"Argus, 6 seconds, you are a dragon, use your pride!" I told him before I jumped from his back towards the sky and used my fire runes to create an explosion below me.

I used the knight of owner on rhongomyniad to increase his strength "rhongomyniad: the lance that shines to the ends of the world!"

Rhongomyniad began using my magic power to build his own attack. I immediately directed my attack towards Mephisto and my spear, rhongomyniad, began to turn into a magical comet towards him.

Argus chased me down and went back into the golden fleece, while Mephisto noticed me and tried to dodge, he was hit and pushed by me towards the ground as the reinforced rhongomyniad attack caused the entire island explosion.

I lost consciousness for a few seconds before waking up with tinnitus in my ear, as soon as I did so I noticed that I was floating on the surface of the water so I used the spell that Medea was using for floating in the air.

I did not receive a notice to kill Mephisto so it must be alive, I looked around and could not find it, not before I was caught by a huge hand from my chest.

Mephisto appeared in front of me gradually, apart from his left hand that became large enough to cover my chest, he was in a miserable state, both his horns were destroyed, while his right half was completely destroyed, and his left wing was missing, while his right wing glow was visibly weaker.

"This is so humiliating!" Mephisto said angrily as he pressed my armor with enough force to make him start to crack. "I, the god of the new world, has been defeated again and again by a mortal man like you, I cannot believe this!"

rain of light: Machia Hecatia Graea! I launched frequent hiccups without stopping Mephisto could not avoid, while he pressured my armor to be destroyed, but he released me after a few seconds.

I quickly pulled back, but I didn't stop shooting rain of light: Machia Hecatia Graea.

"You will die, and you will not die quickly!" I heard Mephisto sound behind the smoke wall and the next moment my right arm was cut off by a compressed air blade, forcing me to stop releasing rain of light.

When the smoke cleared, Mephisto was there in no better condition, a little worse as he performed the rain of light, but he possessed the sword of envy in his hand.

As he slowly progressed towards me, Avalon began renewing my arm while I tried to throw rain of light again, but he sent a air blade and cut my knees.

"Oh hahhhh!" I screamed painfully while Avalon started limiting my legs only, now, I can barely keep myself floating in the air, I looked at him angrily and a little hate before I touched the necklace around my neck and activated its effect, Trofa, in order to move me away 10,000 meters.

I disappeared from my previous place and appeared elsewhere, but I cannot stay here, and while Avalon is almost finished making my new organs, I continue to fly at my fullest speed towards the opposite direction of Mephisto, this was a great loss, not only that I am tired mentally I even experienced great physical pain and almost died if not thanks to Avalon. I also lost my armor. The only thing that hasn't been destroyed is the mystic code in the form of a mask on my face that can change my look.

I stopped running and escaping to the side, only half a second and I was cut in two, fortunately I have the instinct A.

I just turned to see Mephisto dozens of meters away, I immediately used a knight of owner on rhongomyniad before using it on Mephisto, but I didn't shoot myself with him and fired the spear alone, on his way towards Mephisto, the rhongomyniad turned into something like a meteor heading towards it, Rhongomyniad was on the verge of hitting Mephisto, but the latter escaped at the last minute, causing Rhongomyniad to continue his path away.

"Don't you do that proverb? Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on ..." Mephisto spoke as he accelerated as he approached me, but I interrupted him suddenly.

Ατλας! I pressed the atmosphere around Mephisto causing it to freeze in place, but I did not stop there and prepared for another attack.

Στήλη του ουρανού! This was not one of the media spells, but by following the same principle of forbidden magic that she uses, I can make a column of magical energy strike the enemy from the sky.

A dense column of purple magical energy hit Nephisto from the sky, which made him scream constantly but he kept looking at me angrily all the time, thanks to my enormous magical energy I could continue this attack for at least 25 continuous seconds, unfortunately Avalon does not help in regeneration Mana, I was able to do a lot of damage to Mephiste as his remaining wing was completely 'broken' and it seemed that his body had begun to melt, but on the other hand, my mana was almost running out.

"You ... naughty! You will die in the most horrible way I can think of!" mephisto said as he stretched his hand towards my direction, his arm became bigger and longer, approached me in less than a second, grabbed me from my chest, and moved me toward Mephisto quickly.

"Now, it's my turn!" He said as he pressed me and broke my arm bones and many of my ribs.

Αερο! I pointed toward his face with my hand, which was not under my arm, and launched toward him a plague wind spell that hit him in the face.

"You filth !!" He said angrily while he threw me hard away, I collided several times with the water quickly and it was painful especially that Avalon did not finish treating my broken bones, but I used the floating spell at the moment when I could.

"Thank you, Mephisto!" I said with a smile on my face, "You have to remember, I already fooled you twice, the third one is easy!"

He looked at me with a blank expression for a second before just looking behind him to see that rhongomyniad is heading straight towards him, yes, I can control it after activating it.

He tried to escape from the attack path but I used Ατλας to freeze him in place and was hit by rhongomyniad, the last thing I remember is the bright light of rhongomyniad.