A magazine upside down

He got ready and his phone buzzed. "Yes Peter?" He answered the call.

"Are you ready? We are leaving at 9." Peter spoke from the other line.

"Alright." Alex hung up the call and took his perfume and looked at it for a long time before sprinkling it on himself.

It was this perfume's smell which Mia compared to the smell of Vanilla Popsicle. Since then Alex liked this perfume more and kept with him. He as usual looked dapper in his suit.

Soon three of them boarded on the chartered plane. Eddy was grinning since morning. "I see it, somebody is happy." Peter said winking at Eddy. Eddy didn't spoke anything still looking at his phone. There was a picture of his and Eva, both looked happy in the picture. Eddy smiled grazing his thumb on Eva's photo.

"It's crazy, someone comes in your life and just it's their presence you crave for, isn't it pal?" He looked at Alex who was reading a magazine with a gloomy expression plastered on his face. Getting no reply from Alex, the boy raised his eyebrows at Peter. The latter shrugged his shoulders giving him an 'l don't know' look.

"Alyy you okay?" Eddy asked patting his shoulder.

"Yes I am." The boy replied pretending to look in his magazine.

"Ofcourse, you are. Now tell us what's wrong?" Eddy asked.

"She texted me and then when I replied to her she said nothing. Not even an emoji." He spoke in an irritated tone.

'Pfftttt...' Peter spat his water, laughing loudly. "Ohh Christ!!! The Alex Johnson is mad because a girl didn't text him back." He added laughing hysterically.

"Shut up..."

"Then ask her what's wrong." Eddy said.

"She would feel I'm desparate to talk to her." He nodded his head in a 'no'.

"Bro let her think, what she wants. If you are interested in her then ask her directly." Eddy explained.

Alex quickly switched onn his phone and started typing something. "Arghhh!! What should I write??" The boy groaned in frustration.

"Give her a call after we land in Belgium."

"That will work?" The asked with hope in his eyes.


Peter gave a thumbs up.

"And how did you guys know I was mad?" Alex asked raising his eyebrow.

"You know normal people don't read a magazine upside down." Peter stated the fact shrugging his shoulders.

The trio burst out laughing. At sharp 11 the plane landed in Belgium. Their team was already waiting for them to welcome their boss. But without wasting anytime Alex walked towards his car holding his phone.

Both Peter and Eddy sighed at him. "Let's meet at the drinks bro." Eddy said hugging Peter.