I can hear..

Somewhere in Greece,

"Good to see you Rick, where were you??" The man asked in his usual scary tone. One that would send shivers down everyone's spine.

"Had some work in Belgium." Rick replied.

"Ummhmm.. how was your little tour."

"Quite busy."

"I hope for whatever reason you went there wasn't of my concern." The man's voice was rather cold this time.

"I assure you that." Rick replied maintaining an eye contact with the demon.

"I trust you man." The man said curving his lips into an arc. Few strands falling on his cold forehead making him look more scary. The men standing at a distance gulped in fear. Only Rick could maintain an eye contact with him and could talk to him without fear.

He got up and went towards his office in his crazy rich suit. Women would go crazy over him, just for a glance at him. But the man was rather cold and and had no interest in any.