She's different.

They talked and laughed and time passed by, nobody in mood to be disturbed. Soon the crowd desipated while the moon was now on their heads. Both felt thirsty after talking too much. Alex brought a bottle for them. It was 1 in the morning when Mia's phone buzzed breaking their sweet time. Mia checked the caller ID and saw the time.

"Ohh shit!! It's 1 in the morning...!!" Mia answered the call slapping her forehead.

"Hey bunny" came an energetic voice a little tipsy.

"Hey babe." Mia answered holding her phone.

"I didn't disturb you, did I ?" asked Eva teasingly. "No you didn't." Mia chuckled. "What about you?" she continued.

"About me.. ohh Mia!!! these days are my golden days... I'm soo soo happy!!!." Eva was indeed very happy.

Mia was also happy for her.

"I know."

Eva leaned near the pool her legs dangling in the pool beside Eddy. Who was drinking his wine looking at her lovingly who was beaming. He smiled at her.

"So are you planning to go home?" asked Mia waiting for her friend to speak. Hearing her words Alex felt sad. He did not want her to go. Being with her only for some hours he felt soo relieved. He took a sip from his bottle covering his sadness.

"No I'm not planning to go home, I'm feeling happy I want to stay here." Eva sat back pouting her lips.

"Umm.. then.. aa.. when are we going?" asked Mia hesitantly making sure her friend does not feel bad. Eva thought quietly not saying a word.

"Mommy must be waiting for us dear." Mia said looking at the time.

"What!! I forgot!! That, just tell me where are you. I'm coming to pick you up." Eva got on her legs, and hurried towards the door wearing her heels.

"Wait.. where are you going?" Eddy ran towards her.

"You know I must be at home, I totally forgot, I'm sorry Eddy we had a great time but I gotta go.. bye." said Eva running towards the elevator. Eddy sighed helplessly at her drifting back.

"I'm on some bench opposite Eiffel Tower." Mia said looking at Alex. She heard her friend and was guilty for ruining her date with Eddy.

"Okay hang in there, I'm coming." Eva hung up the call.

"Okay." Mia said smiling at Alex. "I have to go, our mommy must be waiting for us." Mia said apologetically.

"I understand." Alex said sipping his water. He felt bad she was leaving.

"Why am I feeling sad? I don't want to leave from here?" Mia thought to herself. The rest of time they sat silent untill they heard a honk. Eva was waving at them.

"Ohh she's here, I need to go." Mia said standing on her feet.

"Yeah." Alex said smiling at her. She stretched her hand for a handshake and ran towards the halting car. Alex kept looking at the disappearing car. Something in him lost. He got back towards his car, opened the door. And saw something below the side seat. He smiled looking at the heels which Mia forgot. "Well now I have a reason to meet with you again Miss Pizza." He turned on the ignition and drove back to the hotel he was staying in.


Eddy sat near his window, his head hung low. "She just ran like that...." He complained sipping his beer.

"She might be busy." said Peter pressing his temples. Suddenly Eddy's phone rang.

He answered the call lazily. "Hello."

"Open the door." came a sad voice. Eddy signalled Peter. As he opened the door he found another sad man.

"Hey." Peter said cheerfully. Ignoring him Alex took a beer bottle and sat near Eddy. His head also hanging low.

"Wow!! So she also ran, leaving you behind?" said Peter giving a helpless look to his friends.

"No she walked, without even looking behind." Alex replied sipping his beer.

Peter slapped his forehead, his friends were behaving like the teenagers who got rejected by their crushes. "I haven't seen you both like this for girls." Peter remarked.

"She's different." both said in unison.

Peter could no longer hold his laughter. They were actually into someone. "I think I might also find someone and join you both." He said taking a beer bottle for himself.