
chapter 40

I slowly opened my eyes and ignored the slight headache in my head and looked around where I was currently, just a rock in my size surrounded by the endless ocean, I assume that this rock is the last remnant of that island that we fought over, this piece of land Very lucky, maybe her luck statistic is beyond EX.

In any case, I measured the position of the sun in the sky and I concluded that the time was around five in the evening, and if I remember well then before I started fighting against Mephisto it was three and a half hours, and if we consider that I fought for 90 continuous minutes, I must be Unconscious for at least 30 minutes.

I touched my face and felt that the mask of illusion was still on me, which means that even if someone came here he did not find me and did not reveal my true identity as Victor von Doom.

Although I did not like to hide my identity and my accomplishments, something like hunting 6 sins and fighting a god is something that was not good to spread specifically, especially since many will seek to know how strong I am like this, and many may seek to steal my treasures.

I raised my hand to the top and summoned me rhongomyniad towards me by linking curse that I had previously placed on it. With a spear.

I sat on the rock and opened the game notifications list, after all I had just gone through, I expect a decent reward and a decent increase in strength.

[You've completed a main mission: Man against God ...

Description: You have reached the end of the road, your journey to hunt sins is over, but there is one final enemy and one final battle awaits you. Now the answer will be determined for the eternal question, man or god?

Subject: fight mephisto, win, or die.

Rating: perfect.

basic Bonus: 20,000,000 exp.

Bonus reward: Fairy Cloud.]

[You have reached level 96!]

[Fairy Cloud: a mythical clause said to be a compelling instrument for granting wishes, and although these are all lies, this clause can grant 3 small wishes.]

[You killed a raging demonic dragon, you gained 650,000 exp x 57.]

[You have reached level 103!]

[You can choose 3 new features!]

[monster hunter III Advance to monster hunter V!]

[ dragon slayer C advanced to dragon slayer EX!]

[Name: dragon slayer.

Rank: EX.

Description: At this level, this skill shows that you have made dragon hunting your only job, not only are you getting a huge boost when confronting Dragon-type enemies, but even anyone with a dragon character will feel terrified of you.]

[You killed a god/evil of men Mephisto, you gained 40,000,000 exp!]

[You have reached level 125!]

[You can choose 5 new features!]

[total statistical points: 96.]

[You killed a god, You got god slayer A!]

[Name: God-slayer.

Rank: A.

Description: This Skill is super effective against Divine Spirits. A two "plus" modifier is gained when attacking Divine Spirits, wraiths, and Servants with the Divinity Skill.]

[You killed evil of men, you got the title: hero.]

[ hero: A title given to people who not only saved humanity, but even the planet, even if your brave deeds did not spread across the world, you will still be chosen to become a heroic spirit, although this requires your death first, a 10% increase in statistics when fighting enemies Not human.]

[You got Protection of the Ends of the World EX!]

[Name: Protection of the Ends of the World.

Rank: EX.

Description: victor, who possesses the Holy Lance that exists as an anchor to the planet, is receiving divine protection from the Farthest Ends itself. Other than Mana and Luck, all parameters temporarily rank up during battle.]

[You have killed a god / evil of men, Mephisto, you can choose 3 skills and 2 noble phantasms.]


Authority of beasts (EX)

independent manifestation (EX)

Self-modification (EX)

Item construction (EX)

territory construction (A +++)

clairvoyant (A +++)

magecraft (A)

high-speed divine words (A)

magic resistance (A +)

the eye of the mind (false) (A +++)

memory correction (A +++)

self-replenishment (A +++)

against mother nature (A +++)

nega-pride (EX)

Global Language (EX)

battle continuation (EX)

conceptual resistance (C)

god's immunity (A +)

illusionism (A +++)

Divinity (EX)

monstrous strength (EX)

angel core (EX)

noble phantasm:

Hell (A)

Gluttony (EX)

Lust (EX)

sloth (EX)

Greed (EX)

Envy (EX)

wrath (EX).]

I looked at the long screen with wide eyes, because of my fight against Mephisto I expected to be rewarded with some great things, but not to this extent, not only that I now have 96 points and I can choose 5 perks, but I even have new titles and skills that will be very useful In the future, especially the item that I was rewarded with.

