The endorsement

Cafe Cravings Cure. 11:00AM

Two friends sat near the window sipping their coffee and munching on their sandwiches. "Oh Geez Mia should have seen him he was soo hot!!" said Eva chuckling.

"Wow I don't believe you actually bumped into the famous Athlete Eddy Anderson." said Mia giggling.

"He even teased me by my surname." said Eva happily she was clapping like a kid.

"So did you exchanged your numbers?" asked Mia while sipping her coffee.

"Ahh.. we would have done that but all thanks to you." sighed Eva.

"Oops sorry I ruined your precious time with the celebrity." Mia rolled her eyes at her friend.

"Hmm.. by the way Spring Couture is in next 15 days in Paris and you are coming, no excuses." Eva said seriously.

"But what will I do there? also there's this stupid sheet submission this Saturday, I've got so much work to do." said Mia convincing her friend.

"No babes no more excuses, you have already missed my previous fashion shows now you have to come." said Eva pouting sadly. "And also it's gonna be your bestie's big day...." She continued.

"Yeah right it's your big day now stop acting like a child I'll come." said Mia finding her friend cute.

"Reallyyy..??!" Eva exclaimed clapping her hands. Eva knew that her pleading words and acting skills always melts Mia's heart.

Both friends chitchatted about the fashion show and other ongoing stuff of their life as they could not catch up daily. Time passed and it was already 1:00 PM. Eva had to get back to Paris for the preparation of the upcoming fashion show. While there was a sheet which was to be completed by Mia by the coming Saturday. Both of them left the cafe and waved goodbyes to each other. "So I'll leave tomorrow morning for Paris and you have to come two days before the event we will have fun." said Eva excitedly.

"Alright I'll complete my stuff till then bubbye.." waved Mia.

Meanwhile, Johnson Headquarters.

The man was sitting on his chair while studying the details of the jewellery which was yet to be launched. "The clarity is good and also the shine is perfect, give this catalog to Mr. Harley." said Alex in a satisfied mood.

"Yes sir." Peter was about to go when something crossed Alex's mind and he stopped him midway. "Wait.. Peter don't you think we should also launch our exclusive brooch and cufflinks?" asked Alex raising his brows.

"The ones we were about to launch after 1 month?" asked Peter.

"Yeah and I think we already have someone who can be our own model" said Alex twisting the pen in his hand.

"Who???.....ohhh god.. why didn't it crossed my mind??!! Ofcourse we can.. I mean we must!! this will bring more attention to our brand." said Peter excitedly.

"And he will endorse our Men's accessories." said Alex.

"Then why don't we let him walk on the ramp." said Peter clapping his hands.

"Let's call him up then we do not have much time for the show." said Alex while dialing Eddy's number.

"Hello.." came a tired voice of a man still yawning.

"Tired of the wrestling battle?" Alex chuckled.

"Yeah she was soo much hungry bro you know I have to cu...." He was cutt off in middle by Alex.

"I didn't call you to ask about your rounds and how it went, I had something in my mind for you." said Alex while clearing his throat.

"And what is that?" asked Eddy rubbing his eyes with one hand.

"We are launching a special jewellery line for Men which are exclusive, and I think we already have someone who can be the face of this line." said Alex hinting towards Eddy.

"Okay so you need my confirmation.. Go ahead bro I know you will kill it like always people will buy those accessories right away." said Eddy smiling a bit.

"Brother I'm not this much free to call you and discuss my plans with you we want you to endorse our brand ." said Alex helplessly.

"Me??" asked Eddy in surprise his eyes wide open.

"Yes, you." sighed Alex. "That's great then I'm honoured to be a part of your company Bro." said Eddy in a proud tone.

Alex chuckled at his friend. "That would be great then I'll make the contract ready for you."

"Sure bro now please don't disturb me my match is not over yet." Eddy said looking hungrily at the wide open legs of a girl who was still asleep. Without wasting his time Alex hung up the phone.

Eddy pounced on the girl who was fast asleep and inserted his two fingers in her flowerbud kissing her sensually. The girl frowned in her sleep and opened her eyes. She smiled at the boy and they went for another round.

1 week passed,

Mia sat in her room engrossed in her work she heard a knock. "Come in." she said her eyes still glued to the large sheet with different markings and calculations.

Bryan entered her room with plate of fries in his hands, he felt proud by seeing his cute sister doing her work with determination. "My sister has grown up so fast." He said clearing his throat.

Mia looked at his brother and suddenly ran towards him by seeing fries in his hands.

"I didn't realise It was you Brother." she said her eyes now looking hungrily at the plate of fries.

"Yeah I heard my sister is working hard since morning so just brought these for you." Bryan said patting her head lovingly.

Both sath on the bed munching the fries. "Brother.. I am going to Paris next Friday." said Mia stuffing fries in her mouth. "Ohh for that Spring Couture?" asked Bryan raising his eyebrows.

"Yes.. but how do you know?" Mia was amazed at her brother's guess because he never paid attention to such things he was a workoholic.

"It's all on the Billboards haven't you seen it? It's the biggest show in Paris and most importantly they are collaborating with Johnson Company." said Bryan.

Mia choked on her fries by hearing this name. She has been trying to forget that night and every blunder she did but everyone kept her reminding of it. "Is that so?" She asked with a poker face.

"I'm going for Eva she has got selected this time and you know how she is, I didn't wanna go but for her I have to go." said Mia stating the obvious.

"Yes.. yes I know, well you must go and also go for shopping." said Bryan smiling at her.

"Yeah I should explore Paris and yes the shopping thing." said Mia excitedly.

"Okay then if you need more money ask me, now good night." said Bryan getting down from the bed.

"Yep.. I will, Good night." Mia waved her hands. She stepped down the bed and walked to resume her work.

"Don't wipe your hands with your clothes and don't forget to brush your teeth before bed." came a strict voice behind her startling her.

"I wasn't and I will." Mia stuck her tongue and smiled sheepishly at her brother.

Soon the days passed...

Mia was packing for her flight in evening. "Everything ready." Mia said rechecking everything.