
chapter 50

Many months have passed quickly, unexpectedly. Perhaps this is the quietest and most peaceful of my life, without any devil like Mephisto planning to start the era of demons, or any evil god like angra mainyu trying to exterminate humanity.

I haven't even trained my magecraft like I used to do before, the strength of both modern magecraft and magecraft from the age of gods has reached the limits of the magecraft, anything beyond this is true magic, at my level this is all I can do to advance is Gathering knowledge from different branches of Thaumaturgy and magecraft of different quality from my own.

On the other hand, I continued with my regular routine, working like Enforcer of mage Association, and spending time with my twin sister, Valeria Rachel Von Doom, although she is not the girl from my childhood anymore but now she at least considers me a brother of her, as a brother , I have to spoil her and agree to all of her behaviors even if it's wrong.

Nevertheless, I was also building my relationship with each of my three servants, Arash, Artoria and Medea, especially Medea.

Although servants are familiar being summoned by the Holy Grail to fight alongside the master, they were not pets or slaves, so that command seals are useless because many servants have magic resistance or skill that gives them resistance against command seals, eveb that Loyal and obedient servants have a chance to betray you or kill you if they don't like you.

Precisely for this reason, apart from Medea that has an evil alignment, I chose Artoria Pendragon who has a Lawful good alignment, because even if she don't like me she won't betray me because she is a knight, betrayal is not really in her dictionary.

As for Arash, although his alignment is chaotic neutral, in view of a personality, he is the type who will never betray his master as long as his master does not exceed his principles, and as long as his master treats him well and does not betray him first.

In addition to that I could learn his distinct skill, Bow and Arrow creation, although my class B is only, as long as I possess the right materials I can create the bow immediately, and similar to Arash, I can create arrows with only my magic energy, which It gives me the ability to shoot an endless number of arrows intermittently.

Therefore, while I have command seals, it is only the last means of safety, the original purpose of which is not to compel the servant to obey you, but in order to kill him after defeating the other servants, according to makiri zolgen's notes, this was the only way to achieve the third magic for them.

Regardless of which I used to do my usual stuff, Medea has converted Ryoudou Temple to her temple again after everyone's brains are washed, these people are brainwashed frequently, their luck must be less than zero.

The reason for doing this was not obtaining mana from the ley's line, because she was attracting unlimited prana from me, who was attracting her from Elia, but obtaining a temple gave her a strategic advantage in addition to enhancing her magical abilities.

As for Arash, Archer, he was responsible for gathering information, exploring, monitoring and observing the city in the event of other masters and servants arriving, or in the event that someone summoned a new servant, and this was not really difficult thanks to his hawk eye.

As for Artoria, because I have been entrusted with the task of planning, she does not do anything specially regardless of whether she accompanies Medea a lot, luckily my medea was not obsessed with her.

She previously asked me about my opinion about her reign, I answered her honestly and told her that the mistakes she made were more than the rights, but nothing emotional or dramatic, perhaps the reason for her question was that I was a master of Lancelot in the past, and I do not think I changed her mind, as I didn't even tried.

For me, I used to spend my free time with Medea, just that it is another copy that does not mean that it is not Medea, and I have been trying to get close to it several times, luckily my attempts were having its effects.

Unlike modern era magus who are having difficulty learning magecraft the age of gods, although medea cannot get true magic but magecraft is easy for her, so we started a mutual learning session.

Medea was one of the 5 most powerful magus, and although I own her spells, she had a great experience that she could pass on to me, she was surprised when she knew I could use her magecraft.

For me, I taught her modern magecraft, especially the magecraft of fire, and thanks to her divinity from the sun god she could learn everything relatively easily, of course I taught her many things other than the magecraft of fire.

I also told her about all the things that I did after the Fourth Holy War of the Grave, from killing me to zouken matou to returning home to find out that my dad is dead, and how I was hunting phantasm beasts.

I also told her about my hunting of the sins, wrath, Envy, greed, sloth, lust, gluttony, and even I told her that I killed Mephisto and angra mainyu.

While I didn't really expect her to believe me from the start, Argus, Colchis dragon, was working as a trusted witness even though he and Medea were not in sync.

Me and medea also made a suitable summon spell, so Media could have summoned her own version of the useless golden dragon.

Also, by studying her divinity skill, it appears that due to the medea hatred to the gods in addition to her legend of the witch of betrayal, this skill was greatly reduced but it is assumed that it must be at least A, medea must have reached the throne of the gods, if it not been for the fact that I had deceived the rules, then Medea would not have awakened her divinity.

Also, thanks to the completion of my mission [lost love] I got 500,000 exp and NP in the form of two marriage rings, as long as there are two people of the opposite sex who wear it they will always know the location and condition of the other person as long as he is in the same dimension, it is like a magical marriage contract, and Even if the partner is in another dimension or timeline, the other partner can know if he is alive or dead.

[Name: lost love rings.

Owner: Unspecified, Victor von Doom.

Type: Anti-unit.

Rank: E.

range: -.

maximum number of targets: 2.]

This was a little ironic, among an unlimited number of noble phantasms, I got wedding rings, at first I thought I would ask for medea's hand after the Holy Grail War ended, I think I love her enough, and I also think I would love to live a quiet life with her.

However, the last time I thought about the same thing, after the Holy Grail War, but I didn't even have the opportunity to see her again, the person knows what he is missing only after losing it, and I don't want to become this person again.

Also, compared to the Fourth Holy Grail War where I spent two weeks with her, my chances are higher now.

"Medea, can I ask you something?" I asked her when I sat at the table in front of her.

"Of course, Victor, what do you want?" She smiled at me when she lifted her head off the book.

"I had been thinking about this for a very long time, and I was planning at first to wait after this war ended, your answer is really important," I told her honestly, while I grabbed her hands.

"Huh? What?" She said to me as she smiled naively, her cheeks were a little red, perhaps this was one of the few times that I had an intimate interaction with her.

I had been building my relationship with her for a year, and even if she hadn't loved me at first, she was now, I'm sure, otherwise I wouldn't have taken my step.

"will you marry me?"

"What?!" She asked me shockedly, and her eyes expanded a little, maybe she wasn't really expecting to ask her, but I've already made up my mind, I want to complete my life with her.

"will you marry me?" I asked her again while I tightened my hands.

"I ... I don't know what to really say," she told me while she seemed to be focusing.

"I love you, this is what I wanted to say for years, and until now"

"But, why do you ask me to marry? I am the witch of betrayal, I might look kind and beautiful, but are you not afraid that I will betray you, cut your body to pieces?"

I closed my eyes, I was not really a person to neutralize emotional talk, so I decided to tell her only the truth.

"I know you are not like this, your kindness and beauty are the real you, and I love you"

She looked at me for a long time before she smiled, "Okay, but before I answer you, don't say I didn't warn you."

I nodded.

"and, you know that I am not the real medea, I am just a copy created by the Holy Grail for the purpose of participating in the ritual, right? I am not even the medea that you previously summoned"

"Yes, but ..." I smiled at her, "You are the one with me. Also, can you stop looking for excuses?"

"That's mean ..." she told me before she smiled. "My answer is ... yes!"

I raised my eyebrow slightly before I realized that she really agreed, since I was holding her hands I pulled it towards me and kissed her for the first time lightly in her lips.


I ignored her bumbling and took the ring out of my pocket, "Can I?"

"Victor, I'm so happy!" She said while she gave me her left hand, I grabbed her and put the ring on her middle finger.

This is it, my happy ending, after all that has happened, it's really over.