The accident

A loud screeching noise of the wheels was heard as the car abruptly took a 180° angle turn. The people around rushed towards the two as they witnessed the accident.

Mia was now panting heavily. Her right elbow was bruised causing blood stains to form on her white sleeve.

Mia rushed towards his side turning him around

"Hey, Jim can you hear me?? Please wake up.."

While Jim's head hit the stone boundary wall making him unconscious. Soon their friends and the passer-bies gathered them. Drake checked his pulse while Mia held the boy's head, to stop the blood.

She ran towards the near bar and took a bottle of wine. Tearing her sleeve Mia poured the alcohol on it. She tied the boy's head with the alcohol dipped cloth tightly.

"Let's take him to the hospital." Drake quickly went towards his car. Putting Jim in it properly they were about to leave..

"You guys take him, I'll be there." Mia spoke turning back.