The kidnapper.

"I want a pizza it looks soo delicious!!" exclaimed Mia her eyes glued on the board.

" Yeah but it's closed." said Alex pointing towards the closed shop.

Mia made a sad puppy face. "I'm tired in these heels." She said. Bending forward she took out her heels out. Alex caught the sight of her milky white back. Again, Alex soo much wanted to touch her there but he chucked the thoughts away.

Mia took her heels in her hands and started walking again clumsily. They reached the club and Mia looked at Alex in confusion. "Where are we?" she asked.

"In the club we left earlier." said Alex.

"And who are you?" asked Mia suspiciously.

Alex was dumbfounded at her question 'Does she have a memory problem?' he thought. "I'm Alex remember the guy who smelt....."

Cutting him off "Whatever, where's Eva I swear I'm gonna kill her now she left me behind." said Mia angrily.

'It was you who left her behind, maybe.' said Alex in his mind.


Eva looked carefully at the dance floor as she could not find her friend. "Still checking out someone less hotter than me." Eddy winked at her.

"No, I'm actually looking for my friend I cannot see her it's been 30 minutes now." said Eva a little worriedly. Eva knew that Mia was intolerable of alcohol but she thought it was fine when she was with her. She even saw Mia dancing with someone. But now not seeing her around made her a little worried. "I think I should check out for her." said Eva getting down from the stool.

"Okay look for her, you can find me here." Eddy again winked at her.

Eva searched everywhere even the washrooms but her friend was not found. She checked on the couch they were sitting earlier but only Mia's bag was lying there. Eva was worried now she called Mia.

The phone which Alex was holding was ringing. "Baby Giraffe." he said looking at the caller ID.

Mia snatched her phone startling him and answered the call. "Bitch where the fuck you think you left me, you know there's a stranger here who is weird though he smells nice but I think he is trying to kidnap me." said Mia in a low voice covering her mouth but Alex could hear her properly.

"What??? Where are you Mia you made me worried!!.oh god just tell me where are you??" Eva asked with tears in her eyes.

"I'm at.... Hello mister kidnapper can you please tell me where are we?" Mia nudged the man beside her.

Alex was a little angry at Mia's allegation he was being nice to her and even took her back to the club and still she was accusing him. He took the phone from Mia and said "We are at the entrance of Magenta club please come and take your friend."

"Okay okay I'm coming." sighed Eva.

Eva waved Eddy goodbye and went outside to get Mia back. Eva was stunned to see the man beside Mia. "Ohh God bless my eyes... did I do something good today to get to see two most handsome men in the whole world?!" Eva said to herself as she recognised the man. He was Alex Johnson the chairman of Johnson Company.

And here her stupid friend was accusing him of being a kidnapper. Eva sighed and came near Mia. "I'm extremely sorry on behalf of my friend she is a little drunk." She said in an apologetic tone.

"Nooo send him to jail he tried to kidnap me.." shouted Mia."

"Mia ssshhh... Come on let's get you home." Eva smiled at the man hesitantly.

"It's okay, it did not bother me at all." Alex gave a smile his eyes still fixed on Mia. Without wasting any time Eva dragged her friend towards the car and drove back to Mia's home.

"Soo her name is Mia." Alex smiled looking at the car disappearing in the far distance. He entered the club and sighed. "These two..." He took his drunkerd friends who were lying on the floor lazily. He drove them towards his villa.

"You were in no sight where have you been Alex." asked Eddy raising his eyebrows.

"Fucking the hottest chick isn't that obvious." Peter smirked.

Alex was lost in his own thoughts about Mia.

"Boooohoooo our brother is a cheater." Both cried.

"Stop this shit or I'll throw you out." said Alex with a serious look.

"Well I found a beautiful girl today Miss Martini." said Eddy with love struck eyes. You know her eyes were beautiful,. Her curves, her face...." He continued.

"Wow so you pay attention to other things also, I thought you only liked their glory holes." smirked Peter.

Eddy gave him low punches on his arm irritated by Peter's words.

"That's like no beautiful Girl I haven't seen today." said Alex with a smile.

"Wow so you were actually busy in those sessions?" asked Eddy with a mischievous smile.

"And you didn't even told us." said Peter with a pout.

Alex said nothing again lost in those beautiful eyes and that cute little face..he giggled. Eddy was also lost in his thoughts. While Peter sat there holding his face in both his hands. "It was my birthday and these two got the gifts." he sighed and soon dozzed off.

Next morning, 10AM

Mia got up and rubbed her eyes. Her head was throbbing she frowned and massaged her temples to ease the pain. "I swear I'm gonna never have shots next time, woah.. my head would blast anytime soon." She gazed sideways and found aspirin on the side table and a handwritten note with it.

'Eat it and your pain will flurr away.. love you <3' Mia smiled at her friend's concern and love for her and she gulped the medicine.

Soon reality hit her senses and she remembered last night's deed. Though she could not remember his face but she did remembered her blunder. "Ohhhhh noooo!!" What have I done??.. I accused that person and even misbehaved with him, I better apologize to him he even saved me." she slapped her forehead and got down her bed.

The snow outside melted and there was sunshine peeping throught the sky. In her fluffy pink rabbit fur night dress which had a small tail at back. And her matching slippers. With a bunny in her hands she walked towards her balcony and slid the curtains to the sides.

She stepped in the balcony which was cool. The sunrays hitting her cute face made her features more alluring she looked like an angel enjoying the warmth of the sun. She breathed the fresh air and enjoyed the view infront of her.

Her mind still thinking about the man who saved her. She tried very hard to remember his face but she could only remember his perfume. "Vanilla Popsicle." Mia smiled. "I should ask Eva who he was." Mia thought.

She went back and took her phone and was about to call her friend when she saw a text from her class's official group.

'The future Architects'

Miss Stella.: The dates for the sheet submission are preponed due to the sudden event of 'Felicitation' I hereby inform the class to submit their sheets on this Saturday.

"What??? Oh no no I have to prepare it early then I haven't even started working on that too." Mia said worriedly. She threw her phone and went to the bathroom.

After one hour Mia got ready she wore a baggy Grey t-shirt with black pants and tied her hair in a messy bun. Even in her usual clothes Mia looked beautiful because of her sense of fashion and a cute face. She got down for breakfast. And found her family having breakfast peacefully, discussing something important. She came down and sat besides her elder brother who gave her a smile.

"Am I late?" she asked with a cute expression.

"No dear we have just started." said her mother lovingly.

"Ohh pancakes.. Mia looked at the plate ready to devour the stack of pancakes. She was about to grab the pancakes.

Her brother slapped her hand. "Wash your hands first." he said more strictly. Mia pouted at her brother's words and quickly went to wash her hands.

"Perks of being from a science oriented family." she smirked.