Bubble bubble everywhere....

"ohh.. ooooo.. hehe you mean Mia??? She has feelings for me?? Like.. ha!! Wow..." Alex was losing his mind thinking about the liking thing Mia has for him. He couldn't believe his luck.

"Yeah but I think she won't have them any longer." Peter spoke.

"After that phone call, Yeah I agree." Eddy agreed.

"Nooo!! No no no no... That's-- that's not gonna happen. I'll do something to make it up." Alex wasn't ready to lose her at any cost. He was panicking.

"Then you must apologise to her."

"How I'm gonna do that?? Ohh man.. what am I gonna do?? What if she blocks me? Or what if she unfeels about me??" He thought every possibility.

"Unfeels?? That's not a word." Peter gave a weird expression.

"Focus on my feelings not the words."

"Just check it if she had blocked you." Eddy inquired.

"Great I'll just give her a call." Alex dialled Mia's number putting Eddy on hold.