
chapter 51

Ayaka Sajyou made room in her living room by pushing the couches and the table to the side, and although she believes this is annoying, she does not think she has an opinion on this.

Originally, Ayaka belonged to a small family of magus practicing formalcraft and witchcraft, and the only reason they were considered mages may be due to formalcraft, after all, witches are not welcome among the mages community.

When she was young, her parents were killed by an ordinary thief, which caused her orphanage and her going to live with her relatives America, and while she kept her parents' books on magecraft, she could not force herself to practice magecraft before.

While she belonged to the family line of the Magus, and possesses 30 circuits with a C-Rank in quality, it is because of the shock that her parents were killed in front of her eyes in her infancy that made her unable to kill live animals, which is what her family magecraft requires.

Twenty years after the establishment of the Shinto Fuyuki region, Ayaka was a student who rented the second room on the eleventh floor of Semena's apartments. There was a family suicide in the fall, and Ayaka was witness to it.

However, it was not really a suicide, it was a murder, there was an old man who took the family of their neck and sucked blood from their bodies, since she was a magus she got to know the identity of this creature, Dead Apostle, a vampire.

Since she was an untrained Magus, she had no chance against Dead Apostle so she accepted her fate, but contrary to her own expectations, the dead apostle used his mystic eyes of Enchantment to calm her down before giving her a choice.

The first option is that he will make her forget everything and she will go on a journey for 'self-knowledge' without telling anyone, and the second option is to participate in the Holy Grail War.

Since she was Magus from Fuyuki, she knew what the Holy Grail was, as her parents were planning to take part in it but they had no opportunity.

With no other option that does not require her disappearance or death, she accepted to participate in the game of death called the Holy Grail War, according to the words of the vampire, it seems that this war will be between two factions, each faction consists of seven masters and servants.

Even the dead apostle gave her a proper catalyst, Avalon, and he told her that by using it you could summon King Arthur or at least one of the members of the round table.

Ayaka drew the summoning circle on the ground of her apartment and began talking the summoning chant of the red faction.

The summons began to glow with white light and magical energy condensed to form a person who appears in his late teen to his early twenties.

He has golden-blond hair with several streaks of red hair. He wears a set of white knight armor and a crimson mantle.

"Are you my master?" The knight said when he saw Ayaka.

"What? No! I mean ... yes!" Ayaka confusedly said.

"Hahaha, okay Master, do you have a name?" The knight smiled upon seeing the expression of his master.

"Yes, I'm Ayaka Sajyou, and you?"

"I'm saber of red, Richard the Lionheart! Anyway, should we try to find members of our faction?"

"Uh, I think so, unity is strength and in ..."

Before Ayaka could finish her words, Richard jumped in front of him and used his sword to hit several knives was thrown towards her, and Richard remained in a defensive position in front of her.

"What is that?!" Ayaka panicked.

"Another servant, given that he tried to assassinate you with throwing weapons, I suppose he is an assassin," Richard said earnestly.

Again, Richard rotated around Ayaka and withheld another set of knives that were thrown from a different angle.

"Expose yourself! Assassin!" Richard shouted, Because of the tightness of the apartment he could not use his full potential without destroying the building.

"Good to see you again after death, Lionheart!" said dark shadow from the back from the corner of the room.

"You ... hassan ?!" said Richard, confusedly, when he got to know this person. "I didn't think he would see you again, it's really nice to see you," said Richard, confusedly, when he got to know this person.

"I really hope our feelings are mutual, but I do not have these sexual orientation," said Hassan i Sabah as he stepped back.

"Haha, I want to ask you, you don't happen to be in the red faction, right?"

"Unfortunately no"

"So you wanna fight me now?" Richard said while preparing his sword.

"The assassination has already failed, bye!" He said assassin of black before retreating into the shadows.

Richard sheathed his sword and turned towards Ayaka, "It was so close!"

"You know that servant?" Ayaka asked Richard confusedly.

"Yes, we two as well as saladin have launched a crusade against dead apostles!" Richard said briefly.

Ayaka was about to say something but Richard boycotted her, "Hey, is this Avalon? The real Avalon ?!"