He slept during the call


Mia was deep asleep after the battle in her mind about the text. She didn't realise who called her and when the call ended she widened her eyes in shock. "Nooooo!!!!! Not again....." Mia shouted falling down the bed with a 'BAMMM..'

"God!!! Why am I like this? Can't even recognise his voice." the girl slapped her forehead. Without wasting anytime she quickly called back Alex.

"Helloo... I'm sooo sorry.." She spoke hesitantly hesitantly.

"Hey, it's ok I'll call you afterwards." He smiled. Just hearing her voice was enough for him.

"No no I'm okay. Soo what's up? You reached safely?" Mia asked clearing her throat.

"Yeah, just landed 10 minutes ago." Alex said resting his head on the seat.

"Cool..." Mia said. There was silence from both the sides. Since she no longer heard him say anything. "I think you are getting late." the girl said pursing her lips. But there was no answer from him. "Hello?? You there???" Mia asked checking her phone. She heard a little snoring from the other side, Mia chuckled and asked. "Are you sleeping Alex? Okay will talk later bye." Mia hung up the call.

On the other side,

Due to his stressing over Alex could not sleep properly. But after hearing Mia's sweet voice he quickly fell at ease dozing off immediately. This didn't went unnoticed by Peter who was watching Alex from the rearview mirror grinning at his boss.

He did some calls to reschedule Alex's meetings. And clicking Alex's picture, sending it to someone.


Eddy was busy talking with Eva. "Miss Martini, I hope we meet soon. Can't wait to see your face again." he said smiling lovingly.

"Yess.. I miss you." Eva said lying on her bed.

Suddenly Eddy's phone beeped. "Excuse me for a minute." Eddy said and opened the message from Peter. It was a picture of Alex sleeping with his phone still on his ear and a beautiful smile on his lips. 'Mr. Lover boy is sleeping peacefully after hearing to his Pizza.' was a caption.

"Ohh my God!!" Eddy shreiked widening his eyes.

"What happened?" Eva asked rubbing her ear.

"I think I got a sister in law Eva." Eddy said excitedly.

"What? Whom??" Eva asked with confusion.

"Your Bunny.... Miss Mia Jones." He spoke happily.

Eva chuckled hearing his words. "What happened? They called each other?" The girl was playing with her hair.

"Yes they did and he slept during the call." Eddy said laughing hard.

"Ohh God!!! My bunny is such a coax." Eva said giggling.