Left on read??

A smiled crept on his lips when he read her message. "Whoa!! This means she..she cares for me???" Alex asked himself not able to control his happiness. "What do I do now?" He thought putting a finger on his chin.

"Hmmmmm..... I think I should say thank you.. no but won't that be too formal??.. then what?"

"This should work." The boy patted his chest typing a text.

'Thank you, and you too have a save journey. See ya.' he clicked on the 'send' button, gripping his phone tightly hoping for another message.

"It's already been a minute now, she's not replying.... Did I said something bad??" He felt uneasy as he tapped his phone screen with his fingers.

"Come on Miss Pizza... Should I send another text? No, that would be too much... She will think of me as a clingy man." Nodding his head in disapproval he was thinking too much about just a text.


Mia was shocked getting a reply from Alex within 5 minutes. "Ohh my God!!! Evyyyy!!!! He replied...." The girl shreiked in happiness jumping on the bed.

"Wow... Mia let me tell you when a guy replies to your text this quickly, it definitely means that he likes you." Eva said patting Mia's shoulder.

"Maybe he thinks of me as a friend. Ok let's read his text." The girl could not hold her excitement clicking immediately the text by 'Vanilla Popsicle'.

'Thank you and you too have a safe journey, See ya.' she read the message as if it was the most important text of her life.

"Should I give him a reply?" She was confused.

"No no.. Bunny listen here, you don't have to be this desparate. Don't give any reply." Eva said with a straight face. Just like a teacher.

"Don't give any reply??" She asked in disbelief.

"Yeah nothing." Eva shrugged.

"Then why did you tell me to reply to his text?" She asked frowning.

"Just wait till tomorrow, he will text you." Eva said patiently.

"Okay, mam as you say." Rolling her eyes she buried her face on the pillow. "But will he text me tomorrow? What if he forgets?" Mia asked with a sad face. "What about a tinie tiny emoticon??"

Eva sighed tiredly. "You should sleep Mia." She said yawning.

"Ok.." Mia replied and switched off the table lamp.

It was a sleepless night for Mia, she was thinking about the text tossing and turning on her bed. "It's just a stupid text Mia!! Why are you stressing over such a thing." She said covering her face with a pillow and dozzed off to sleep.

Meanwhile, 2:00 am.

"It's been 2 hours now, maybe she slept...but in five minutes?? Why didn't she replied my text? Is she ok?? Goshh!!" Alex said ruffling his hair in frustration. The boy was walking restlessly still holding his phone. "I think she might have forgotten after texting me." He sighed helplessly.

"Wait!! Did she just kept me on read???" His brain was now not working properly.

He didn't know when he slept on the couch still holding his phone. It was 7 in the morning when the soft sunrays penetrated through the glass windows, falling on the man making him frown a bit.

He turned on the other side to avoid the sun rays, but to his surprise he fell down the couch with a loud 'BAMMMMM.' But his reflexes did not let the phone to fall down. "Ouch!!!" Alex groaned holding his butt.

"But at least you are safe buddy." He said hugging his phone like a mother holding her baby. The boy was least cared about the pain.

He got up and checked his phone again for a reply. But there was no reply from Mia. With a disappointed look Alex tossed his phone on the bed, It was still early for their flight but he could no longer sleep so he decided to take a shower.