A Chicken.

"And I had no idea that he would do such cute things when he is in love." Eddy smiled looking at his friend who was busy looking at his love interest sleeping peacefully.

"And what about your cute thing??" Eva asked biting her lower lip seductively.

"It is always ready for you babe..." Eddy smiled and the couple crashed their lips sucking each other's lips hungrily. They got so engrossed in the kiss that they totally forgot about the surrounding and suddenly banged with the lamp on the table.

A loud 'Thud' sound came echoing loudly startling Alex and wakening up Mia. "Holy shit!!!!" she woke up in fear.

"Arghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" she screamed her lungs out it was loud enough to wake everyone up in the house. And to even to scare the birds out. When she saw a black shadow sitting infront of her to which Alex was completely taken aback and shouted more in fear.