The Birthday Cake

Meanwhile, in a dimly lit VIP room sat a group of three friends celebrating Peter's birthday who was now looking hungrily at his birthday cake in front of him.

"Look at him.. just can't even control your hormones in front of boobs shaped cake Tsk.. Tsk.." said Eddy pointing at Peter's manhood.

"Mmm.. what do a poor man do when all the real boobs are given to his boss.." said Peter in a sad yet excited tone again eyeing the boobs covered in purple bra cake in front of him.

"What do a poor man do if he got more good looks than his manager." mimicked Alex.

Peter pouted at Alex's remark. "Bro maybe we should try threesome sometime, today's model was soo sexy she almost dropped her tiny dress infront of me." said Peter.

"Why not foursome Bro??." teased Eddy grinning ear to ear..

"Thank you, only I'm not interested in seeing your naked bodies." Alex smirked.

"Never mind, can't just hold it anymore, I'm about to cut you but first let me open this lady's mouth." said Peter holding a bottle of wine. He opened it and showered the wine in air and all of them hooted .. Peter poured two glasses on the table with the bottle in his hand. They raised a toast to Peter while he himself clinked his bottle with the two glasses.

"Cheers to our Baby Boy." said Alex in a teasing tone.

"Cheers to his poor Manhood". said Eddy grinning ear to ear.

"Cheers to me". They drank the wine while Peter put the bottle to his mouth.

"Get ready baby, I'm gonna cut you i promise it won't hurt.." said Peter tracing the cake's round shape. you just made a cake with this bra?". said Peter in a little disappointed tone.

"Otherwise you will start masturbating infront of us." commented Alex. And all of them laughed.

While Peter cut the cake, Alex and Eddy sang "Happy Birthday to you.. " in unison clapping their hands happily.

"So, how's work going?". asked Alex.

"Nothing, as usual the heavy workout sessions." said Eddy.

"With your beauty ?". Teased Alex.

" Dude, don't even start with that, we broke up last week". said Eddy in a tired tone.

"Again? Now this time what was she lacking?". Interupted Peter in an amused tone.

"She was creepy..!! She loved the smell of my underarms!!." Eddy said with disgust.

Alex spat his wine "that's disgusting".

"Ewwwwww man why do you even date these kind of crazy girls?" said Peter in disgust.

"Forget it guys." said Eddy Shrugging his shoulders.

Eddy Anderson was an Athlete and was a black belt in Karate. He won many medals and was already a public figure. Other than his abilities he was the most charming guy with deep blue eyes, pointed nose and thin lips. His girl fans always showered their love on him. While many rich girls would accompany him to bed. He was a complete sex addict every morning a new girl was laid besides him.

"We are not made for love, my boy we are made for making out, Cheers". said Alex raising again his toast. "True." Both said in unison and clinked their glasses.


On the other side of the club sat two ladies on the couch drinking their favourite 'Martini'

"To my Baby Giraffe for getting selected." said Mia raising a toast.

"Yeah, and to us for meeting after soo long." said Eva pouting her lips.

"Awww i missed you baby." said Mia again hugging the girl.

"So when is it starting." asked Mia.

"The following month". said Eva.

"And this time I've heard they have a surprise collaboration." said Eva chucking down whole glass.

"With whom?". asked Mia with questioning eyes.

"Nothing's final but I've heard if this collaboration works then they would earn more than 20× compared to the previous Spring Fashion shows." said Eva again chucking down her next glass.

"That would be great and you will make more money!!" said Mia winking at her.

"I wish". said Eva now finishing her third glass.