Peter's outburst!!

Anna slowly opened her eyes that were now stained with tears and found Peter patting her head. The girl sat up abruptly. While Peter retracted his hand. "Please don't tell brother about this." Anna said.

"I never do." He answered.

Thinking again about the incident her eyes were moist. She again started sobbing. The guy panicked and quickly hugged the girl. "Don't cry.. please stop." He pleaded.

"But she did this to me..." Anna said between her sobs.

"Who did what tell me clearly." Peter asked. He too didn't know what had happened and who on earth dared to make her cry.

Anna told him everything about her plan then the accident and then her car getting crashed.

Hearing her words he felt horrible. He knew that the girl was very capable of throwing herself in troubles. But this can bring her in grave danger.

"Soo you hit the guy with your car?" He asked looking at the girl.