Memory problem?


Both girls reached the home only to see an angry Lea glaring at them.

"Oopsie.. Mumma we forgot to call you.. actually it was Mia, she was taking soo long.. to umm.. pee..hehe.." Eva gave a sheepish smile.

"What?" Mia gave her a questioning look. While Eva stood on the spot with a dumb expression.

"Can't even lie properly.." Lea gave them a stern look she tried to act angry.

"Sorry mommy.. we actually went somewhere and it took us this long." Mia apologised.

"Come here, let's have some ice cream." Lea said walking towards her room.

"Phew.." both sighed. They grabbed choco chips and butter scotch ice creams and sprinted towards Lea's room

Lea came back to her normal self after having ice cream.

"We are soo sorry Mumma.." Eva said with a puppy face.

"It's ok, but don't be late from next time." Lea warned.

"It'll never happen again mommy." Mia assured and three of them hugged each other for a long time.

"Ahem.. now.. tell me what took you soo long? Are my girls hiding something from me?" Lea asked raising her eyebrows.

"No mommy." Both nodded their heads looking at each other.

"Okay." Lea sighed. Ofcourse she knew something was going on. But she didn't put stress on that too much. "Come on time for bed."

4:00 am

Alex and Eddy were almost drunk. "Bro.. she has an hourglass figure, the way her booty sways.. left.. right.. left." Eddy spoke drunkenly.

"Dude she has this cute face!! Her hands are soo soft.. just like that of a baby... I want to eat her." Alex said, smiling like a fool.

Peter felt helpless, it's been two hours and his friends were busy praising the girls.

"Why don't you give them a call?" Peter said irritably.

"Call...?? Yes call.." Alex jumped from his stool to hug Peter.

"You are an angel." Eddy kissed Peter on his head.

"Hey.. no I was just.. saying it was nothing serious." Peter said slapping his forehead. But his friends already went for it.

"Call.. we need to call." Alex hummed checking his contact list. "Hey, I can't find Pizza here." Alex frowned checking his contact list again and again.

"Did you guys exchanged numbers?" Peter asked looking at him. "No, we didn't." Alex said thinking hard.

"Broo..." Peter sighed looking at his friend, who was the Chairman of Johnson Company acting all stupid. His brothers who were never into girls except for their bodies were now behaving like kids. "Hmm.. I think I can help you with it." Peter said going out of the room.

"Hey, I was smart enough to get her number." Eddy grinned, winking at his Alex.

"Fuck off." Alex replied sitting on the edge of bed again his head hung low.

Eddy called Eva but nobody answered. He tried again. "What's taking her soo long.." he frowned at his screen. "Okay one more time." He dialed again and this time the call was answered.

"Hello Eva Martin speaking." came a groggy voice from the other end.

"Hello.. Miss Martini." Eddy smiled like a fool hearing her sweet voice.

"Who's this?" she asked rubbing her eyes.

"It's me.. Eddy.. remember?" Eddy spoke.

"Eddy??? Umm ok, I actually need to sleep now. We'll talk later." Eva said still not able to recognise the caller.

"We were togeth..." Before he could complete his sentence Eva hung up the call. Eddy pursed his lips. "She don't even care to listen what I'm saying." Eddy looked at his phone sadly. He sighed and layed flat on the bed.

After 20 minutes Peter entered the room with a wide smile. "Hello drama queens!!" He chuckled. Eddy threw a pillow at him but he dodged. "Look what I got." Peter said showing his screen towards Alex.

"Mia Jones." Alex read the name. "Miaaa....!!!?? My Pizza??" Alex was snatched Peter's phone.

"Yes Your Pizza." Peter said proudly. "Ohhh Peter, my boy...." Alex hugged Peter happily. He quickly dailed Mia's number.


Mia was sleeping peacefully, dreaming about donuts and chips. Suddenly her phone rang. Disturbing her food time. "Mmm.. stop.. I haven't finished these donuts." She mumbled in her sleep. But the phone rang continuously. "Maybe someone has a death wish." Mia grabbed her phone and answered the call half asleep.

"Hey..this is Alex speaking." Alex said nervously.

"Alex who?" Mia replied. Alex was again dumbfounded by her question.

"You forgot me? Again? We.. we. were together this evening, remember?" He asked.

"Listen, I really want to eat my donuts and chips, you disturbed me.. now please gooooo." Mia said in a sad tone and hung up the call.

'beep beep beep..there was dead silence on the other line.

"Does she have a memory problem? Or split personality disorder? Or what??" Alex spoke in a frustrated voice. Peter could not help laughing hard.

"Broo I think you should sleep as it is too early, she might be sleeping." Peter patted his shoulder.

"Can't you tell me that earlier." Alex slapped his forehead. Soon he also layed back on the bed and fell asleep.