The dare game.

After finishing their cocktails both girls ordered a tray of shots for themselves.. "Mmmm.. I'm telling you this is going to be fun girl.." grinned Eva.

"Are you sure? I remember last time we did this and found ourselves sleeping in the restroom whole night and the cleaners woke us up next day." said Mia a little embarrassed.

"No no no this is not going to happen again.. we are adults now and we can handle this.. come on... It's celebration night!!!!..." said Eva excitedly winking at her.

"Okay then let's start, three shots at a time ,the one who stops first will have to complete the dare given by the other. No excuses.." said Eva rubbing her hands excitedly.

"Okay, then let's start.." both started drinking three shots at a time. Soon they finished first tray.

"One more tray of shots pleaseee." ordered Eva in high spirits. Soon the tray was served to them and they gulped every shot in that tray too.

"I think we will end up drunk here." said Mia in a tipsy tone.

"We are not stopping...are you about to lose babe?"said Eva with a grin. "One more tray pleasee."


The two men were now already drunk in the VIP room. While Alex was still sober due to his high tolerance. "Bro i think we should go and dance there with the beauties." said Peter pointing towards the dance floor with a mischievous smile.

"Yeah let's grab some booties man." winked Eddy.

"I'll only drink today." said Alex.

"Alright you will drive us home once we pass out." both said knowingly.

Three handsome men walked down the stairs and soon joined the dance. Alex went straight to the bar. "One mugshot for me". he ordered the bartender.

The club was lively with people enjoying themselves and his two perverted friends were flirting with some girls and dancing their asses off. Alex chuckled at his friends "these two."

Soon he received the mugshot and started sipping it while sitting on the stool near the table. Alex already knew that after the dance his friends will pass out and he has to take them home.


"I cannot drink more then this." said Mia looking at three and a half empty trays of shots on the table.

"Are you telling me that it's time for a dare?." asked Eva with a naughty smile.

"Umm okay I lose". said Mia raising her hands in surrender.

"Alright then young lady.. here's a dare for you... Hmmm.. ok so go to which ever guy you find handsome on this floor and ask him for a dance." Eva said excitedly winking at Mia.

"Wow that's kinda hard for me.. never mind." said Mia pursing her lips.

She got up from her seat and stumbled towards the dance floor. She looked around in search. "That one... No he looks like a frog.. okay the guy in red.. ewww he can't even dance correctly.. looks like there's no handsome men today..." said Mia pouting her lips.

Suddenly her eyes went towards the bar where she saw a person in Black shirt white pants sipping from his mugshot his eyes only on the dance floor. The flames from the table reflected on his face making his features more highlighting. "That guy.. Yess he's the one". said Mia walking straight towards the guy.

"Hello." Said Mia nudging with her finger on the man's shoulder. Alex turned his head only to see a beautiful drunk girl in sight. His eyes glued to her flushed yet adorable face. She was indeed very beautiful.

"Hey." said Alex with a smile. "I.. i am here for a dare as we played a dare game, soo she gave me a dare to dance with the handsome guy." said Mia in a drunken voice. "And i think you are quite good looking.. will you dance with me??" asked Mia.

Alex was now constantly looking at her amused by the way she didn't even act to be hesitant. "Sure young lady." said Alex quickly stepping down from his chair.


Eva saw everything and gave her friend a thumbs up. "This bunny, she actually found someone handsome." Eva chuckled. She downed her next shot in a gulp and looked in the direction of the dance floor. Her eyes swept through the crowd and suddenly halted.

"Wait is that Eddy Anderson?." Eva thought with a doubt her vision not very clear to due the flashy lights and the crowd. She got up from her seat and swayed towards the dance floor. Due to her high alcohol tolerance she wasn't that much drunk.

Eva was gorgeous her features sharp and forehead big she had big pretty eyes and straight black hair.

When Eva came near the dance floor she was now looking straight at the man dancing with a brunette and flirting with her. "I knew that was him.. Ohh my godddd!!!.. the famous celebrity Eddy Anderson, my eyes are blessed to see him infront of me. Eva was a big fan of Eddy. Without wasting no time she quickly sprinted towards the crowd and suddenly Eddy looked at her.