The pain you can never imagine...

She was never into fights or something like today nor did she experienced any sort of accident in her life. So getting stitches was something she can't imagine.

'Stupid girl who told you to act like a rowdy and crash her car?? Now look you will get stitches!!!" The girl was constantly screaming and cursing herself internally.

Mia bit her lower lip, tapping her left leg in nervousness. The doctor noticed her uneasiness. "Relax it will take a little time and you will not even feel it." He said in a calm voice.

"I never had any stitches... Soo I'm scared it may hurt." The girl pursed her lips tightly.

"Don't worry we'll just make that part numb." The doctor said holding an injection.

Mia gulped looking at the needle in his hand. She saw that the needle was smiling at her devilishly. ' I will cause you a pain you can never imagine.' Needle said laughing at her.

"Noooooo!!!!!" Mia screamed on top of her lungs startling the doctor.