Their kiss..

Again the calm voice was heard from the other end. "Hey." Pursing her lips she replied opened her mouth but nothing came out. She gave a sigh which was audible to Alex. "Are you alright Miss Pizza?" He asked with outmost calmness gaining an eye roll from Peter.

'Miss Pizza....' it was not soo long but she already missed this, she missed his voice. She somehow composed herself realising that she was on the call with him. ' I'm super fine now after hearing your voice.' she said to herself. "Yes I'm good." She spoke.

"Last night I called you.... Because.. I mi..... I thought I need to apologise for last time. You know I slept that day.. I'm really sorry about that." Alex said.

"No.. it's ok I understand you were tired and even I was half asleep that day.." The girl replied.

"And I didn't call you past few days because something came up which needed my attention." Alex spoke.

"Ohh.. nevermind even I was busy." Mia assured.

They talked for half an hour. And after that whole building was again back to normal. Because their boss was now normal.

Meanwhile, in Paris

Things got on a whole new level for Eva and Eddy. They started dating, since that fashion show. They were cuddling on the bed, kissing eachother.. well ahem.. not without clothes. Eddy was serious about this and he wanted to take things on their pace. Unlike his usual self, which by now would've impregnated her.

Inhaling her scent Eddy was busy kissing her fingers. "Babe?" Eva called him.


"Do you mind if I do something unbelievable?" She asked out of nowhere.

"Like what?" Eddy asked raising her chin to face him.

"Tell me... Yes or No." She said looking into his eyes.

"No if the thing is...." Before Eddy could say anything.... Eva captured his lips. The kiss was sensual making his eyes grow wider in shock. It was soo sudden yet sensual.

"This was really unbelievable." He said in her mouth and started to reciprocate the kiss. He cupped her face with his hands and licked her lips.. Eva panted opening her mouth slightly. But this gave Eddy more access to explore her mouth.

He nibbled her lips, bit them and mingled his tongue with hers.. he did all those things together.