An evening in Paris.. ( Part - 2)

Alex frowned at his phone looking at the caller ID. "These bastards!!!" He gritted his teeth. Till then everyone was laughing at him, even Mia was giggling. He quickly answered the call to avoid more embarrassment.

"Hello there, hope you are having a lovely time...." came the man's voice and a muffled laughter from the back.

"Just wait till I reach there.." Alex said covering his mouth and ended the call.

"I'm sorry about that." Alex said pursing his lips.

"No it's.. it's completely fine." Mia said holding her laughter back. He looked soo adorable when he was embarrassed.

Both laughed at his situation, while finishing their respective meals. Mia rubbed her belly smiling with satisfaction.

"Your heels.. they are in my car, I'll bring them." Alex said wiping his hands, he was about to pay the bill when Mia stopped him.

"Wait, Let me pay.. I don't like people buying food for me." Mia said hesitantly.

Alex was quite disappointed hearing her words. 'I'm not people, I'm your Alex.' he corrected her in mind.

Mia quickly paid the bill and got up looking at the view outside. Alex looked at her smiling face his disappointment fading away.The sun was setting slowly making the sky go all shades of yellow, orange, violet and people walking, some chatting , enjoying the perfect sunset.

"Let's go for a walk if you want?" He asked politely.

"Mmm.. okay." She agreed smiling at him. They walked out from the restaurant. Till that time Alex changed his ringtone quickly.

They walked on the footpath enjoying the view.

"It am soo sorry about that call thing, You know friends, they always pull your legs." Alex said apologetically.

"Yes, and you were cute... I-l mean you..rr, your reaction." Mia said sheepishly. 'Shut your mouth, stupid girl.' She said in her mind. Alex looked at her and smiled.

Mia took a stop suddenly, looking straight in their direction, her eyes straight on the same spot. It wasn't hard for Alex to figure out what she was looking at.

"Candy Floss." He said smiling lightly. "Wanna have?" He asked already knowing the answer.

"Why not???" Mia asked back still looking at the stall.

Alex chuckled and they both walked towards the stall. The man smiled looking at them. "One for the lady." Alex said. The man smiled at him he handed them his little menu card.

"I'll have the rainbow." Mia said smiling at the man. "Sure Miss." The man said and got busy in wrapping different colored layers of floss around a stick.

"Here is a lovely Rainbow Floss for a lovely lady." Spoke the man, handing the Candy Floss to her.

"Thank you." The girl's eyes were sparkling looking at Candy Floss. There was a small paper attached with a thread on the stick. She gave a questioning look to him.

"Ohh lady, it's my thing here. Are you new here?" The man asked Mia. "Yes actually I live in Belgium." She smiled at him.

"This is my touch, I give notes with the Floss to make people smile." The man said smiling brightly.

"Then let's see what's written in mine." Mia eargerly opened the note. "Hope your life be as sweet and colorful like your choice, like this Floss" she read out loud.

"Awww.. that's soo cute, thank you soo much.." Mia thanked the seller and kept the note inside her sling.

"That is very thoughtful." Alex praised him.

"What's your name? I'll always buy from you. Whenever I visit Paris." Mia said happily eating her Candy.

The old man smiled lovingly looking at the little girl eating her candy like her most treasured possesion. "Louis Richard." He said pleasently.

"Uncle Louis I loved your Rainbow Floss and your creativity." Mia said finishing her floss. There were remnants on her lips sticking to her glossy lips. Alex controlled his urge to kiss her cute lips.

'Sure they would taste sweeter than this Candy.' He thought.