An evening in Paris.. (Part - 1)

5:00 pm. Italy's kitchen,

The man was waiting for last thirty minutes fiddling with his phone. Everybody in the restaurant was now eyeing him due to his heavenly looks.

The restaurant was situated near Arc De Triomphe, where one can have a good look of the city due to its glass roofs and walls. The place wasn't crowdy but people still chattered having their meals.

Alex was busy sipping water and typing something on his phone. He was also checking the time side by side after every 5 minutes.

"Relax Alex, she'll be here anytime soon." He said calming himself. He once again looked at his watch and frowned. "It's already 5:05, why isn't she here." He muttered.

Soon there was no chatter audible but only loud gasps were heard. Alex noticed the change in air and he looked up, following a gaze of a man whose mouth was wide open and jaws would anytime drop into his red wine.

Alex turned around only to see the strikingly cute girl approaching him with a smile. Alex could not blink at the side of her. She was just like the sunset with all warm colors and a positive vibe.

Her gloss making her pink lips more luscious, the soft sunlight scattered in the restaurant making her look like an angel. Her brown hair doing their magic of turning into different shades of brown every time she took steps oblivious to the people eyeing her in admiration.

Mia came towards the table and smiled brightly. "Hii again." she said.

"Hey, you look beautiful." Alex said getting up from his seat. Mia blushed at his compliment and settled down opposite him.

"So, how are you?" she asked politely. 'Not at all in my senses after seeing you.' He replied in his mind.

"I'm good." He answered with a smile.

Mia could not help gasping in mind at the sight of this gorgeous peice of God. He was so handsome his features were highlighted by the sunlight. And his light brown eyes looked like honey. The way he dressed was casual yet so classy.

"Did you order something?" She asked taking the menu avoiding to get caught oogling at him.

"Not yet, was waiting for you." Alex replied sipping his water.

'Stop.. right there.. Alex Johnson... you will not only wet your throat but also my panty.' Mia thought peeking from the menu card in her hands, at his Adam's apple that was bobbing with every sip of water.

Soon the waiter approached them for their orders. "Your orders please." He said in a typical Italian accent.

"So, what would you like to eat?" Alex broke the silence.

"Sandwiches with extra cheese, Risotto, Lasagna, some Red Sauce Pasta, Steak Frites and one Digestivo... and..and.. please add some Fries with extra fry sauce, cheese sauce and garlic sauce." Mia ordered feeling satisfied with her order.

The waiter blinked several times, looking at the thin girl from head to toe, she ordered almost every possible famous dishes of this restaurant that too soo much.

"Ahem, your order Sir?" he asked turning his head towards Alex. "Risotto and some Red wine will do for me." Alex said smiling politely at him.

"Your orders will be served very soon." The waiter noted down their orders and bowed before them and left.

"Umm.. so, about your call.. actually we were sleeping and I didn't recognise you.. I'm really sorry about that." Mia said in an apologetic tone.

"No.. it was actually my fault to call you that early, I'm sorry." Alex scratched his head.

Soon several dishes were served on their table. Mia looked at those appetizing dishes, inhaling the aroma she could not wait to control devouring every food. She quickly wiped her hands and dipped bunch of fries in all three sauces.

"Mmmmmm....." she moaned while chewing the potato sticks in pleasure allowing the sauces to do their magic on her tongue.

While Alex was just about to start his meal when he heard another moan of the girl who was now eating the Pasta. Mia was eating without even sparing a glance at him. She was just busy eating and feeling the magic of food.

Soon she finished her food licking the sauce on her fingers while some was also on her mouth ruining her gloss completely. But she did not care, the only important thing for her was food.

On the other hand Alex could only finish half of Risotto, completely lost in her cuteness. She looked so adorable, eating like a kid. Mia was now sipping her Digestivo, like a lady. As if it was not her who ate like a pig just minutes ago.

"Whoo left the dogs out? Who? Who? Who? Who?.." rung Alex's loud ringtone startling everyone in the restaurant and bringing Alex back from his trance. He choked on his food while Mia almost spat the Digestivo in her mouth. Everybody was now looking at their table not control their laughter.