The picture..

Eva was amazed by the way he captured her mouth. Caressed it with his tongue. Soon he started kissing her chin, nose, eyes, forehead and then down her neck, igniting the fire in her.

His soft kisses gained her soft moans which turned him on more. Eva was breathing heavily fondling his back lovingly. Eddy was now biting her ear making her lose all her control. He traced her body with his warm fingers...

Both were busy touching each other when suddenly the phone's ring brought them back from the world of pleasure. At first they ignored it but the phone kept buzzing. "Who has a death wish??" Eddy groaned in frustration.

"Take it maybe it's something important." Eva giving him a peck on his cheeks.

"Just a sec." He rolled towards his phone.

Seeing the caller ID his expressions got dark. He picked up the call. "Yes?" He said in a cold voice.

"Where are you?" Came a man's voice.

"That is non of your concern, what do you want?" He asked with a straight face.

Eva could feel the difference in his voice and attitude.

"How can you talk to your father like that? You brat!!" Came an angry voice.

"If you have something important then say it and stop wasting my time." Eddy was almost on the verge of loosing his temper.

"We are hosting a party in Belgium and you must be there, we've arranged something for you." The person on the other said.

"To hell with your parties." Eddy snapped angrily hanging up the call.

Eva sat up straight hearing what he just said. The usual warm and happy Eddy was nowhere to be seen. He was emitting a cold aura his blue eyes were now cold.

She sat near him holding his hand. "What's wrong?" She asked squeezing his hand a bit.

"Nothing." Eddy said looking at her beautiful face. He was again gazing at her swollen lips and blood rushed in his body.

"Wanna continue?" He asked but before she could say anything he pounced on her. Attacking her lips.

Meanwhile. Back in Belgium.

The calm Alex was happily reading some files and signing them. He was cheerful after that call with Mia. He was so happy after that call that he would promote everyone in the office and even raise their salaries.

Peter was looking at him helplessly. "Why aren't you giving me someone? Am I impotent? Or do I have an ugly face?" He asked looking upwards. He left Alex's office excusing himself.

He returned to his cabin, settling himself on the table he was going through the summary of the 'Financial department' when his eyes fell on the photo on his table.

The boy smiled looking at the photo. It was a photo of him, Alex , Eddy and Anna. It was taken when they were teenagers while Anna was still a kid. They looked soo happy they were balancing Anna on their shoulders. While she was looking adorable with two ponytails.

Peter traced the picture with his thumb smiling lovingly. "We grow up so fast." He said keeping back the photo on it's place.