She's naive.

"No I mean... Nothing." Anna silently ate her food. Looking back at the guards who were standing back she grinned mischievously. "Brother.. I need to ask you a question. Can I?" She asked innocently.

"Ofcourse, you can." Alex smiled.

"If I ask you to fire some of the guards, will you fire them?" She asked.

Hearing her question he furrowed his eyebrows. "Who is bothering you?" He asked.

"Those guards." The girl pointed her chopstick towards the two guards who were now looking at her.

"What did they do?"

"They dragged me here, and that man he even kicked me when we were coming here." Anna lied smoothly without batting an eyelid.

"Really ma'am? Wasn't that you who....." The guard interupted in fear of loosing his job. But before he could complete his words Alex gestured him to be quiet. "You are fired." He said.

"Really brother!!! Ohh you are the best... I love you." Anna clapped her hands happily. Sticking her tongue out at the guard.

They finished their dinner, talked a bit while Anna slept on his lap. Taking her to the bedroom Alex tucked her in the blanket, switching the table lamp he whispered. "Goodnight Munchkin." And left her room closing the door behind him.

Outside the room,

"Sir... I-I... swear I didn't kick her... she's..." The guard said with pleading eyes.

"Lying?" Alex completed his sentence to which the guard nodded his head.

"I know. And even I was lying." He continued patting the guard's shoulder.

"You mean I'm not fired?" The guard asked him.

"Yes Mark you are not fired. My sister is naive she doesn't know much about what is good and what is bad for her." Alex said. "But you know I can't see her sad over anything soo please don't appear infront of her." He continued.

Walking back to his room Alex was tired. He decided to call his friends and inform them about Anna. He gave both of them calls. While scrolling through the contacts his eyes went wide in horror. Looking at a particular contact.

"Damn!!! Alex you are a fool!!" He cursed himself slapping his forehead. "Ohh God what have I done?? She will definitely be very very angry at me." He continued.

It had been soo many days to that call that Alex completely forgot about Mia. After returning back when he heard about his sister's disappearance he was scared as hell. He didn't even used his phone and hence forgot to even give her a call after he slept while talking to her.