I immediately took the 'fairy cloud' out of my stock and grabbed it in my left hand. It was a golden cloud the size of a tennis ball and it floated above one inch of my hand while golden dust fell from it. I looked at it with interest and thought about what my first wish would be.

"I wish medea back to life!" I said while I waited for any response from the cloud, but nothing happened.

Well, I did not have to raise my hopes, even the Holy Grail could not summon true heroic spirits, and the description of the clause said that only small wishes could be fulfilled.

"I wish I get the third magic!" I said again, but as expected, nothing happened, I could only think that this tool is useless.

"I hope to learn anti-spirit combat in the highest rank I can get," I said without raising my hopes, but contrary to expectations, the cloud glowed brightly for a second before dropping in size a little while I felt the familiar feeling of learning a new skill.

[You got an anti-spirit combat B!]

[Name: anti-spirit combat.

Rank: B.

Description: You learned several techniques to oppose villainous spirits. The mighty incarnations of Heroic Spirits that are Servants aren't an exception.]

I looked at the fairy cloud with eyes and ribbons before entering it in my inventory, this thing will be very useful later, now I have to choose skills and Noble phantasms, I am a little surprised that I can choose a greater number now, but it seems like this is because I killed a god.

Now for the skills, let's start with what I wouldn't choose, the three monster skills of course, magecraft, territory creation, clairvoyant, high-speed divine word, memory creation, self-replenishment, illusionism and divinity.

The nega-pride was gray, but I used observation on it and on the global language and angel core.

[nega-pride: A skill dedicated to mephisto, upon activation, mephisto retrieves some skills of his owners In EX rank, new skills are given while some old ones are strengthened, and his presence is raised to god.]

So it looks like it's a custom skill just for Mephisto, no wonder I can't pick it.

[angel core: The essence of the angel's existence, while it does not increase the capacity of mana, but it gives an infinite battery at this level, while it also gives angel wings and the ability to create intense weapons of light, whereas Mephisto must not possess him in this rank except that nega-pride made him get it, and while everyone can implant them in them, they will suffer side effects and die at the end of the day.]

So this is really a simplified form of the third magic that gives infinite mana, but I can't get it because of the after-effects? Wow, I saved the world and almost can't get the best skill, though I won't need Arjun again.

[global language (EX): The ability to ignore the language barrier and communicate fluently with others, at this level the barrier of both ancient, modern, future and space languages ​​can be crossed.]

This skill may be useful in the future, but I prefer to have a skill that increases my strength directly. I used observation against against mother nature and god's immunity.

[against mother nature (A +++): sever all links with the planet, including removing the concept of death that was given by the planet.]

This looks very good, especially removing the concept of death, but I do have Avalon which gives me immortality, and as long as my brain is not destroyed I will never die.

[god's immunity (A +): Immunity against any Noble phantasms less than EX rank, requires divinity EX.]

This is awesome, another skill I can't choose, very cool, although it's nice that I used rhongomyniad or my attacks wouldn't be useless.

I have used observation on noble phantasms.

[Hell (A): Hell is the reality marble that mephisto possesses, although it belongs to him but it works as a separate dimension from the physical plane, of course, he is independently of Mephisto.]

[Gluttony: a belly that is never full (EX): the ability to open holes in the world, these holes have a large pulling force, but they cannot stay long because the world fixes them.]

[Lust: Mother of All Creatures (EX): The ability to create a false sea of ​​life, as long as you know the exact composition of a life form, you can reproduce it as long as the appropriate amount of mana is provided.]

[sloth: the tree that rebuilds the world (EX): a tree that can discover the reverse side of the world and withdraw it to the material plane within 9 months. Thus the age of the gods will be reenacted, while the process will be greatly slowed when the tree is destroyed, but the process is not sustainable To stop.]

[Greed: Infinite greed (EX): It doubles the user's power infinitely, but in exchange for his mental well-being, at the end the fate of the user is the explosion.]

[Envy: A blade that cuts the world (EX): an indestructible blade that can cut the fabric of the world itself, and make very fast attacks.]

[wrath: Final annihilation (EX): Summoning a meteor the size of the moon at a speed of 72 meters per second, with the sole purpose of destroying the planet, this noble phantasm can ignore the precautions of counter force.]

I looked at the options shockingly, I can't believe that Mephisto had such very good things, and it seems that the countdown to the age of the gods has begun, but I expect it will take many years.

