Her realisation

Mia washed her hands and came towards the dining table she wiped her hands with the napkin and grabbed pancakes, some sandwiches and her favourite hot chocolate. Mia wiped her plate clean as she licked the sauce from her plate.

"I think the recent research will soon be done and we can use the medicines." said Bryan assuringly to his father.

"Yes I am looking forward to it." smiled Abraham. "And how's your college going?" He continued pointing his chin towards Mia.

"Nothing special dad the usual college stuff." said Mia sipping her Hot chocolate.

"I think I should take a leave now." said Bryan taking his lab coat from the chair.

"I'll drop you son." said Abraham.

"Bye mom"..."Bye honey." Both father and son said in unison. "Bye bunny." again both said in unison.

"Bye dad and brother.." Mia waved at them. "I'm done." she said and got up from her chair.

"Would you like some juice dear?" asked her mom.

"No mom I ate well and yes thanks for that silver dress it was gorgeous." Mia smiled at her.

"I'm glad you liked it by the way you met Eva yesterday how is she?" asked Margaret.

"Ohh she's wonderful mom you know she signed the contract with the Harley International.

"That's a pretty big news tell her to visit our home someday." said Margaret.

"Yes mom definitely now I'm going to complete my sheet so please call me if you need me." said Mia running upstairs.


In the office sat Alex thinking about last night's events while rotating the pen in his hand.

"Sir, Mr. Harley has arrived." said Peter.

"Yeah please escort him to the conference room I'm coming." said Alex rubbing his face.

A middle aged man with a long face, sharp nose and grey hair was sitting in the conference room along with his secretary.

"Hello Mr. Harley." said Alex while shaking his hand with Mr. Harley.

"Never a dull moment with you Chairman Alex." said Mr. Harley with a smile.

"Please take your seats." said Alex now taking his seat.

"Well I went through the details of the idea and I think this will turn out to be great." said Alex holding his pen. "And also the collaboration will bring us more popularity in the market considering your fashion show this will bring great profit to both of us." Alex continued.

"Yes and this will gain attention of people around the world as we are now showcasing the tradition of every country in the Summer Couture." spoke Mr. Harley with excitement in his eyes.

"Then let's sign the contract." said Alex. Both shook their hands once again.

One hour later,

Mia was busy in making the sheet while her phone rang. 'Baby Giraffe'. Mia answered the call and kept on speaker.

"Hello Babesssss". came the excited voice from the other end.

"Stop screaming you will spoil my sheet Eva." said Mia nibbling her ear.

"Oohhh come on.. I've a great news...to tell you.." said Eva holding her breath.

"Wow they threw you out." Mia chuckled.

"No.. they have officially signed a contract with the Johnson Company and they are collaborating this time... OOOhh myyy God.." Eva was almost fainting due to excitement.

"Johnson Company you mean the No. 1 jewellery brand in Germany??" Even Mia was now screaming.

"Yes it's the Johnson Company.. OOOhh goddd this is actually going to happen." said Eva. "Oh and by the way I have got VIP passes and you are coming on my show to see me flaunting, and who knows you might get another chance to meet your kidnapper." she teased Mia.

"What do you mean?" By meeting my kidnapper?" Mia asked not catching her friend's words.

"Oh my dear Bunny don't tell me you forgot him (your kidnapper). Eva chuckled.

"I did forget him who was he?" asked Mia now a little worried.

"Hahahahaha... Mia darling you were actually with the Chairman himself last night 'The Alex Johnson'. Eva could not help chuckling at her dumb bunny.

"What the heck!! I was with Alex Johnson last night????" Mia covered her mouth with shock. "Ohh no no what have I done?? I asked him for pizza and even accused him." she continued still not believing what happened.

"No but he was actually nice with you and even told me to take you, he's soo handsome girl." Eva commented.

"I really need to apologise to him he was soo nice to me last night, gosh I even told him that he smelled like 'Vanilla popsicle" what will he think of me.. oh noo!!!" said Mia not believing her stupid tongue.

"Wow you actually flirted with the guy.. are you serious.. Ohh Jesus..that's nice my girl is learning." Eva could no longer hold her laughter. "By the way even i met someone yesterday and you won't believe who.." said Eva giggling.

"Who?? Tell me who??" Asked Mia with her eyebrow raised.

"Nah, you cannot handle too many shocks, so I'll keep this for another day." Eva said mischievously.

"It is not nice to tell half of the things and let others go crazy while guessing the other half." said Mia with greeted teeth.

"Bye sweetie we will meet tomorrow." Eva hung up the call.

Beep.. beep.. "No Eva.. wow she does this everytime." Mia said and kept her phone aside. "I actually was with Alex Johnson!! Nooo.. what will he think of me. What have you done Mia you are the stupidest person on this planet, what a mess and here I have to complete the sheet perfect.. just perfect." Mia smirked at herself and got busy doing the sheet.


In Johnson Company,

"Sir this is the catalog of our latest jewellery which we are going to launch." said Peter putting the catalog on the table.

Alex saw each jewellery but the delicate Shoulder Chain caught his attention. It reminded him of Mia's smooth milky white back and her shoulder blades. Alex could not help his hormones and traced the picture of the Shoulder Chain. "She will look stunning in this." He murmured and a smile crept on his lips.

"Who will look stunning sir?" asked Peter who saw everything his boss did and said.

Alex cleared his throat "Are you still drunk to hear things I didn't said?" asked Alex not looking at Peter.

"No sir but I think you are still drunk to smile like a fool." Peter said laughing hard.

Alex threw the catalog at him and Peter dodged. While was Alex still glaring at the man.

"By the way she must be beautiful to make you blush so hard." teased Peter. Alex got up and was now running towards him but Peter left the cabin.

"I will reduce your salary you just wait." Shouted Alex. While returning to his seat he looked at the mirror and he was shocked to see his reflection he was actually blushing. He touched his face in shock and could not help but smile at himself.

"See I told you, you are blushing." again came a voice behind him.

"Peterrrr you foolll." Alex again shouted. And Peter ran away like a rat.