A Pizza with ' Miss Pizza '


Alex and Mia stood silent looking at the dance floor. Mia was a bit uncomfortable with his presence and her feet were swollen by the heels. Alex noticed her uneasiness. Mia was bored because of the crowd and soo many people around.

"Can we go somewhere else?" Alex broke the silence.

"Where?" Mia raised her eyebrows at him.

"A place nearby, I think you will like it." He said shrugging his shoulders. Mia thought for a while but agreed in the end. 'It's ok Mia he's good, he saved you that day.' She thought.

Mia called her friend but nobody picked the call. "I need to inform Eva my friend so she won't get worried like last time." Mia said her eyes searching for her friend.

"No problem, I'll inform her on your behalf." He said nonchalantly.

"You know my friend?" Mia asked looking at him. "Yeah." He shrugged his shoulders. She was the one with Mia in that club.

"Oh..ohk." Mia nodded.

Alex called Eddy, on the second ring the call was answered.

"Hey." Came a voice full of energy.

"Hi, umm.. actually tell Eva not to worry about Mia she is with me." Alex said pursing his lips.

"Tell Eva not to worry about Mia, she is with you." He repeated the line looking at Eva. He was confused. Eva checked her phone and found missed calls from her bunny.

"Who is she with?" Eva questioned.

"Who's she with?.. Ahh she's with Alex." He said.

"Ohh that's.. that's good tell her to enjoy." Eva said happily.

Alex heard her and ended the call. While Eddy was really confused. "what is happening here? Never mind I'll ask him later. He shrugged his shoulders.

Mia and Alex went to the parking lot and got in his car.

"Where are we going?" Mia asked taking out her heels.

"Some place." He said smiling at her.

Mia pursed her lips and rested her head on the window. They took a turn towards the right. And went straight. Mia gave a questioning look to Alex realising that they were heading near Eiffel tower. The golden lights emitted by it reflecting on her face making her look irresistible.

Alex gaped at her beauty getting more alluring with the faint golden lights on her face as they reached near. He continued driving and took a stop. Alex opened the door for her. Mia smiled at his gesture and as soon as she stepped on the ground she winced in pain.

"You can leave them here." Alex spoke pointing towards her heele. She removed her heels and got down holding his hands.

She felt soo comfortable without those heels. She looked and pouted sadly

"He's soo tall."

Alex was very tall while Mia without her heels could only reach his shoulders. Alex gave her a smile they sat on a bench which was directly opposite to the Eiffel tower.

"Wait a minute." He spoke and went towards a small shop. Mia nodded her head while enjoying the beauty infront of her. After few minutes, He came back. Mia looked at him with shock he was holding a Pizza her favourite one with double cheese along with two Cokes.

"I owe you this Miss Pizza." Alex said with a playful smile. "Thank you Mr. Johnson." Mia said hesitantly.. she smiled thinking about her throwing tantrums.

"Call me Alex." He said opening the Pizza, sprinkling Chilly flakes and squeezing some ketchup for them.

"Thank you Alex." Mia said smiling at him 'such a gentleman' She thought. "He's indeed handsome." She said in her mind looking closely at his side profile.

Soon she got busy in eating. Alex was not a foodie but with Mia he actually ate 3 slices. While Mia ate 4. Enjoying her pizza licking the cheese on her finger tips.

Alex chuckled at her. Only the last slice left. Mia looked at his hand which was not going to take the slice. 'What if he changes his mind?' She thought and grabbed the slice quickly stuffing it in her mouth. Alex laughed at her cuteness. She was like a kid who doesn't like to share her food.

Mia was a little embarrassed by herself. "Wow Mia you ate like you were born foodless." She muttered.

There was a little cheese on the corners of her lips. Alex wiped it with his thumb. Startling Mia completely.

Mia wiped her lips with a tissue and gave him a smile. They opened the coke and started drinking it. Both looking at the Moon just on top of the Eiffel tower. Mia felt comfortable around him as she massaged her neck.

"Such a beautiful view, isn't it?" She said admiring the beautiful scene.

"It is." Alex said looking at her face.

"Soo you are from?" he asked clearing his throat.

"Belgium." She answered.

"Hey, we share same city." said Alex with a smile. "You belong there?" He asked again.

"Born there, I live with my family." Mia spoke sweetly.

"Family..." Alex smiled sadly.

Mia found his voice a little sad. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, actually I don't have a family, my mother left us when I was 14 and my father who loved her soo much could not take this and died by an heart attack." His voice was hoarse. Mia felt so bad she unintentionally scratched his wounds.

"I'm Sorry." She said pursing her lips.

Alex could not believe himself. Nobody except his sister and his friends knew about his past. But he found comfortable around Mia to share this thing with her.

"Hey, this was in the past." Alex smiled at her. His usual smile. Soon they got engrossed in talking about career, future plans, and laughing at their incidents.

"....So, this is how I reached at my home after such a tiring day." Mia said laughing at herself.

"Yeah after such a tiring day." Alex said and they both laughed.