His little Munchkin..

Soon Anna entered the mansion breathing heavily. Side by side kicking one of the guards ahead of her. "I'll ask him to fire you... I don't like you!!" She glared.

After walking into the mansion she halted in front of her brother, who was sitting on his chair in all of his might. Anna gulped in fear looking at her brother. Her brother had the gloomiest expression on his face which she rarely witnessed.

"There she comes...." the maids continued and left inside the kitchen. As they already knew what's gonna happen next.

"He-ll-oooo... Brother..." Anna greeted keeping her head low.

"So you do remember that you have a brother?" He asked looking at her.

"Ofcourse I do.. actually I was...." Before Anna could say further Alex interupted her. "Your cards are sealed, your nightouts are cancelled, and ohh yess your passport is now with me." He said walking towards his room.

Anna widened her eyes in horror. "Wait... Brother that's not fair!!!" She ran after him. "Brother.. I'm sorry... I promise this won't happen again... You you gotta be kidding me..." She continued.

"You must be hungry, food is ready." He said without even looking back at her.

"But... Brother please.. I said I'm sorry.. you aren't serious, are you?" She said. "Brother please stop, I ....." Before she could complete her sentence she tripped on the carpet about to fall down.

"Anna carefull..." Alex quickly got hold of her.

"I'm sorry brother." Anna said pouting her lips, sobbing quitely

Seeing her like this he had no heart to be mad at her any longer. He sighed hugging his sister, patting her head lovingly. "You know how much scared I was?" He said hugging his little munchkin.

"You didn't allow me to go to Eric's place." Anna said in between her sobs.

"That was a nightout Anna... And I did the background check of that guy. He is not a good boy." Alex said wiping her tears.

"Really?" She asked blinking her big innocent eyes.

Alex smiled looking at her. But he avoided those eyes of hers, they reminded him of their mother. A selfish mother, who ran away abandoning her kids and a loving man. Without even looking back. Chucking the past away Alex took his sister towards the dinning table.

"My favourites!!!" Anna shreiked happily walking towards the dining table.

"And you still run away, leaving all these things behind." The narrowed his eyes.

"I'm sorry brother, I promise next time I won't go to another country.. I'll try to go somewhere near." Anna said filling her plate with noodles.

"You still have the nerve to say this?" He asked crossing his arms around his chest.