Was it a dream??

12:00 pm.

Eva rubbed her eyes looking time, she was tired. "We overslept again." she mumbled between her yawns. Looking at her friend she shook her arms. "Come on baby, up.. it's already noon." But Eva's efforts were futile on the dead asleep girl.

Something crossed her mind and Eva gave a devilish smile. Eva grabbed an Air horn from the drawer and pressed.

"Bwaaaaaappphh!!!." came a loud voice waking Mia up with a fall.

"What.. the.. hell!!!..." Mia threw a pillow at Eva who was laughing hysterically.

"You know my heart will someday pop out of my chest." She said patting her chest.

"Your dad will sure fix it. And sorry you look soo adorable I can't help teasing you." Eva blew a kiss towards Mia.

"Whatever." Mia rolled her eyes at Eva. She laid flat on her stomach.

"You know I had one crazy dream." Eva said.

"Even I had one." Mia said covering her smile.

"Oh yours include food all the time but mine was different." Eva blushing a bit.

"No no this time I dreamt of Alex calling me." Mia voiced covering her face with a pillow.

"And I dreamt of Eddy calling me." Eva said lost in her thoughts. Soon realisation hit them.

"What??" Both said with a shock.

"We are having same dreams? But with different people." Mia doubted her dream.

"Coincidence, I think not." Eva ran towards her phone. Even Mia grabbed her phone to check if it was a dream or reality.

To their surprise they actually had calls from private numbers.

"Holy sh*t!!" said Eva looking at her phone's screen. "It wasn't a dream!!" Mia said with shock filled eyes.

"Oh god I even hung up on him, how rude of me..." Eva slapped her forehead.

"Even I hung up on him, I really need to behave well with him. This is the second time I did it." Mia said sadly.

"We are doomed Mia, we really need to apologise to them. They were soo nice with us." Eva said holding her phone, her voice guilty.

"Yess we really need to do something. Or else he will think I have some mental disorder." Mia said looking at the private number.


In a suite three drunk guys were sleeping with Alex near the window one leg hanging down tha couch, Eddy laying like he owned the bed with his arms and legs spread wide and Peter on the bar stool with his head resting on his arm.

A door bell rang waking Alex up. He groggily went to open the door to find Mr. Harley himself standing at the door giving his usual wide smile.

"I hope I am not disturbing you." He said. '

Why is he soo happy about his life all the time?' Alex thought.

"Umm.. no you didn't...we overslept." Alex said with a calm smile. "But he's still sleeping." He continued pointing towards Eddy.

"Ahh noo Mr. Johnson I was looking for you actually." Mr. Harley spoke hesitantly.

"Give me a sec." Alex said brushing his hair with his fingers and walked out with Mr.Harley.

"As you can see Alex we have reached peak with our yesterday's show. And it got such a huge response which is more than the last ten years." Harley said happily.

"Yeah, the show was indeed wonderful." Alex agreed.

"So how about we celebrate it at my place you, Mr. Eddy and Mr. Peter?" Mr. Harley asked, his wide smile never leaving his face. Alex smiled at him, he knew that Mr. Harley has something up his sleeve this time. Or else why would Mr. Harley himself come to invite him for a dinner.

"Sure." He accepted the invitation.

Being in the bussiness line from his teenage years Alex was familiar with these kind of invitations and tactics. He himself was cunning while doing bussiness and ofcourse the fake smile was the one you need in it. "So let's meet, my place at 9." Mr. Harley shook his hands with Alex.

"We will be there." Alex said with a smile.