Now, I will exclude gluttony, lust, sloth, and greed, which makes me choose both envy and wrath. It is great to have a strong trump card.

As for the skills, I chose item construction EX, battle continuation EX, and monstrous strength EX.

First, it would be nice to be able to do better. Second, Mephisto could have survived even as most of his body was destroyed and the rest of his body began to melt due to battle continuation. For the latter, it would represent a very big increase in my strength and durability.

Now, I have to go home, my job is done, and now I have saved the world, but I miss the cold walls and atmosphere in the house, after what I went through today, I think I should take some kind of leave, I haven't had a rest before.

Now, about how I got out of here, I can float up in the air, but summoning Argus and using it as a bus will be a lot faster, I drew a summons circle over the rock and put the golden fleece in the middle, I was about to start summoning rituals when it lit up Blue light behind me.

I looked behind me and saw a bright blue ball floating in the air, for some reason, I felt that looking at this light is the best thing that happened to me a while ago, I got to know this light, alayashiki, but this was not the reason I felt, just looking at the light entered Calm and safety to my heart.

"howdy!" When I didn't know what was the best thing, I said, "Are you God?"

"wrong!" I heard I was a human voice, but it was completely emotional and it was not possible to determine whether the voice was for a male or female "I am the counter force, the collective unconscious of humanity, more commonly known as Alaya."

"Yes, I know, now you killed my joke!" I said when I was sighed.

I'm supposed to be scared or anxious, but just being near Alaya gave me a feeling of safety, I know this is just a fake feeling, but the fact that I didn't have to feel anxiety or fear gives me a great feeling.

"Congratulations, the human known as Victor von Doom, your accomplishments are so far that I can no longer ignore you."

"Ah, this is ... "I looked to her / him" Your mission is to defend humanity, why haven't you interfered? "

"I could not intervene directly against the six demonic spirits because they could be considered part of nature, and when the fallen angel became evil of men, I was planning to intervene, but according to my calculations, I decided to think that you could win that possibility of 9.87% "

"I see, but why are you talking to me directly? Aren't you supposed to have some great abilities like telepathy?"

"Given that you are not part of the collective subconscious of humanity, you are outside of my authority"

I ignored the fact that I was just called that I am not a human.

"Why are you here?"

Alaya spoke" deal I'm here to offer you a deal, you can become a grand counter guardian and take many advantages, such as going up a higher state of spiritual existence, infinite supplies of mana, registration in the throne of heroes, limited access to information of the collective subconscious of humanity, Even like a counter guardian, you will not have to leave your free will and you can do nothing except when humanity is at risk. "

I expanded my eyes, this was a very cool deal, I could become a counter guardian, a heroic spirit, without having to become a killing machine, and even offering me an endless supply of mana but ...

"I refuse!" I categorically said, "To become a counter guardian means that my soul is stored in the throne of heroes so that many copies of me can be created, and I do not want this."

"..." The silence lasted for a minute before the collective subconscious of humanity spoke "You can become a living heroic spirit and enjoy the benefits without having to go to the throne of heroes, but you will get the benefits of the heroic spirit body while keeping your physical body, although it is As a true heroic spirit you will not be limited to the classes system, however, when your body is destroyed, your soul is still transferred to the throne of heroes. "

"Well, let's think about it. You said I would be a grand counter guardian, what does this mean?"

"The grand counter guardian is the top of the counter guardians, while you are not obligated to do anything, but you are forced to intervene against global threats similar to the fallen angel."

"What about summoning, the throne of heroes is out of time, let's say I died in the future. Does this mean that I can be summoned now?"

I felt as though Alaya was a little silent.

"No, as long as you are alive in this world, this will be a paradox that prevents you from being on the throne of heroes at the same time."

"Well, what about my mind, will you be able to spy on my mind?" I asked him while I wanted to know what the bad side is.

"Because of the contract that makes you get mana supplies from me, we will get a mental channel, but it is only for sending mental messages and it cannot be used to spy on your mind."

"Well, what are the negative effects?"

"You will acquire the normal weaknesses of the heroic spirit, and gain weakness against weapons and conceptual skills, as you will gain instinct about what is dangerous to humanity, but it is not strong enough to change your own thoughts, and you must still intervene when fighting major threats, this Just"

"Okay, I agree, you're my new boss!"