We are at fault!!


Eva and Mia were walking back and forth holding their phones in their hands. "What to do? What to do? How do we cope with this stupidity of ours?" Mia said biting her nails.

"I swear he will not forgive me this time, even yesterday I ran from his place without even saying goodbye." Eva said tapping her forehead with her phone.

"Even I did that kind of thing with Alex." Mia said.

"Ooohuuu, same pinch girl." Eva said pinching Mia.

"Yooo girllll!" Mia said and they both high fived. Again returning back to their anxious selves.

"Idea!!!" shouted Mia.

"What?? Tell me fast!" Eva came to her.

"We will call them and say sorry." Mia said matter of factly.

"And we will say we are very sorry for our fucking rude behaviour? For hanging up on you the world's most desired men who called us?" Eva spoke in a sarcastic tone.

"Then what will we say, Hey how are you this morning? Did you poop well?" Mia said rolling her eyes. "We must accept our fault and apologize." she continued.

"No girl, this will give them a chance to blame us." Eva nodded her head in disagreement.

"Why would they do that?" Mia asked raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah, true why would they do that? Okay, so we will call them and say sorry." Eva agreed.

"Yes, why you think this much? Was it your crook ex who made you think like this?" Mia asked scratching her head.

"No, sometimes the bitch in me awakes. " Eva giggled.

"Okay who will call first?" Mia asked.

"You ofcourse." Eva replied.

"No no it should be you, Eddy called you first." Mia said nodding her head in a 'no'.

"Where does that came from?" Eva asked with a dumb expression.

"Come on, do it." Mia patted her shoulder.

"Whatever." Eva rolled her eyes scrolling her screen to call Eddy.

Eva dialled Eddy's number, keeping the phone on speaker. The call went through. Both of them waited for the call to be picked up. Nobody picked up the call. After several calls. "He's taking revenge from me, by not picking up my calls." Eva said with a sad face.

"Try one more time.." Mia comforted her. Still nobody picked up.

"Boooohoooo, I lost him... He no longer wants to talk to me.. I deserve this, I'm soo soo bad." Eva cried like a child whose favourite candy was no longer available at the store.

"Call one last time what if he picks up." Mia said with hopefull eyes.

"Okay.." Eva said sniffling.


Eddy was sleeping peacefully when his phone rang. But he was dead asleep to even pick up the call. He grunted but did not wake up. His phone kept ringing..

"Stop." He took his phone to see the caller ID. 'Miss Martini' his eyes wide open, he sat up straight. Eddy rubbed his eyes to check if he was reading correctly. "Ohh my my... She's calling me.." he exclaimed, his fingers shaking. He quickly swiped the green button to answer the call.

"Hello? Is this Eddy Anderson?" came a hoarse voice.

"Yes." Eddy said covering his excited voice.

"Umm... You.. you called me this morning I was actually... I was sleeping.. Eva said nervously.

"Yes, I.. I called you to...." Eddy thought hard to give a proper reason.

"I'm really sorry for my rude behaviour, I even ran last night.." Eva blabbered with a guilt.

"Hey.. hey.. it's not your fault actually, it was me to call you this early in the morning." Eddy pursed his lips hearing her sad plea. "Forget it, let's talk something else." Eddy said in a cheerful voice. Eva held her phone excusing Mia and went to have a talk with Eddy.

Mia was happy that Eddy was not angry at Eva. "But what about Alex? Ohhh I completely forgot about him.." She stuck her tongue out and took her phone immediately. "Okay Mia you can do this.. it's just a call." she said calming herself. Her hands shaking to call him. After 5 minutes, she finally gave him a call.

To her surprise it was answered on the first ring. And came a magnific voice. "Yes mam can I take your order."

Mia was confused. She checked her phone to see if she dialled the correct number.

"Hello?" Mia asked with confusion. Alex chuckled while holding his phone in one hand and a towel in the other drying his wet hair. "Is this Alex Johnson?" came a sweet voice melting his heart.

"Yes this is Alex, Miss Pizza." He teased her.

"Ohh.. ohh.. hehe.. you called me at dawn.. need any help?" Mia asked hesitantly. 'Why would he need your help, stupid girl? Are you some kind of a dealer or something?' Mia thought slapping her forehead.