The Chief Guest.


The girl was busy blowing her nails with her mouth. "That Peter.... He definitely knows something. He must be hiding something from me..Such a loyal dog he is..." She was constantly cursing Peter, when her phone started ringing.

Looking at the caller ID she excitedly picked up the call. "Speak."

"Glad you're back, where did you run this time?" Came a girl's voice.

"Ohh I just visited another country." She spoke.

"So we are going to the club tonight.. You coming?"

"Sure I'm in."

"Very well then.. let's kill it tonight!!"

"Meet you at 9." She spoke hanging up the call.

Forgetting about everything Anna started preparing for the club. There was a line of clothes when she opened her wardrobe. Clothes from all brands, every fashion, she lacked nothing.

On the other side.

Miss Brendy the class teacher explained the rules of fundraiser. "...And this is going to be very special because one of the city's most eligible bachelor and a business tycoon would be the chief guest."

"Who is he?" Julia whispered.

"I don't know." Mia shrugged.

"He sounds Handsome!!"

"For God's sake, you have a boyfriend Julia." The girl nodded her head in disapproval.

"Girl.. I'm just curious okay."

After explaining everything Miss Brendy continued. "He is Al....." She was interrupted by the knock on the classroom door.

"Miss Brendy, Dean is looking for you."

Fixing her glasses the woman excused herself and left the classroom leaving the class again in curiosity.

"Why can't she just tell the name already..." Julia complained.

"Why are you soo curious about him?" Mia could not understand her friend.

"Yes why are you soo curious about him?" Came a voice behind them.

"My insecure boyfriend... Stop being jealous." Julia pulled Drake's cheeks.