Welcome to Paris

"All ready to go.." Mia said,her hands on her waist. She wore a high neck purple sweater with a shawl draped on her neck and black pants with boots. She grabbed her passport and luggage and went towards her car. She waved goodbye to her Mom and left for the airport.

It was Friday and show was to be held on Sunday but as told by her friend she has to go two days before the main event. Mia boarded the plane and took her seat. The plane landed at evening in Paris and a fresh wind gushed towards her.

Paris was a place where Eva has spend her years in fashion line. And she was quite famous due to her looks, height and perfect face. She owned a villa in Paris where she lived with her Mother after parting their ways with their father.

Soon a car came for Mia and she called her friend. "Yes, I've reached safely meet you in 30 minutes." She said in a calm voice hanging up the phone. Mia was baffled by the beauty of Paris. Though she has visited Paris when she was 14 but this time it was changed. Or maybe due to she saw it differently.

The busy roads of Paris were something different from the silent roads of Belgium. The only things she saw from every corner was the Eiffel Tower and other the Spring Couture banners in every street of the city. "Isn't this too much of show off?" she smirked. The drive was 30 minutes from the Airport to Eva's Villa. She soon reached her Villa.

Mia was overwhelmed to see such a beautiful Villa. The beautiful trees from the entrance gate and tiny pink flowers with a gap in each where all the way towards the main door were a car was parked. Mia entered the gigantic main door and was welcomed by Lea. Mia hugged her aunt and was soo happy.

Lea Martin was Eva's single mother who gave Eva the life of a princess. She worked hard and became one of the best fashion designers in Paris.

Eva was 9 when her parents separated. After her career in modelling she earned a handsome salary. Eva and Miss Martin lived a peaceful life in their beautiful Villa. Mia always found motherly affection in Lea and always referred to her as 'Mommy.'

"Soo good to see you child, hmm.. you forgot your mommy didn't you?" Lea pouted.

"No mommy how can I forget you, it's just my schedule." Mia said hugging her lovingly.

"Come have a seat, I've prepared juice and some white pasta for you, and look at you soo petite." Lea spoke with concern. "Aren't you eating well these days?" she continued.

"No no it's just my body doesn't show that I eat too much." Mia chuckled.

"Then let's eat dear, Eva's not home she has gone for a trial fitting, these fashion shows I tell you." complained Lea.

"It's ok mommy she already told me that she was busy even I need to rest for sometime." Mia assured. "Afterall it's the Spring Couture she has to look perfect."

"I've prepared a room for you rest well and let me know if you need anything." Lea pointed towards upstairs. Mia went to her room, she took a shower and went to have some rest.

It was 8 in the evening when someone entered her room and sat beside her. Mia was drooling in her sleep. Eva chuckled at her cute Bunny. "Ahhhhhh." Eva shouted in Mia's ear waking her up with shock.

Mia patted her chest by calming her heartbeats. "You... Idiot....!!" She ran towards Eva holding a pillow in her hand. They ran like Tom and Jerry. Mia attacked with pillows while Eva dodged them. After some running they both laughed and laid on bed.

"I missed you.. soo much!!!" said Eva embracing Mia tightly. They hugged each other for a very long time.

They got up and sat on the bed discussing their plans. "Look there's a new Cafe here so first we gonna visit there, then the mall, then we will buy you a beautiful dress for my event, then the shopping...." Eva blabbered without even catching a breath.

"Okay okay but first let's grab some food and then head to shopping." said Mia rubbing her belly.


A chartered plane landed in Paris from which came a man in a suit and along followed by two more men

"I soo much needed a break." Eddy spoke stretching his arms.

"Aren't you always on a break." questioned Peter.

"No he's always busy in his 'workout sessions' you know." teased Alex.

"Jealous." Eddy rolled his eyes at both of them.

Soon 6 guards stood in line greeting them while Two men along with a lady holding bouquets in her hands greeted them.

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Johnson." greeted the managing director of Harley International.

Alex gave a polite smile and took the bouquet. "Pleasure's all mine."

The lady blushed at the sight of three most handsome men infront of her. She greeted them with a bouquet.

Eddy kissed the girl's hand and winked at her. She could not help blushing at his gesture. Peter just rolled his eyes at him. "This pervert." he muttered.

The three men along with their staff were escorted to the hotel in the VIP rooms. There was still one day for the event but they had to be there for the arrangements and Eddy's fittings.

After the arrangements were done three of them were a little bored in the hotel so they decided to stroll the streets. They wore something casual and went to explore the streets.

"I'm tired of walking I think I must head back to my room." said Eddy with a sad face.

"You don't even know to make excuses, aren't you an athlete Eddy?" Peter raised his eyebrows at him.

"Come on.. brother that girl can wait for tomorrow." Alex dragged both of his friends towards the antique shop.

That was an old shop with several antique ornaments. Alex was fond of ancient things he said that they had original beauty in it.

Just beside to the shop was a street pizza stall with numbers of customers. Alex was just looking at the Jewellery when suddenly his sight felt on a small figure who was busy in reading the menu on the small digital screen.

"Plain Cheese, maccoroni cheese, big cheese bite,...." She read the menu carefully.

He somehow found the voice familiar. "I want double cheese and extra stuffing pizza." ordered Mia. " Noo this can't be true!! She can't be here!!.." He exclaimed. He walked towards the stall where Mia was standing. Just as he was about call her, he was suddenly interupted by Peter.

"Alex.. it's important." he said in a worried tone, whispering into Alex's ear something. They immediately left towards the Hotel.

"Baby, I told you we were eating in that cafe still you wanna eat here?" Eva sighed looking at her friend.

"It looks so delicious here Eva and as you know street food is what I always crave for." said Mia looking at her mouth watering pizza loaded with cheese.

"Wanna take a bite?" she asked stuffing her mouth with a large bite.

"Duh, I'm dieting." Eva said nodding her head in a 'no'.

They were done with the shopping and headed back to their house. They tried the clothes and accessories.

"I think you should wear this beauty." You will look stunning. said Eva with a satisfied look.

"Is that looking nice??" Mia asked in confusion.

"Definately!! You look soo beautiful in this." Eva exclaimed patting her own shoulders for such a beautiful choice.

"But don't you think it's a bit too shiny??.. i.. mean.." Mia asked with confusion evident in her face.

"Ohh come on babe it's the grand event of Paris there will be soo many famous personalities, the famous designers all around the world and even celebrities." Eva said patting her friend's shoulders.

"Okay then it's done I'll book an appointment with my stylist." Eva dialled a number and fixed her friend's appointment.