A 'Sorry Dinner'

After biding her friends goodbyes the girl walked towards the parking area, Mia took her bike and was about to leave when a 'not so important person' called her.

"Hey.. Mia." Jim shouted her name, waving at her.

"Oh no..." She was now walking with great pace to avoid him. Since that incident Mia kept ignoring the boy even in the class.

"Mia please listen to me... I wanted to apologise..." Jim was now walking with Mia.

"It's okay.. and even I'm sorry for lashing out at you that day." The girl spoke.

"But I started it, I know you don't have feelings for me but please don't let it ruin our friendship." The boy pleaded.

"Alright." The girl replied.

Soo can we have a 'sorry dinner' .. please??" He said stopping the girl midway.

"What's that?" Mia chuckled hearing the boy's words.

"Just for saying sorry..ummm.. you can also bring your friends." The boy smiled.

"Okay." Mia agreed for the dinner somehow she found him cute.

"Really?? Then tell me which ever place you like." The boy spoke happily.

"Any place will do just make sure the food is good." She said.

"I know a place nearby they have lovely food."

"Alright then, let's visit that place." The girl said climbing her bike.

Waving at him she left for her home. After giving her friends a call, the girl went for a quick shower before getting ready for the dinner. As it was already evening when she reached home. After switching on her phone. There were several notifications on her phone, 2 missed calls from Eva, 3 texts from Mom.. but the most texts were from ' Vanilla Popsicle.'

"Good morning."

"Eat something."

"Don't overload yourself."


The texts were soo many. Mia blushed looking at those texts. 'Had a nice day, what about you?'

Within 5 minutes the boy gave her a reply. ' Having a headache.'

' Is it that bad' the girl asked worriedly.

' it's fine now. How about your day?'

' Well it went pretty well.. We have to discuss the ideas for the event.'

Alex could imagine Mia rolling her eyes.

'Okay.. I gotta go.. get ready.'

' A date?'

' A sorry dinner with my friends.'

' Alright drive safe and enjoy your sorry dinner.'

Chatting with him and after talking with Eva she rolled her phone on the bed, heading towards the bathroom. After about 30 minutes the girl was completely ready for the dinner.

She wore a white striped full sleeved long dress. And paired it with nude pumps. Her hair were tied in a neat ponytail. Her makeup was subtle with nude lips. Taking her nude colored sling she left her house.

The girl parked her car near the said cafe. Her friends were already waiting for her. Soon a man in casual Yellow T shirt and blue pants along with a jacket on top was waving at her. Before she can cross the road the boy was already approaching her.

Just then a car was speeding towards their direction and before boy could notice it Mia pushed Jim jumping along to the other side of the road.